Leopard poacher


Long Time Member
You might not want to try this...

Mendocino Man Allegedly Killed Leopard and Tried to Falsify Records in Order to Get Its Skin and Skull Home

If convicted, Lawrence faces a maximum sentence of twenty years? imprisonment, and a fine of $250,000, plus restitution, for a violation of 18 U.S.C. ? 545 and a maximum sentence of five years? imprisonment, and a fine of $250,000, plus restitution, for a violation of 16 U.S.C. ?? 3372(d).

I venture to guess if this was the penalty for shootin a sheep in the wrong unit, people would make damn sure they were in the right unit!

If he did what the article said, he's earned the consequences. The rules are written and advertised, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. If he is innocent, shame on who ever published the report.

Personally I hate it when these things are tried in the court of public opinion. If the man is convicted, then have at him, but lets not ruin his life if he's innocent.

Bottomline, don't do 30 mph on a 10 mile per hour road, and don't shoot anything that it is illegal to kill or import. Just cuz you don't agree with 10 mph, doesn't mean you won't pay the advertised price, if you decide to go 30. Don't expect my sympathy or my empathy if you chose to go off the reservation.

I hope , for all hunters, he's innocent, if not, Katy Bar The Door.

I doubt that after a 3 year investigation with them being able to track his travels to Africa 2 or 3 times that finding where he shot it was that difficult DC! Yes, he's innocent until proven guilty, but I wouldn't want to be in his shoes with the case they probably have against him and I'd bet all the I's are dotted and T's crossed on this one.
There is such a thing as jury nullification, but if the trial takes place in Oakland, CA, that seems like a long shot.:D Not much sympathy there I don't imagine.

>I doubt that after a 3
>year investigation with them being
>able to track his travels
>to Africa 2 or 3
>times that finding where he
>shot it was that difficult
>DC! Yes, he's innocent
>until proven guilty, but I
>wouldn't want to be in
>his shoes with the case
>they probably have against him
>and I'd bet all the
>I's are dotted and T's
>crossed on this one.

Topgun, that's what they said about Cliven Bundy too. Never underestimate the ability of the Federal Government to screw it up.

How long is the statute of limitions on this?
Is it forever?

Thanks Joe

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora

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