Lazy "Hunters"


Very Active Member
The Evolution of Lazy ?Hunters?-

Bob used to hunt the river bottoms on his family?s farm but found that fewer and fewer animals called the area on his property home. His neighbor Jared, who he had a yearly friendly bet on who would get the biggest deer, continued to show up year after year with the biggest bucks.
One day Bob asked Jared what trick he used to always beat him in there yearly wager. Jared told Bob that it was simple; he would just leave standing corn surplus standing knowing the deer would congregate around it and not wander off too far.
Bob asked Jared if it was fair since it caused animals that normally would be spread out across the private and public properties to leave others with little to hunt. Jared said he could not give a rat's ass about anyone else, and that he always got his buck and it's all that mattered to him.
Enraged, Bob was determined to teach Jared a lesson. He planted surplus crops and dammed up the creek in the river bottom creating a water hole he knew would become attractive to wildlife. Before the season, he poured corn in piles where he would be able to easily take any deer that became accustomed to eating it.
Jared lost the bet that year and complained to Bob about the amount of deer leaving his property to go over to his. Bob remarked with a smile that he did not care about anyone else and besides he got his deer and it is all that mattered.
When Jared left, Bob thought back on the way he used to hunt the river bottoms one on one with the deer. He missed it but it was better than not getting anything every year because of Jared.
One day a public land hunter after seeing the huge amount of deer on Bob?s place and little on public, knocked on his door asking for permission to hunt. Bob was resistant until the hunter offered to lease the land from him for a lot of money.
Bob took up the offer since he really had no joy in shooting deer that had practically become pets. Besides it was a possible way to retire.
Jared continued to struggle finding any deer on his place or the surrounding public lands. He was not used to having to put out that kind of effort and was not going to let Bob get the best of him.
Jared blocked the trickle of water that was left coming from Bob?s pond in the river bottom and planted more than half his crops to be left for deer. One night he secretly trespassed on Bob?s land and scared the deer the best he could over the fence separating the properties. The next day he ran a high fence no deer could jump to keep the deer from going back to Bob?s.
Bob was extremely angry about Jared?s activities and decided it was time for him to retire. He sold the farm to the hunter who had been leasing it and gave up on hunting altogether.
The hunter that now owned the property did the same as Jared and soon both had deer penned up on there properties.
Jared and the new owner of the other property selectively shot deer every year and the size of the racks became common knowledge to wealthier hunters.
Public land hunters knocked on the door asking for permission to hunt since there were few deer left to hunt in the area anymore. Both Jared and the new owner of Bob?s old place sold to the highest bidder only and turned away generations of hunters that now had there hunting areas ruined on public lands.
Most of these hunters mocked the high fence operations because they could not see the point of shooting deer that literally stared at them and did not run off when they left the properties after asking.
Soon word of the money that could be made selling large racked bucks spread and so did the same practices Jared and the owner of Bob?s land did to obtain them.
The public land hunters found more and more land and habitat being sold off and developed to grow big deer but at there expense.
When the public land hunters voiced there fears of the trend and lack of sport in the endeavors of those that took away from them more and more each year?.The response was ?You?re just jealous?
Isn?t jealousy what got the ball rolling downhill in the first place?
>So your point is that you don't like the Antelope Island hunt. I never would have guessed }>

Yup, he's still stomping his feet trying to make the whole world "fair"....... in his world.

Whatever happened to "be all you can be"? It's probably time again for the "crabs in a pot" story.

I would venture to say it is almost like that right now. How much does the nonresident have to pay to hunt elk or mule deer in New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, etc. I am sure it is 10 times what the resident has to pay. I don't see anyone complaining about the inequity of that. And yes those federal lands were paid for by the non resident tax dollars too!
Wow that is quite the story. You need to put down the beer that made you so sad and stick with drinking something else in the evenings.

Whole Milk is a good "fair" drink, and maybe quit the hunting all together, it makes you too sad.
There's a few pieces missing in the Story!

I'll only Chime in with one of them:

The Public & Private Lands were destroyed by Illegal Atv'ers but 'the ox' claimed the Quad-Queers never done any damage to niether Public or Private!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
>I would venture to say it
>is almost like that right
>now. How much does the
>nonresident have to pay to
>hunt elk or mule deer
>in New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah,
>Montana, etc. I am sure
>it is 10 times what
>the resident has to pay.
>I don't see anyone complaining
>about the inequity of that.
>And yes those federal lands
>were paid for by the
>non resident tax dollars too!

+1 Excellent post
That is a fantastic yet realistic analogy of what is happening to many hunting areas across the west. However, i think the title of your post has nothing to do with "laziness". It seems to me that you are merely stating the obvious. Land transfers and debates about hunting rights have been happening for decades and will continue to happen. "Lazy hunters" is not the phrase that you need to be using. The term that you are looking for is "Wealthy hunters", because the process that you are describing is happening and will continue to happen on any land that is not specifically designated and protected. If someone can make a profit off of it... inevitably it is going to be sold for development or changed into some sort of expensive ranch-style hunting area.
I have 3 auction tags for Jared's place if anyone is interested.

