Lead ban coming


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Lead kills 1st Yellowstone golden eagle fitted with tracker

CHEYENNE, Wyo. ? The first golden eagle in Yellowstone National Park fitted with a tracking device has died of lead poisoning, likely after consuming bullet fragments while scavenging the remains of an animal killed by a hunter, officials said Monday.

Wearing a GPS unit like a backpack, the adult, female eagle had flown outside Yellowstone into areas where hunters pursue game such as elk and deer.

The death of the bird was a setback for golden eagle research in Yellowstone but not the end. Several other golden eagles at the park have been fitted with tracking devices.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-19 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Just like the ban on using lead shot for waterfowl effectively ended duck hunting forever, this will be the end of hunting in Wyoming. There is simply no other alternative but to hang it up. It must be those dang liberals again, they probably poisoned the eagle themselves to achieve their secret goal of making hunters use copper bullets. Hunter recruitment will plummet, kids will stay indoors, wolves will finish off the last Yellowstone elk before starving to death in their first winter without a food source and the conspiracy will be complete. Gasp!


My post above was clearly hyperbolic, but there's truth to the next part... if hunters would've played chess instead of checkers and self-policed as good stewards of wildlife, even non-game wildlife, by voluntarily using non-lead bullets when the science on lead poisoning in raptors became evident... this maybe wouldn't have happened.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, both in this type of stuff and with tasteless social media posts. We can't convince the anti-hunters to support us, but we need to stop giving them the ammo used to convince the non-hunters to become anti-hunters.

>AT 10:21?PM (MST)

>Just like the ban on using
>lead shot for waterfowl effectively
>ended duck hunting forever, this
>will be the end of
>hunting in Wyoming. There is
>simply no other alternative but
>to hang it up. It
>must be those dang liberals
>again, they probably poisoned the
>eagle themselves to achieve their
>secret goal of making hunters
>use copper bullets. Hunter recruitment
>will plummet, kids will stay
>indoors, wolves will finish off
>the last Yellowstone elk before
>starving to death in their
>first winter without a food
>source and the conspiracy will
>be complete. Gasp!
>And just think, if only hunters
>would've played chess instead of
>checkers and self-policed as good
>stewards of wildlife, even non-game
>wildlife, by voluntarily using non-lead
>bullets when the science on
>lead poisoning in raptors became
>evident... this maybe wouldn't have

Why are the condors still dying of lead poison in the lead free zone in California? A solution to an unproven conclusion never solves a problem.

DW, your willful ignorance is great fodder to reveal truths to those that don't live in fear of those they disagree with. I feel bad for you, and the poor kids that have to hear you yell at them to "Get off my lawn" every morning as they walk to school.

Here's some verbiage from Utah and Arizona Game & Fish departments. I guess you must be convinced they're members of the secret anti-hunter cabal too.

PS. The percentage of condors receiving lead treatment is decreasing in lead-free zones. Looking at basal numbers fails to take into account the ongoing recovery of the birds.

"We can put it on the calendar that every year right after the deer hunt there's going to be a huge spike in condor lead poisoning." - AZGF

"As of fall 2014, biologists were pleased that substantially fewer condors in the Arizona-Utah population had to be treated for lead exposure. Only 13 birds were treated from Sept. 1, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2014, as compared to 28 birds that were treated during the same period the previous year." - UDWR

Willful ignorance, that's rich. If its lead free why are there any condors needing treatment of lead poison? The conclusion my willfully ignorant mind would draw is that there must be another source of lead they're coming in contact with rather than proclaiming "problem solved, case closed!"

>If its
>lead free why are there
>any condors needing treatment of
>lead poison?

If there are speed limits, why do police have radar guns?



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>Poor analogy.

I think what his analogy is pointing out is that despite laws regulating speed, some people will still drive as fast as they want. Despite laws regulating bullets, some folks will still shoot what they want.
Anybody done a Study on Quackers?

There's enough Lead and Nasty Other Crap in Utah Lake/Farmington Bay You could never clean it up!

I Do believe alot of Condors have died from Lead Poisoning though!

