Last minute 201 advice? PM please!


Active Member
On the eve of departure to 201 for a muley. Any early elk or antelope hunters with last minute words of advice? Really all that would be needed and most helpful would be a suggested spot or two to set up a promising camp, as I have never been able to make it out there before and maybe a heads up about any known major problems that I don't want to encounter driving in blind. I know I am SUPPOSED to have scouted hard all summer and fall ahead of time but before I get too slammed on that, I live 2100 miles away, have limited time and funds, and just couldnt make it work. Doing the cross country trek is a major undertaking for those in the know who have experienced it this way, and stress levels are running high right now with the last minute loose ends. I am packing my own gear, driving my own truck, pitching my own camp, and trying to just have a good time and probably the only relatively good chance at a solid muley I will ever get. DIY, solo. (unless my buddy comes through and comes along for the adventure.) I've waited 21 years for this tag and I can't wait to get there, hunt, and share anything I learn with the next patient guy/gal who draws the tag! Thanks to anyone who can lend a hand ( PM Please!) and good luck to all on any upcoming hunts.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-18 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]By the way, when I say ?promising camp? I mean like a good spot to camp from which I can hunt in a multi mile radius from, on foot, or heading off from there in the truck or ATV - NOT an ?x marks the spot? to some deer you know about!
There is what looks like a good spot to camp on Rd 10N just north of Irish Canyon approx. 2-5 miles. Don't know a thing about hunting in the area, there will be other hunters camped there perhaps they would be able to help you out.
What season? Hopefully 3rd or 4th with that many points?

Pm me I used to lease a ranch up there and I know the country well.
There is a little campground just southwest of diamond peak that may work for you. Take 72 east off of 10 about 9 miles. Bring extra gas as it's very remote and also I would recommend a atv. You can get around in a truck but the roads are rocky and rough so the arc is a much better option. No secret but look at diamond peak and areas 2-3 miles south of campground. It's been a few years for me but you should have a blast. Good luck.
Thanks all! In iowa now. Been on the road since 2 am. Still 1000 miles to go. Will I be too tired to hunt? NO WAY! lol!
Look over lots of animals and don't get in a hurry to fill your tag. Bigger bucks will start moving the later in the season it gets. Hunt early and late with naps in the afternoon. Let us know how this go!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-18 AT 00:33AM (MST)[p]CDC12CCF1055_zpsoombeazi.jpeg[/IMG][/URL]

Velvet buck in late Oct! Looks (to me) to be a mature old guy past his prime. Thoughts?
He'll look cool on the wall. Looks like nice heavy bases!

Normally if they are still holding on to their velvet this late they have a hormone issue for one reason or another. The shedding of velvet is caused by a burst in testosterone production. I shot a partial velvet buck (much smaller than yours) last year October in WY. He had a nasty leg infection from a barb wire fence that stressed his body to the point of hormone recession. Cactus bucks are produced by major tesicular disfunction.
>Was he the best you saw?
>How many other bucks Did
>you look over?

I saw about 15 or 16 bucks, most were small forkhorns, a few were decent 4 x 4?s, but obviously young. It was beatiful and warm (hot) and early so there was no pre-rutting on anyone?s mind. My buck was the biggest and clearly the oldest deer I saw. Not the most perfect rack (3 x 4 with weak back on the one forked side) but he's super interesting with the late velvet, heavy enough, generally nice looking and has got brow tines (double on one side) and he stood out from 600 yards away and gave me an opportunity to watch him for a half hour or so. Even still, it was early in the hunt, and I struggled to decide. He busted me as I set up on a rock ledge at about 200 yards, and I finally decided to trade binocs for the rifle. I had him dead to rights broadside for a long time but still didnt pull the trigger until he decided to run. I guess predator instinct took over!

I saw tons of does all over, and deer looked in good shape. My buck was fat and full of tallow. I also saw many elk, mostly small bulls and a few cows. Vigorous bugling made for an enjoyable time. Some antelope here and there on the flats, but only small bucks and does though.
Sounds like you are very happy with your buck. A fatty 3x4 with velvet, in October, solo, after a cross-country trek. Congratulations!

Post up another pic or two.
Looks like you had an awesome hunt and took a really cool velvet buck!! Don't see many like that in October! Thanks for coming back and sharing the experience!

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Drive 4200 miles hauling trailer into backcountry with no incident. Get back home and a week later a whitetail buck does this to my truck 2 miles from my house. I have thus begun exacting my revenge on his extended family... ha ha!


Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

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Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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Hunters Domain

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Flat Tops Elk Hunting

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