Liberal Democrats love taxes


Long Time Member
** Fire Tax Update

Dear Rural Homeowner,

This week the Legislature passed Assembly Bill 398, purportedly designed to curb
carbon emissions. This will lead to another increase of 71 cents on a gallon of
gasoline. This comes on top of the 12 cent increase they just approved. (There
seems to be no end to the misery that Sacramento is willing to impose on average
California taxpayers.)

Because AB 398 amounts to a tax increase, passage required a two-thirds vote under
Proposition 13. To gain enough support for passage, leadership sought to ?bribe?
fiscally conservative lawmakers who represent rural areas, by ?suspending? the fire
tax. This means no fire tax bills next year.

At HJTA we are pleased that this illegal tax has been ?suspended,? but there is no
guarantee that once they have achieved their goals, they will not reinstate this
tax, which, of course, they call a ?fee.? Additionally, lawmakers have not provided
any provision for refunds of the hundreds or thousands of dollars so many rural
homeowners have already paid.

Because of this, HJTA lawyers will continue to aggressively prosecute the suit
against the State of California to have the fire tax declared illegal, and to
require refunds to be made to those homeowners who have filed a request for
?redetermination? (legalese for paying under protest).

Despite State lawyers doing everything to delay this case, we hope to have a
decision by the superior court before the end of the year.

We will keep you posted on new developments.

Below, please find a detailed report from our lead attorney, HJTA Director of Legal
Affairs Tim Bittle.


The above is what you are going to get if you keep electing liberal state lawmakers. We just went from $2.54 per gallon of gas to $3.37 in one swoop. Of course they were nice and dropped the $135.00 per year fire fee for rural areas because they knew they were going to lose the law suit that was filed by the Jarvis tax group.
Your liberal state law makers will look at CA. and say they got away with it and try in your state. If you think different, you are fooling yourself and screwing over your kids.
Your problem is that this gas tax will effect from the very poor to the very rich and really screw over the average working joe that has to commute daily to and from work. Our Democrats really look out for the middle income and poor if you believe that hogwash.
One of the reasons why FTW left CA. for Idaho after voting for state Democrats and they taxed him out of the state. Many more liberal will follow suit and be coming to your state in the near future. I look for Oregon and Washington to try this tax next due to their liberal makeup in the state lawmakers.

Oh yeah. That's why the State charges 10 cent "fee" for every paper or plastic grocery bag you use. It's to save the environment. You betcha.

Do you know how many sacks are used every day in California?

It doesn't matter how much income a liberal State collects. They will always spend 5X that.

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