Just Not Ingested in the same way!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
If a dead golden leads to a full on lead bullet ban then seems like a pretty easy change to cope with. Not sure why anyone that would get twisted up over a change as easy as this.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-19 AT 07:14AM (MST)[p]Just another faction of the Left Wing Agenda. As a hunter and a Biologist, no way do I believe that Eagle died from ingesting lead from a hunters bullet.
How convenient.
Like the guy in the video said, copper is toxic to birds too. Although it doesn't fragment like lead, there is still a chance. For now, I guess we'll live with it.
>Like the guy in the video
>said, copper is toxic to
>birds too. Although it doesn't
>fragment like lead

Salt is toxic too in the right dosages. The difference in lead and copper is clear to see in x-ray imagery.





Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>Like the guy in the video
>>said, copper is toxic to
>>birds too. Although it doesn't
>>fragment like lead
>Salt is toxic too in the
>right dosages. The difference in
>lead and copper is clear
>to see in x-ray imagery.


>Ask yourself if you agree with
>the following statement...
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News

I've been through a 2 hour seminar on lead ammo and made the switch. I'm waiting for a Condor to gulp a shiny copper bullet now.
Condors and Eagles all die just as quickly from copper as they do lead. The trick is to hit them center mass ;-)
I won't loose much sleep on switching if they still allow lead ammo to be shot at ranges (where it shouldn't be a threat). Then use copper for actual hunts.

It does give me pause on my ranch when I drive by a gutpile the next day and see hawks and golden eagles eating on it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
A ban is a bad idea. Pretending that lead has no effect is silly too. I've told the story here about Golden Eagles my dad and I would keep track of in our hunting grounds. There were several pairs and we would see them often. Some of those times we were blasting Prairie dogs or Jack Rabbits by the dozens using Spitzers, Blitz and Match King, or whatever lead we had. We kept seeing them, this is before the hype of lead poisoning was talked about. We might have helped them develop a lead immunity because they would no doubt feed on our kills. Now that I know about the lead problems with raptors and scavengers, I will shoot different ammo around them. Go ahead and call me stupid. But I don't support any type of lead ban. Humans are capable of doing the right thing over time without a law telling them.
While you do have a valid point about windmills, I have never bought into the:
"something else is just as bad, so we can't stop doing this" argument.

Each topic needs to stand alone on its merits and problems.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
are there actually hunters that are alright with spreading toxins in are wildland when you don't have to, are condors not worth saving.We should not need new laws right, wrong, unfortunately it takes a few people to protect the rest.It will be the hunters fighting the most to keep spreading the toxin, and if the copper kills the birds it wont be from poison. How hard does the proof need to be.As a bird hunter I have actually eaten lots of lead and the only problem I know of, is broken teeth.I will always put wildlife first and lead free is a small contribution to the protection of wildlife, now only if we could keep cars from running every thing over,and not lose so much habitat we would be good.Were do you start were do you stop trying to do right,I have hunted in lead ban areas for more than a decade,copper does the job.
Power lines heading to the big cities kill more condors and goldens than all combined. Wont hear much about it on the 5 o'clock news. Doesn't fit the agenda. Bh1
So they don't die from P-dog that are shot. Because I have seen a whole lot of hawks,crows,buzzards and more then a few eagles come soaring in to eat all those P-dog we had shot by the hundreds.
Never heard that it was because of us shooting all those P-Dog,But now it Big Game Elk and Deer hunters and their evil hunting that is the causing the death of these birds.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I stated this on another forum when the topic of California Condors being reintroduced into Oregon came up - I'd gladly find a non-lead load for my rifle if they'll let me start shooting "wild" horses with it so I could give the condors something to eat. Until then, no thanks.
You Can't Shoot KALI Kondors!

The Perty Birdie hasn't been Shot down yet!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
It's just one more paper cut attempt that the anti-hunters/tree huggers are using to ban hunting. I prefer to use all copper Barnes TSX bullets for hunting but it sure as hell isn't because of birds. I melt down and cast a lot of lead bullets and I'm not dead yet.
So I listened to Adam Weatherby the other day. He got going on polymers.

I'm not sure I get the "agenda" conspiracy. In order to make sense, you'd have to not buy bullets, or better yet not have an alternative.