I would still side in favor of private property rights 10 out of 10 times.

I think it is more a problem of greed than laziness, although there are lots of lazy hunters. Greed has corrupted many folks in our hunting arena.
Man it is too easy to draw some of you out.
If it didn't hit a nerve in some of you then I guess you wouldn't reply.
How dare someone call out the lazy and the greedy?
Because they are the ones taking the rights away from the majority of the hunters.
BTW- Yes 80% that responded are known SFW cheerleaders.
Go figure.

Many new MM members do not see the the actual story behind the "hunts" some of you go on.
If they did then lazy would actually fit the headline perfectly.
The lazy banding together attacking the truth does not bother me in the least.
Myself and many others on MM actually hunt.
Here is the true story to the lazy "hunters" pet racks on the wall-
Well Mr Thesnack,
I didn't know that we were not supposed to rely to your post. God knows that if someone has a different opinion than you then they must be wrong.
You are certainly set in you ways and have to be one of the most petty, insecure, people I've ever run into on MM.
I'm sure that nobody hunts as hard as you do so I guess we shouldn't even try.
Yours is a prime example of pride, mixed with petty, laced with jealousy.
I hope you don't fall off that high-horse of yours or you might get hurt.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you!
A proud member of the "I don't know it all but Jerry does" club.
Facts must of hurt your feelers again ZekeSFW.
You may find this hard to believe but some like to actually hear the truth..
I am thick skinned and do not mind the "posse" riding in to try and do damage control.
Usually when individuals disagree on something they do think the other person is wrong. Go figure.
Trying to hide laziness, making up lies and taking away other hunters rights usually does that to sportsman.
If you think this is just me go back and read the other posts in the muledeer section.
Fact? Really? From you?

You have your opinions and that's fine but you must be insane to actually believe they are facts. Contrary to your belief you do NOT have all the answers and your way isn't the only way and you're not the only person who hunts hard (whatever that means to you). Jerry, jerry, jerry, YOU need help my little friend.

I think you'll be giving yourself too much credit, again, if you think for a minute that you can hurt my feelings. I think you must be over-compensating for something someone did to you when you were little(r).

My hope is that you can have a great Thanksgiving, even though you'll be choking on turkey every time you think about the RICH farmer (and he leases his land) who provided the feast for you.

Grow up Jerry!

Might this also be titled "The Evolution of the Smart ?Hunters?

If I owned a big chunk of land I might do the same thing.

Fortunatly there are millions and millions of acers of public land to hunt. Why would I covet a private landowner's land? I'm perfectly comfortable living my own life.

I would be worried more about elkassassin's concerns about illegal quads, wolves, and poachers than what private property owners are doing.

A lot of private ranches do a lot better with wildlife management than the State or the Feds. That's why so many hunters hunt the property lines on public land, hoping an animal will get caught on the wrong side of the fence.

Jerry, I like you too but you should get over it. I think about all the Wilderness areas I hunt. No motorized vehicles allowed. That's where NO MATTER how much money some guy has you're on equal terms. In fact you get to hike into areas that no rich fat lazy hunters will ever be seen. Their money can't buy them access to all that prime hunting, so they're done!

Look at all the things we're blessed with Jerry.

Elkass! Exactly what i was thinking, you took the words outta my mouth!
Your sooo smart! pat yourself on the back!
Just checkin to see if you're still payin attention ox!:D

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
If you own it, you should be able to do whatever you want with it (land). If someone wants to tell you to do otherwise they can un*** some $ to buy it from you so their opinion matters. This includes damming unnavigable waterways, erecting game proof fences...even if it encloses 100% of winter range, leaving standing crops, or leasing it to the highest bidder.
>The original native americans would call
>us all "lazy"
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

They know I'm not, I can stay up all weekend playing blackjack at the casinos. :D
sounds like every hunting show I see on TV. Huge private farms with food plots specifically and strategicaly planted just for deer. Sounds alot like the CWMU program here in Utah.

Makes me wish I had 100,000 acres of private land to hunt all by myself.
Elkass. Been a bit busy running the quad all over the country side. However, I do make the occasional stop by MM. Thanks for checking on me!.. You should check out the new trails I made! I have run them down enough a side x side will fit on them. Anyway let me know if ya wanna check them out, they go into this cool canyon. Gotta be some big bucks in there cause someone put up a stupid sign saying stay on existing trails. I know there just tryingt o keep me out. Oh got these new tires too they really dig holes when i hold the front brake down and idg dig dig! LOVE IT!
But you tore the Hell out of Mother Earth without really doing any Damage,right ox?

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
Lmao just think... if all these greedy" landowners"didn't limit hunters and grow the herds for their own benefit, all the greedy public hunters would shoot every 3" spike just to say they got theirs..... most hunters are only concerned about themselves. there is greed on both sides of the fence!!!

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