Lesson I learned



By now most of you have read in the "Elk" forum under the "Muscle Milk" post, that Stinkystomper got his elk. They put in a lot of time and hard work and came up big on the last day. Congrats to him. Now, for all those who think that he always connects at extreme distances you might have been a little surprised that "bull fever" made him look less than expert. It just goes to show how difficult it is to control all factors when it come to long range shooting. To be honest, he came da#% close to having to track a wounded bull for the rest of the day. If I remember the story right, there was 9 shots at 600 yrds and only one connects, leaving a wounded bull to find. Not trying to bust his ba!!$ because crap happens but I know I have learned from this story and I will take this into account in the future. I hope I get a chance at a bull like that someday! That is all.

Boy I'm tired of all the bashing on here; 30-30 do you think that none of us on here can comprehend what we are reading on these boards? We know he is human; we know he has an elk of a life time and great memories to go along with it even if they aren't the ones he had planned.

I don't need someone pointing out that I'm ugly or that I have two different boots on, tell me something I don't already know.

So he isn't perfect, neither am I. I'm just saying.

aLEX- I am not bashing anybody, hence the title "Lesson I Learned" Do you comprehend that or do you always go off half cocked? If anything I am kind of bashing myself because I usually learn my lessons the hard way. I am happy for him and I would have taken the shot myself. It is just something for ME to think about if I am ever confronted w/that kind of shot. Bull fever is not something you experience on the range and I can guarantee that Stinkystomper is a he!! of a lot better shot than I will ever be. Again, awesome bull and hunt ... and yes, that is ALL.

I think Stiny knew he would catch some gref.....
But he manned up and told the whole story.
Yes, "bull fever" can be severe, causing shakes and bad judgement. LOL
No matter the distance when that first shot is not where it was supposed to be it becomes a mind game!
Is it me? the gun? bad primers? scope?
And my favorite scope power change??? almost cost me this year!!
The point is he pulled it together and finished the deal.

When you have over come "bull fever" might as well give up hunting Elk!

Stinky's got thick skin, likes a little bit of attention, and seems to be pretty upstanding from what I gather.

I think we all could learn something from all the theads, even if it is to just keep our thoughts to our self...

Lesson I learned is not to bow hunt. Sounds like there are more wounded animals from that than from Stinky missing. He did follow through and got his bull.
What is the point of hunting forums if we all just keep our thoughts to ourselves? I don't come here to see an empty screen.

There are lessons to be learned in every hunt. I learned that I would always like to have BOBCATBESS around somewhere. His integrity, honesty, cunning, and cat like eyes spotted the bull before he went over the ridge, maybe to be lost forever.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I didn't mean for you to take it personal.
I was just saying in general there was lots of unneeded crap posted! I'm just as guilty as the next.

The point of a hunting form is to post about hunts, Not all the other BS we wade thru to read about the hunt.

Can we agree on that?
You seem to be on the defense.
Take care
Yes, I am a little bit on the defense. I was accused of bashing in the first post. Like it or not, those shots were not just a BS part of the hunt. I am glad he included those details because it it is real life and I can relate. We all know crap happens when hunting. I am kind of new here and am finding out quickly that there are certain posters that, people have deemed above reproach. If I truly offend then I will be the first to apologize and let it go. If it is just people getting a panty-wad because a golden calf got a little dust on it, then I will still post my thoughts and opinions.

Don't worry about it 30 ~

I think I know where you are coming from and it has nothing to do with Stinky or his success.

His story just reminds us of lessons we have already learned, or will learn in the future.

Personally I try to learn from the past, but I always look forward to tomorrow and hope to learn something new each day...

I have learned that we are never as prepared as we think we are, and the weather and the animals always play by their rules, not ours, and the day it become routine, or the day I quit learning, is the day I will hang it up!

Looking back, I have learned alot, and have alot left to learn. And that's ALL...

I think I'll step up and throw my hat in this ring. I don't know Stinky but I see him popping off all the time about all his longrange skills, kinda puffing up his chest and generaly screwing around on the forum. BUT!, I know enough about longrange shooting/sniping to see he really does have a fair amount of knowledge about the subject. No really, he's said some things that only someone who's versed in longrange shooting would say. I'm not knocking you down for posting this thread, but I've been in shooting situations as stressfull, (and more), than "The Stink" was in and it could happen to the best of us. He made good on his shots and I commend him on it.
Just my 2 cents.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
>I think I'll step up and
>throw my hat in this
>ring. I don't know Stinky
>but I see him popping
>off all the time about
>all his longrange skills, kinda
>puffing up his chest and
>generaly screwing around on the
>forum. BUT!, I know enough
>about longrange shooting/sniping to see
>he really does have a
>fair amount of knowledge about
>the subject. No really, he's
>said some things that only
>someone who's versed in longrange
>shooting would say. I'm not
>knocking you down for posting
>this thread, but I've been
>in shooting situations as stressfull,
>(and more), than "The Stink"
>was in and it could
>happen to the best of
>us. He made good on
>his shots and I commend
>him on it.
>Just my 2 cents.
>"My sickle has a boattail"
>"hidden soles leave .308 holes"

I can get online and read countless articles on long range shooting and learn the lingo...but that doesn't make me a long range sniper..............


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I also think he made the best out of a tough situation. I am glad he relayed the details of his craptastic shooting. It just happened to be bull fever that was his down fall. If it is anything like buck fever then I am in trouble:). I remember going through a box of shells on a couple of my first deer hunts when I was a kid. Of course, the tears, the cuss words scorching the air(from Pops), and 3 consecutive scope bites, all got in the way of my vision after the first 10 shots. Another time, I emptied my rifle, like the guy on the beginning of "Gunsmoke", at a deer. I then reached for my Pop's rifle and he just told me "Hell no, that deer deserves to live after that foolish $#!#" and then he walked off without looking back. I felt lower than whale poop and learned to settle down and shoot a little better after that episode.

I agree with both of you guys. For some guys it's easier to hit a rock a 1000 than a real deer at 200. Good point.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
This is the stuff that makes me enjoy this site. We can have all the confidence in our abilities as hunters, after shooting and practicing our skills for hours on end, but sometimes the "human nature element" or Murphy's Law can kick in when we'd least expect it. Sometimes we're able to recover and "close the deal", sometimes not... but don't you just love the hunt? Good or bad, all part of the experience..."Hunting, ALWAYS an adventure!"
For me, I guess, I've made some good to great shots, some I'd like to forget, but have never been able to forgive myself, but still laugh or very fondly remember the moment. One in particular, I missed seven times at a mature buck, all easy shots; the next day, same buck, took two more difficult shots, and was able to punch my tag! That particular hunt, guys at camp had heard the shooting; expected me to recount the tale of how I got my buck. My Dad said in front of everyone, "He**, kid's been doing that for forty years!" Guess there was some redemption when I did get the buck. Thanks for posting all the threads on this topic!!

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