Let's Change The Subject


Long Time Member
In an attempt to draw attention away from his Putie chit mess Trump is calling on congress to put up the first money for the wall. to be paid back by Mexico soon of course.

I say go for it, and if they fail to pay Trump ponies up to cover them. if he has any money.

There is one chance he might be right. maybe Trump knows he needs a wall and mexico will pay for it to keep us from fleeing the hunger games .


Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-17 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]Indeed, if there is a wall "we" the taxpayers will flip the bill. Of course, Chili Shart doesn't pay taxes so he will not contribute a single cent.

This is the least harmful of his deceit just wait until he starts cuts for Medicare and SSI. Once you take Krispy Kreme money away from old fat belly Bubbas, only then will you get their attention.


LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-17 AT 08:31PM (MST)[p]Cut the money from Planned Parenthood and all other B.S. grants such as the sex life of the Red legged frogs and apply the money to the wall. There is a lot of waste, or poor decisions made on what the government gives out to various organizations. Also look into cutting the waste out with our military. It is amazing the millions upon millions the military throws out every year instead of selling the material on the open market.
We could defund the U.N. since that amounts to 2-3 billion dollars per year and that organization is fast becoming impotent and riddle with scandals.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-17 AT 08:56PM (MST)[p]Cut the stupid bullet train to nowhere in California and build the wall instead.

Oh wait Pelosi's husband has the contract so that won't happen!!
When we say wall let's keep it real. Trump says a fence is good enough in places. at least it will keep the goats out.

Question of the day is, which is dumber , the moron who thinks a wall and fence will stop the wetbacks ? or the moron who thinks mexico will pay for it? if you believe both you're truly a mouthbreathing orange skid mark.

We will pay for some wall construction. the goobers will cheer and Trump can say he kept his promise. a few miles out of 1933 miles. nothing more than a political stunt .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>When we say wall let's keep
>it real. Trump says
>a fence is good enough
>in places. at least
>it will keep the goats
>Question of the day is, which
>is dumber , the
>moron who thinks a wall
>and fence will stop the
>wetbacks ? or the moron
>who thinks mexico will pay
>for it? if you
>believe both you're truly a
> mouthbreathing orange skid mark.
>We will pay for some wall
>construction. the goobers will cheer
>and Trump can say he
>kept his promise. a
>few miles out of 1933
>miles. nothing more than
>a political stunt .
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Tog did you ever read the 2000 pages of Obama care? if not check out the last page of the last sentence and Obama says "I really put the screws to the America people"
The wall was approved and funded years ago. The wall has worked well in San Diego so more miles will just funnel them to a smaller area which will be easier to control. The Pentagon admittedly wasted $125 BILLION last year so they would not have their funding reduced. Obama gave the Iranians $150 BILLION that he could have kept. There is money for some wall construction just by putting people in control that understand government waste.
>The wall was approved and funded
>years ago. The wall has
>worked well in San Diego
>so more miles will just
>funnel them to a smaller
>area which will be easier
>to control. The Pentagon admittedly
>wasted $125 BILLION last year
>so they would not have
>their funding reduced. Obama gave
>the Iranians $150 BILLION that
>he could have kept. There
>is money for some wall
>construction just by putting people
>in control that understand government
Glen and 264mag, is this really the depth of your combined knowledge on the Iran deal?

"Obama gave the Iranians $150 Billion"

Perhaps it would be best to actually read up on the subject matter. The money that was returned to Iran was for a frozen arms deal back in 1979 + accrued interest.
That's 100% correct.

But we're talking to people who don't honor their debts so they don't get it. Trump will borrow the money to build some wall and give us a tax break. that's what you call not paying your debts and the wingnuts will cheer.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I like the post that had Trump saying he will build a wall, and then shows El Chapo remarking that we build tunnels dumb ass., how is that going to work for you?
God rightwingers are dumb
No Piper you are the dumb A$$ as usual. Implanted ground sensors can detect tunnels. Israel has been using them to detect tunnels for some time.
So we're going to build 1933 miles of fence with tunnel sensors? you sure the Mexicans have that kind of money?