But then I guess I don't frequent places in my lead gas car, painted with lead paint on my way to shoot ducks with lead. I do know that lead seems to be not desirable cuz it impairs cognitive ability.

But what do I know, I felt the asbestos bans were heavy handed

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm curious as to how the eagle died from eating a big game gut pile in April. Last time I checked our Wyoming regulations we don't have many big game seasons open in April. And by now, it'd be awful tough to be sure where an October gut pile was located, much less get anything to eat out of it.

Would the lead have been ingested six months ago and the eagle just now died? I know it was slow on the Romans, but don't know the LD50 for an eagle.

And along these lines, don't forget all of those wind turbines that we have to have for green energy. They kill a whole lot of eagles and other raptors. Maybe we should rely on good old Wyoming coal for our power needs and shut down the wind turbines if we're going to take this seriously. I'd wager those turbines and power lines kill a LOT more eagles than ingested lead.

And will we be able to shoot squirrels or rabbits or prairie dogs with a 22 rimfire and lead bullets?

This discussion opens up a whole lot of other issues.
>When they ban Windmills because they
>kill eagles I will gladly
>give up my lead ammo.

Truer words were never spoken.
I should also mention that I have lived in this same area for over 40 years and I pay attention to wildlife. There are lots more eagles now than there were in the past.

A reservoir near where I live is a place where waterfowl hang out during the day. I can count 20 eagles in one sighting many times there. The eagles have an increasing population.

And they are lethal predators. Apex predators. If any of you haven't watched an eagle kill an antelope or a deer, you have missed something. They are good at their craft. And the coyotes, foxes, crows, ravens, magpies and more follow those eagles because they know something is going to die.

I've watched eagles kill more than one wild turkey in a day by my house just for the sport of it. They kill one, eat a little, then fly off and kill another animal later. And in the meantime, some other critter has cleaned up the first kill. I also think eagles like fresh kills because they can eat without having to battle those other animals for food. The eagles seem to find it easier to just go kill another critter than to argue with a coyote or fox or other critters about something they killed earlier.
And Still here We are!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>So I listened to Adam Weatherby
>the other day. He
>got going on polymers.
>I'm not sure I get the
>"agenda" conspiracy. In order
>to make sense, you'd have
>to not buy bullets, or
>better yet not have an
>But then I guess I don't
>frequent places in my lead
>gas car, painted with lead
>paint on my way to
>shoot ducks with lead.
>I do know that lead
>seems to be not desirable
>cuz it impairs cognitive ability.
>But what do I know, I
>felt the asbestos bans were
>heavy handed
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Will there be a buyback program?

Their numbers in the contiguous 48 U.S. states are steady but not as high as they could be, partly due to collisions with vehicles and wind turbines.

Dam, I hope we don't have to go back to riding horses?? and no more wind turbines? Well hell, just burn us at the stake!
You guys are so wrapped up in your conspiracy theories, did you even bother to read the story? Not once does it suggest a ban on lead, and in fact, it cites one of the researchers stating that it should be a choice, not mandatory. Take off the tinfoil hats and take a deep breath. Personally, with the advancements in bullet tech, and the research into harmful effects of lead fragements (including humans), I dont know why anyone would continue to use lead. But, to each his own I guess.
>You guys are so wrapped up
>in your conspiracy theories, did
>you even bother to read
>the story? Not once
>does it suggest a ban
>on lead, and in fact,
>it cites one of the
>researchers stating that it should
>be a choice, not mandatory.
> Take off the tinfoil
>hats and take a deep
>breath. Personally, with the
>advancements in bullet tech, and
>the research into harmful effects
>of lead fragements (including humans),
>I dont know why anyone
>would continue to use lead.
> But, to each
>his own I guess.

Have you heard of California?

1 bird dies over lead so they say and know they will make a big huge stink

thousands die from those dumb wind farms that cost us millions and don't output crap but lets not important cause that is what the liberals want
They have no evidence the eagle died from a hunter's lead bullet. Read the story, and notice the slant.

While skeptical, I can believe the eagle died from lead poisoning as claimed in the article, but they have no idea the source of the lead that was ingested.

