leftover antelope units


Active Member
let me the be first to ask after missing the draw{wawawawawa} for sugeestions as to traditional valid leftover antelope units to try for later this year...thanks..hth ..some public access or ideas on trespass fees...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-12 AT 03:01PM (MST)[p]Unit 23 is one unit that has tons of leftover buck tags every year and you can probably find a ranch for a fee, especially after the first week. There is also some BLM over along the western boundary of the unit if you have a good GPS with a landowner chip to keep from trespassing. The bad thing about the latter are is the truck traffic working the gas wells.
North end of unit 25 has some public & you could find a buck - nothing record book but plenty of land to access. Unit 22 will have plenty & access can be done like Topgun said with good maps and GPS to keep you out of trouble. Same goes for 20 but maybe not the best option. Good luck, antelopes are fun.
There are more units with leftovers than units without.
unit 1 to mid 40's, excepting topguns unit 7. haha
60's to the 80's and the 100's.
WB---"excepting topguns unit 7. haha"

That was really something the way that unit was when I was through there in 2010 with goats all over the place. Then the next winter blasted them and the unit went from leftover licenses to cut tag numbers and guys not even being able to draw it. I hope you noticed that I was really moving people away from unit 7 for a hunt this year!
I think they shot every animal in unit 7. The last time I was thru that area I did'nt see any antelope or deer,heck I did not even see a prarriedog.
Only thing I saw was a rattle snake .
I used to go on a ranch there and shoot some prarriedogs.Last fall The owner said he has not seen a deer on his ranch in 2-3 years.The plague wiped out the prarriedogs and once in a while he sees a antelope but nothing worth huntng anymore.
I had a rancher stop to help me change a flat tire and he said the same thing about deer and that if I wanted to hunt his ranch to go ahead, but it was a waste of time. I think I saw two does with two fawns together on all the BLM I hunted before I talked to him and I decided to just forget it and went back to Gillette. It actually turned out well because I went over the mountain a day or two later and helped my buddy take that 357 3/8" bull on opening morning of elk season on the 9th.
2 years ago we were told that one of the largest rancher owners in Unit 113 has the same bunch of hunters come to his place from Tenn or Kentucky every year and that year they left with 97 total animals. Buck deer, Buck Lopes and does and all the whitetail tags they could buy after the season started.
Guess that ranch owner wants to get rid of all game on his property.
And Unit 113 is not a big area either over there.

Thats greed with no respect for the animals or fellow hunters.

Same thing happens here in Michigan.I once had a guy tell me he shot 27 doe whitetail.He said it takes that many to feed his family.
Now the same guy is crying that he is not seeing any deer any more and blames our DNR.

Just because it is legal ,don't make it ethical.
97 animals times $16 per coupon is a pretty good chunk of change to also get back for letting them be game hogs! That MI guy must have one friggin big family if they can eat a deer every two weeks! Either that or he's just taking the backstraps and leaving the rest to the yotes!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-12 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]I think he was full of B.S

If indeed he did shoot that many deer,I can't believe they could eat all of them .
I only know the lope units by Cheyenne. I had a few friends come out last year and had no problem getting lopes. I can still smell the stink from the rutting bucks. I think in total I cleaned or helped clean 6 lopes last year. They were leftover tags. When I lived in Utah I almost paid $1000 to go on a lope hunt in Wyoming. What a joke! With very little research a person could hunt lope every year in Wyoming for the price of the trip and the tag. One of the goats was also almost book. It was over 80 and very near 82.
It's surprising how much money guys are paying outfitters for a 3 day antelope hunt when they could do it like you mentioned. Maybe that guys was selling some of those deer he was shooting, which would be illegal.
I know for me I thought it couldn't be that easy. For those of you out there that really want to go antelope hunting do a little research and save yourself some money. This is a GREAT hunt to take kids on.
I know the ranch that Kilo is talking about - they shoot the heck out of the deer and antelopes, they used to charge a $100 bucks per hunter. Ranch is supposed to be up for sale - anybody got any extra cash handy - nice place:)
UtahXXXelk, I know what you mean. 4 years ago I told my wife and step son, "No more of those stinky things." After 3 bucks and 3 does, we left 2 doe tags unfilled.

My one experience trying to eat a Nevada antelope that was killed in 90 degree weather, 100+ miles from the nearest meat locker, wasn't very good. A few months later, after half of that years elk was gone, my wife marinaded some antelope steaks and took them to work to barbaque. When she got home, she told me how good they were. We finished those 6 antelope off before we finished the rest of the elk. And I was wishing I had cleaned 2 more of the stinky buggers.
I print the leftover list for elk, deer, antelope every year when they first come out.

If ya have a specific unit of interest---

Toss me a PM and I can give you a 3-4 year history and tag numbers average.


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