You're a fool.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>So we're going to build 1933
>miles of fence with tunnel
>sensors? you sure the
>Mexicans have that kind of
> You're a fool.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
Crooks like EL CHAPO does!
Dude I was waiting for Piper to get dumb again and pipe up about building the wall and the expense of installing over 1900 miles of ground sensors. Instead you the village idiot jumped up and showed just how dumb you really are.
You do not need to install ground sensors for the entire length of the wall. Most of that ground is barren desert and can be monitored by air patrol to detect any unusual activity that digging a tunnel would require.
For them to build a tunnel and keep it secrete, they must do it in a urban area where they have a large building to start the tunnel and big enough for trucks to enter to remove the dirt without being seen. Most are started at a warehouse on the Mexican side.
Then they need another building on the U.S. side to exit with the tunnel and stash the drugs until it can be picked up and transported into the interior of the U.S.
Again you show yourself to be a dumbf##k and need to stick to dirt farming and hopefully you do not screw that up also.
There is one good thing as far as Piper is concerned, you jumped up and put your foot in your mouth before he could make a fool of himself by doing what you did.
Have another shot of Crown and put your dunce hat back on and get into the corner of the classroom.

Dude that is one engineer's opinion who is oblivious about not being a Trump supporter.
I have a better solution, made it a crime for any business owner to hire an illegal and make the penalty severe enough that they would not hire any illegals. Then make the illegals register within 3 months to gain a workers permit that will allow them to stay and work in the U.S. Of course screen them at time of registering for past criminal history and deport the criminals.
Close down the border during the registering period and after the 3 months are up, any illegal found in the U.S. that did not register, gets deported.

Fine with me. if the mills and contactors didn't hire wetbacks I'd have farm help again.

Ag is exempt from the instant SS check. why do you suppose that is?

I have a better idea. rather than go after the employer the wetbacks are giving fake documentation to why not deport their azz? like we used to. the stupid phuking wall, blame the employer who can't get any employees , all the dumb azz ideas in the world won't work better than cuffs and a bus. I remember when a white Bronco drove by the beaners ran like scared rabbits. now they just say WTF ever and go about their business.

Sure some will come back. just like they will with a wall. and Mexico won't pay for either.

Now about the dumb azz wall. how much wall will there be and how much hogwire fence? and how much unfenced ? and when will the beaners be sending a check? if you can't answer these questions how can you be supportive of it?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude said the following:
I have a better idea. rather than go after the employer the wetbacks are giving fake documentation to why not deport their azz? like we used to.

Dude are you referring to the dirty low down stunt that certain farmers would employ by calling Border Patrol to round up the farmer's illegal workers just prior to payday so they did not have to pay them? I would not put it pass you to employ such a dirty tactic to save your wallet.

My idea is better, if they can not get jobs as illegals, they will stop crossing the border to get here. Also you farmers would have to comply also with the checks or get the crap fined out of you to stop the illegal hiring of your cheap labor. You will have to check for U.S. issued work permits like all other employers.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-17 AT 07:50AM (MST)[p]you're too dumb to get it. it's not about cheap labor it's about labor at all. without wetbacks we can't get the job done and the feds know it so they look the other way as much as possible.

Don't forget, if we don't get the food grown and harvested that means no snacks for you to munch on when you watch your Matlock and Perry Mason reruns all day. that really brings it home huh?

Why not deport them? you libs always want to make criminals out of employer rather than go after the criminal walking through their door.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude all those illegals we hand out a work visa too will still be here to work. You will just have to pay them more to complete with the contractors that hire them. Oh, I get it, you do not want to lower your profit margin by paying them more. You want Jose and Jesus to work for peanuts that you dole out.

There are no work visas in areas like mine. not enough volume to get contractors to bring workers.

We get by on wetbacks and the few Mexicans who'd rather do farm and ranch work. mostly older ones.

There are lots of lazy americans like you who think people as lazy as yourself would do the work for a few more bucks. but you're full of chit. you say Joe would do it, Joe says you would do it. neither of you will do it. so you blame the rancher and watch TV.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude I would not do it as I felt it was too damn boring of a job. I turned my Father-in-law down on taking over the farm as putting in 12 hours in on a tractor was one of the most boring jobs on earth.
I preferred to hunt instead. Hunting humans is very challenging and gets the adrenaline flowing.


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