There are thousands of sources of lead in the environment these days. From wheel weights to fishing lures to bullets, industrial processes and perhaps even from elevated lead levels in fish themselves due to mining, no one knows how this eagle ended up with elevated lead levels.

It is the leap to assume it must be from a hunter's bullet that shows the agenda, not the science. And once you acknowledge there IS an agenda, you realize science be damned.

I would prefer to follow the science. Feed a few captive eagles a lead bullet or two, and see how long they take to fall over dead. I think you would be surprised to see in many instances, the eagles will pass the bullets (fragments) without effect. Run the experiment, don't just rely on a computer model.

Oh, wait. That may not further the agenda..

You can bet that a lead ban is coming to Western states that have liberal Democrats as a majority in your state law makers. They will listen to the radical enviros even if they do not have complete facts.
That ban will include all lead bullets for the purpose of hunting. That means the 22 rimfire ammo will be included that is used to hunt small game.
Has anybody priced non lead 22 rimfire ammo. There is only two brands that I have heard of and they can name their price or you do without.
Barnes was happy to see the lead ban in CA. as it meant more sales of their ammo.
In the mean time I have stock piled over a thousand pounds of lead alloy for casting my own bullets to shoot at my home range. They did not ban doing that in CA. only for the purpose of hunting must non lead bullets be used.

Dove season starting here will be only steel shot.
WHAT LEAD BAN the one they have put on us hunters,
Haven't see the lead ban on tire weights yet.
More animals get killed by cars then we can kill in a short season.
Cars kill year around.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
?I stated this on another forum when the topic of California Condors being reintroduced into Oregon came up - I'd gladly find a non-lead load for my rifle if they'll let me start shooting "wild" horses with it so I could give the condors something to eat. Until then, no thanks.?

Best response yet, I'm on board with this...
>?I stated this on another forum
>when the topic of California
>Condors being reintroduced into Oregon
>came up - I'd gladly
>find a non-lead load for
>my rifle if they'll let
>me start shooting "wild" horses
>with it so I could
>give the condors something to
>eat. Until then, no thanks.?
>Best response yet, I'm on board
>with this...

That's a BIG 'If' Tikka!:D

These Feral Horses have been outa Hand for Many Years but it's gettin worse!

If the DWR would start a Draw/Season for them We'd see a Few KALI Boys Hauling them back to KALI Strapped to the Front Bumper!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-19 AT 07:47AM (MST)[p]When I first started drywalling with my dad there were a lot of older painters around who had painted with lead, then oil.

Those guys were SLOW. Beyond SLOW. That stuff ain't good for people. Obviously not birds either.

But I also remember the end of waterfowl hunting when lead was banned. I remember how that steel was going to destroy my 870. 4 bird limits, split short seasons. Now I hunt them from Oct(September for youth) until mid Feb. 7 bird limits, etc, etc. And that 870 shot another case of it this year, on its original barrel.

But this one is a PR bonanza.

We, as hunters should start ASAP with PR material about how we want Condors and eagles to thrive, clean land, clean water. As such we as hunters have decided to impose a lead ban on ourselves. 5 year grace period to burn off our lead shells. The manufacturers would have time to run through inventory, set up for alternatives.

Its funny that we have gone from muskets to AR, but we freak out at the thought of bullet changes.

Lead will go away. We can either take up the push, gain PR points, or do what we always do, sit back and #####. I keep hoping one day we will stop fighting battles just for the sake of fighting, not because we believe lead is a good thing.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

Knock off your "thinking towards a logical conclusion" stuff and start stockpiling lead ingots. That is a way more rational response.
There is a very logical reason I have stock piled lead ingots for bullet casting.
CA. has banned purchasing ammo on the internet from dealers that you can get the best prices. Now it must be a face to face CA. dealer that has to purchase a license from CA. to sell ammo and keep records. That has caused the dealer here to drive up his prices for ammo due to regulations and lack of competition from the big ammo suppliers.
I look for in the future CA. will get around to stopping internet sales of reloading bullets, powder, & brass. If that day comes. I will be casting bullets for about 10 different calibers for shooting at my home range. I do not have a problem with using non lead bullets for hunting if it IS IN FACT A DANGER TO PREATORY BIRDS. I have a problem with false facts in order to push a agenda by questionable enviro radicals.
I recall a insider to the condor program stating that they had one condor that was raised in cavity and it showed high lead levels as the wild ones and it had never eaten shot gut piles or animals. I recall one report that condors will roost on city water towers and those water towers were painted with lead paint that is now peeling off after many years of outdoor exposure.

