Lead Sled Help or Suggestion


Active Member
I just bought a Caldwell Lead Sled (Original Design)shooting rest. Been wanting one for quite some time. It will come in handy while patterning my turkey guns and my magnum hunting rifles. It is recommended that bags of shot(per 25 lbs.) be used for the weight. Up to 100 lbs. of weight may be added to reduce recoil. Most use 50 lbs or 2 bags of lead shot and get good results.

So here is where I am seeking some help or asking for suggestions. The price of lead shot is crazy. Most retailers are selling 25 lbs. of lead shot for approx. $50.00 a pop. Thus far, I have thought of substituting the lead shot with bags of sand. It's going to take a bunch of sand to equal the weight of lead shot. If anyone is familiar with the design of the Lead Sled, not too much room is available to accommodate large items in the sled.

What do you guys recommend I use to get approximately 50 lbs. of weight on the Lead Sled? Maybe there is someone out there that has figured this out. Thanks in advance....Crazyelk
I would head down to the shop where i buy my tires. I know that they sell their used lead tire weights as scrap to be recycled but you may know the guy in charge... you might get those bags or ones like them filled nicely for a case or two of brew.
I don't use any weight. Unless you are shooting terrible recoillers it is fine empty

I shoot off of sandbags. I take an old pair of blue jeans, cut the leg off at the hole in the knee, and fill it with sand, and stitch both ends shut. They are fairly heavy. Maybe you could fill them with the tire wieghts like suggested? The blue jean legs make a nice compact bag at no cost.

Maybe this idea can help you out?
It's all a matter of perspective. A few bags of lead shot are still a heck of a lot cheaper than a lead sled.
Be careful with that thing. It won't allow any give so your stock takes all the shock.

I saw a guy bust a stock up on a Winchester super grade and he wasn't a happy man.
what ever you do dont shoot it off the hood of a chevy they tend to not hold up against the scratches. Havnt shoe anything big on it yet, but it didnt move a whole unless you plan on sighting in a .416 or a .375 sand bags should work fine.lothttp://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/47e9fcb352ad748f.jpg
has anyone seen my kittie

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