We have other cases of radicals falsifying facts or information while trying to restrict hunting or even logging by claiming the area was home to animals on the endanger list and they got caught at planting hair from endanger animals on barb wire fences trying to show those endanger animals were making that area home.
RELH, all of what you just stated is heading east into Utah... they ******* up Cali and now they're looking for new ground to do the same too...

some people are just blind to what's happening around them...
If copper was better at killin than lead we would have switched to it years ago. Save yer $ comments, we all know guys on here spendin $100+/box on high caliber/quality ammo.

>If copper was better at killin
>than lead we would have
>switched to it years ago.
>Save yer $ comments, we
>all know guys on here
>spendin $100+/box on high caliber/quality

Many people have.

Technology typically tends to advance. As it advances, cost tends to decrease. Do you really think what we have today is going to be the same in a decade?



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
You'd be hard pressed to find one that switched solely because they thought it killed better. Theres a reason we've been shootin lead for near a couple hundred years.

I think the point is that "necessity is the mother of invention"

When we are forced to change (and I think it is when, not if) then we will design new and better ways for alternate bullets to work more effectively.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>You'd be hard pressed to find
>one that switched solely because
>they thought it killed better.
>Theres a reason we've been
>shootin lead for near a
>couple hundred years.

Dudes used to use punt guns. Dynamite fish, etc, etc, etc. All of which "killed better" My 30-06 kills a he'll of a lot better than an AR. Yet AR are the bigger seller. I'm guessing because the customer wants an AR.

Your correct. Not polluting the land we claim to love would be a "force".

Considering the drawing odds in Arizona and Southern Utah, I don't think shooting copper has destroyed anything.

I get you just like to fight. Buts what's your reasoning? Lead isn't a pollutant? Lead contamination isn't a thing?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hoss I could give you the latest and greatest metal detector and the rest of your life, and you wouldn't fill a baby jar with the lead you found in your favorite hunting spot. This whole "ya but if it will save one life" mentality from the left is nothing but bricks in the pockets of people trying to be successful, employing hard workin people. Sure I like to argue, but it's with a purpose, to expose the idiocy of some of the things put on americans that supposedly cure a problem that really doesn't exist!

$100 a box is cheap wish it was still that price.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I Hear there's a place in KALI you could start a High Grade Lead Recovery Operation!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Bess I am not giving up
>my lead supply.

I Wasn't really relating that Post to You RELH!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I'm excited. This lead ban will mean that in all of the west the draw odds will be as easy as they are in Southern Utah and Arizona.

I mean look at how waterfowling was destroyed by a lead ban. We went from split seasons, and 4 bird limits to 5 month seasons and 7 bird limits. Waterfowlings golden age was snuffed out when lead disappeared.

Ill save you DW. This has Land Tawneys fingerprints all over it.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-19 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]>I'm excited. This lead ban
>will mean that in all
>of the west the draw
>odds will be as easy
>as they are in Southern
>Utah and Arizona.
>I mean look at how waterfowling
>was destroyed by a lead
>ban. We went from
>split seasons, and 4 bird
>limits to 5 month seasons
>and 7 bird limits.
>Waterfowlings golden age was snuffed
>out when lead disappeared.
>Ill save you DW. This
>has Land Tawneys fingerprints all
>over it.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Lol! No doubt it was definitely due to the lead ban!:D C'mon hoss I had you pegged for smarter than grizz. Why ya gotta let me down?

The War On Science is all the rage now. Folks who wouldn't know the scientific method from the rhythm method can yuk it up about how science doesn't mean crap - and that's the way it is these days.

Among other things, it will ultimately be our downfall.
>AT 01:17?PM (MST)

>>I'm excited. This lead ban
>>will mean that in all
>>of the west the draw
>>odds will be as easy
>>as they are in Southern
>>Utah and Arizona.
>>I mean look at how waterfowling
>>was destroyed by a lead
>>ban. We went from
>>split seasons, and 4 bird
>>limits to 5 month seasons
>>and 7 bird limits.
>>Waterfowlings golden age was snuffed
>>out when lead disappeared.
>>Ill save you DW. This
>>has Land Tawneys fingerprints all
>>over it.
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>Lol! No doubt it was definitely
>due to the lead ban!:D
>C'mon hoss I had you
>pegged for smarter than grizz.
>Why ya gotta let me

IConsidering your idea of smart is Alex Jones, ALC, and Coast to Coast, I'm good with that.

But what do I know. Cars were destroyed when lead was taken out of the gas, and paint ain't the same without lead so I guess I see your tin hat conspiracy as just that.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-19
>>AT 01:17?PM (MST)

>>>I'm excited. This lead ban
>>>will mean that in all
>>>of the west the draw
>>>odds will be as easy
>>>as they are in Southern
>>>Utah and Arizona.
>>>I mean look at how waterfowling
>>>was destroyed by a lead
>>>ban. We went from
>>>split seasons, and 4 bird
>>>limits to 5 month seasons
>>>and 7 bird limits.
>>>Waterfowlings golden age was snuffed
>>>out when lead disappeared.
>>>Ill save you DW. This
>>>has Land Tawneys fingerprints all
>>>over it.
>>>"I don't care if the season
>>>is closed. Get off your
>>>butt and go hunt them"
>>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>>Lol! No doubt it was definitely
>>due to the lead ban!:D
>>C'mon hoss I had you
>>pegged for smarter than grizz.
>>Why ya gotta let me
>IConsidering your idea of smart is
>Alex Jones, ALC, and Coast
>to Coast, I'm good with
>But what do I know.
>Cars were destroyed when lead
>was taken out of the
>gas, and paint ain't the
>same without lead so I
>guess I see your tin
>hat conspiracy as just that.
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

So you really dont know why we have more ducks today and longer seasons than 25yrs ago?

I'm assuming its because waterfowl was destroyed with the lead ban so no one hunts them? After all all our shotguns were destroyed by shooting steel. The Buisnesses that made lead shells all went bankrupt. Those damn green decoys completely eliminated waterfowl with that one.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
We have half the waterfowlers we had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't speculate to guess why that is, it's simply a fact. Imagine if our big game hunters were suddenly cut in half. They'd probably let you kill a half dozen elk over a six month season! But you're welcome to keep believin its because of the lead ban.

>We have half the waterfowlers we
>had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't
>speculate to guess why that
>is, it's simply a
>fact. Imagine if our big
>game hunters were suddenly cut
>in half. They'd probably let
>you kill a half dozen
>elk over a six month
>season! But you're welcome to
>keep believin its because of
>the lead ban.

Says the guy that believes Field & Stream, AmmoLand, and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers are secret liberal anti-hunting conspiracies... and Richard Berman is a credible source of information.

>>We have half the waterfowlers we
>>had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't
>>speculate to guess why that
>>is, it's simply a
>>fact. Imagine if our big
>>game hunters were suddenly cut
>>in half. They'd probably let
>>you kill a half dozen
>>elk over a six month
>>season! But you're welcome to
>>keep believin its because of
>>the lead ban.
>Says the guy that believes Field
>& Stream, AmmoLand, and Backcountry
>Hunters & Anglers are secret
>liberal anti-hunting conspiracies... and Richard
>Berman is a credible source
>of information.

Straight from a source you trust Grizz.


Now give me a link that proves Land didn't work for an elect Obama political action committee.

>We have half the waterfowlers we
>had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't
>speculate to guess why that
>is, it's simply a
>fact. Imagine if our big
>game hunters were suddenly cut
>in half. They'd probably let
>you kill a half dozen
>elk over a six month
>season! But you're welcome to
>keep believin its because of
>the lead ban.

Lots of reasons.

1. Waterfowl is not that great table fare wise.
2. Leasing
3. expensive to get set up (decoys, shotguns, dogs, trailers, calls, etc.)
4. crowding on areas you can hunt
5. Aging hunting population
6. Access laws changing

Same stuff that's impacting other hunting.

I used to hunt lots of waterfowl, no fewer than a hundred ducks/geese a year between 1979-2001, when you could hunt anywhere that wasn't posted in Montana. Back when leases were about unheard of. Back when I could give away all the ducks and geese to people I knew who enjoyed eating them.

That's why I don't hunt them anymore, all of that has changed.

Last ducks I killed were on Kodiak Island about 10 years ago...shot a harlequin, a pair of long-tailed ducks, and a bufflehead to have them mounted.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-19 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]>>We have half the waterfowlers we
>>had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't
>>speculate to guess why that
>>is, it's simply a
>>fact. Imagine if our big
>>game hunters were suddenly cut
>>in half. They'd probably let
>>you kill a half dozen
>>elk over a six month
>>season! But you're welcome to
>>keep believin its because of
>>the lead ban.
>Lots of reasons.
>1. Waterfowl is not that great
>table fare wise.
>2. Leasing
>3. expensive to get set up
>(decoys, shotguns, dogs, trailers, calls,
>4. crowding on areas you can
>5. Aging hunting population
>6. Access laws changing
>Same stuff that's impacting other hunting.
>I used to hunt lots of
>waterfowl, no fewer than a
>hundred ducks/geese a year between
>1979-2001, when you could hunt
>anywhere that wasn't posted in
>Montana. Back when leases were
>about unheard of. Back when
>I could give away all
>the ducks and geese to
>people I knew who enjoyed
>eating them.
>That's why I don't hunt them
>anymore, all of that has
>Last ducks I killed were on
>Kodiak Island about 10 years
>ago...shot a harlequin, a pair
>of long-tailed ducks, and a
>bufflehead to have them mounted.

Agree buzz. The only one pretending to tout the lead ban as the reason we have more birds, bigger bag limits and longer seasons is hoss. Got a pic of the harlequin mounts? They're a beautiful bird!

I do have pics of the mounts...they turned out great. Only other bird I regret not having mounted was a very old Ross's goose I shot in Montana.



Long tailed pair:


My personal favorite, just like the 'tude on this duck:

The harlequin looks great! Lol I think every bufflehead I've ever seen mounted including the one I have has that same "you talkin to me?" posture! I'm guessin it helps the taxidermist in showing off that classic head of feathers.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-19 AT 11:51AM (MST)[p]>
>Now give me a link that
>proves Land didn't work for
>an elect Obama political action

How about we advance the discussion to the crux of the matter since you believe that everything Republican is good and everything Democrat is bad. I'll point out here how you still failed to address Trumps gun ban from our previous thread but pretend Obama is out to get guns when clearly the only federal gun control passed in the last several decades was done by your anointed one. Yet the Trumpeters and NRA sit quietly with their heads in the corner and shut up as they're told.

Find a source that proves Ronald Reagan wasn't a registered Democrat. Find a source that proves Donald Trump wasn't a registered Democrat. Find a source that proves Trump didn't give a fortune to the Clinton's, Kamala Harris, and Rahm Emanuel only a short while ago. TRUMP FUNDED THEIR ELECTIONS!!!

The problem with seeing everything in red and blue is that even when you think you see red, its often really blue. Try not to only look for the letter after a politicians name and look at the content of their character.

But instead you keep voting for the people who are enacting real gun control. TODAY! While running up trillion dollar deficits in times of peace and prosperity. Obama was far more fiscally conservative, and that was during war and a recession. He used a massive influx of federal funds to prop up the economy... what do you think Trump is doing? And with these huge deficits in this economy, what will be required at the next downturn? A 2 Trillion dollar deficit? But I guess that will be okay as long as its a Republican, right? Where is the intellectual honesty in that?

>AT 10:57?AM (MST)

>>>We have half the waterfowlers we
>>>had 25yrs ago. I wouldn't
>>>speculate to guess why that
>>>is, it's simply a
>>>fact. Imagine if our big
>>>game hunters were suddenly cut
>>>in half. They'd probably let
>>>you kill a half dozen
>>>elk over a six month
>>>season! But you're welcome to
>>>keep believin its because of
>>>the lead ban.
>>Lots of reasons.
>>1. Waterfowl is not that great
>>table fare wise.
>>2. Leasing
>>3. expensive to get set up
>>(decoys, shotguns, dogs, trailers, calls,
>>4. crowding on areas you can
>>5. Aging hunting population
>>6. Access laws changing
>>Same stuff that's impacting other hunting.
>>I used to hunt lots of
>>waterfowl, no fewer than a
>>hundred ducks/geese a year between
>>1979-2001, when you could hunt
>>anywhere that wasn't posted in
>>Montana. Back when leases were
>>about unheard of. Back when
>>I could give away all
>>the ducks and geese to
>>people I knew who enjoyed
>>eating them.
>>That's why I don't hunt them
>>anymore, all of that has
>>Last ducks I killed were on
>>Kodiak Island about 10 years
>>ago...shot a harlequin, a pair
>>of long-tailed ducks, and a
>>bufflehead to have them mounted.
>Agree buzz. The only one pretending
>to tout the lead ban
>as the reason we have
>more birds, bigger bag limits
>and longer seasons is hoss.
>Got a pic of the
>harlequin mounts? They're a beautiful

I realize all that green decoy being fed to you via spoon means you struggle with comprehension. I said simply that we all heard "the end of waterfowl hunting" when the lead ban hit. It did not.

I'm sure decreasing numbers contribute, but in my state( I live 2 miles from GSL wetlands), hunters have contributed a ton to wetland creation and protection. Fueled in no small part via STEEL SHOT purchases supporting Pittman tax.

I keep waiting for your link to how lead IS NOT a pollutant, doesn't cause mental issues in humans, or death in birds/other mammals.


I already checked with Berman, Alex Jones, and Art Bell(RIP). They haven't published it yet.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I sure didn't stop shooting ducks when we went to steel, and if you tried to change me back to lead and be 500 ft per second slower I would fight it all the way.I live in ca. and have been using copper bullets for 20 years, I know I didn't kill condors but it sure didn't help the deer and pigs.
>AT 11:51?AM (MST)

>>Now give me a link that
>>proves Land didn't work for
>>an elect Obama political action
>How about we advance the discussion
>to the crux of the
>matter since you believe that
>everything Republican is good and
>everything Democrat is bad. I'll
>point out here how you
>still failed to address Trumps
>gun ban from our previous
>thread but pretend Obama is
>out to get guns when
>clearly the only federal gun
>control passed in the last
>several decades was done by
>your anointed one. Yet the
>Trumpeters and NRA sit quietly
>with their heads in the
>corner and shut up as
>they're told.
>Find a source that proves Ronald
>Reagan wasn't a registered Democrat.
>Find a source that proves
>Donald Trump wasn't a registered
>Democrat. Find a source that
>proves Trump didn't give a
>fortune to the Clinton's, Kamala
>Harris, and Rahm Emanuel only
>a short while ago. TRUMP
>The problem with seeing everything in
>red and blue is that
>even when you think you
>see red, its often really
>blue. Try not to only
>look for the letter after
>a politicians name and look
>at the content of their
>But instead you keep voting for
>the people who are enacting
>real gun control. TODAY! While
>running up trillion dollar deficits
>in times of peace and
>prosperity. Obama was far more
>fiscally conservative, and that was
>during war and a recession.
>He used a massive influx
>of federal funds to prop
>up the economy... what do
>you think Trump is doing?
>And with these huge deficits
>in this economy, what will
>be required at the next
>downturn? A 2 Trillion dollar
>deficit? But I guess that
>will be okay as long
>as its a Republican, right?
>Where is the intellectual honesty
>in that?

Grizz you state the current Republican President is the only President to do a Federal gun ban in the last several decades. Most resemble pepole consider several as 3 so by that measure we go back 30 years which takes us to the late nineties which Democratic President Clinton pushed and signed the most invasive gun ban in the history of the United States.
I know grizz like so many other times you make inflammatory comments you will disappear and not comment on facts. You are a fine representative Democrat.

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