Like Father like Son


Long Time Member
Some people are just too lazy and entitled to play by the rules. so you get someone dumb enough to help you break the law then throw them under the bus. ( You listening Rudy ? )

Wade is a good guy I've enjoyed talking to him. but everything his client's family touches turns to chit and now he's in the crapper too.

Some people are just too lazy and entitled to play by the rules. so you get someone dumb enough to help you break the law then throw them under the bus. ( You listening Rudy ? )

Wade is a good guy I've enjoyed talking to him. but everything his client's family touches turns to chit and now he's in the crapper too.

Wow way to start a new thread thanks. Thanks for the info guide is charged but the client isn’t. Glad you came inside to tell us all the good news.
So you're saying Jr didn't know they were hunting bait and it was illegal ? com'on now. he's dumb but he 's not that dumb.

Wade will take the fall but we all know it was a two people knowingly breaking the law together. It would be interesting to know if Wade is voluntarily taking the fall out of blind devotion or if 300 super pac lawyers threw him under the bus at Jr's request.

Maybe that pile of goodies they were hunting was there just in the event they needed a snack ? I'll bet that's it . what hunter doesn't want a donut now and then? I would also assume my outfitter was just thinking of everything, so it makes sense how a hunter wouldn't know it was intended as bait. .

In any event WLH is over and Trump skates.
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A Question dude?

You Ever Hunted Bear With a Guide/OutFitter?

So you're saying Jr didn't know they were hunting bait and it was illegal ? com'on now. he's dumb but he 's not that dumb.

Wade will take the fall but we all know it was a two people knowingly breaking the law together. It would be interesting to know if Wade is voluntarily taking the fall out of blind devotion or if 300 super pac lawyers threw him under the bus at Jr's request.

Either way Trump will skate and stay a hero for easy to impress hunters.
I suppose if you had a really clever guide and a really dumb client it might be possible to strategically place the bait where it wouldn't be obvious. but that would mean you had to either sneak up on nothing a lot. or most likely you sit and watch the same spot for days for no reason. like I said, a really dumb client.
I'm Gonna Tell You Something Dude!

And You Better F'N Listen!

Never Try & Out-Smart A Hounder/Bear Hunter!

He'll Kick Your Ass On SMARTS IN THE WOODS Every Time!
Blam! WLH should never be allowed to outfit ever again! He’s a sheep poaching and apparently illegal baiter as well. All of his clients from last year on the pauns should have to give statements if they used bait. I’ll bet some of em did. Wade forgets the the food ole days are gone. The internet exposes peoples lies just like the author of this post who screamed Russia for years with Trump. How did that work out Tog your treasonous Hillary you voted for is caught too. How’s that make you feel knowing your a fraud just like Wade and Hillary!?? Has Cry-State delivered his statement yet? I hope Wade gets all the punishment he deserves. The good ole boys clubs are getting wrecked in hunting and politics! Will Wades boy head to the next board meeting and scream out dad was exercising his freedoms like the trail cam meeting.??
Some people are just too lazy and entitled to play by the rules. so you get someone dumb enough to help you break the law then throw them under the bus. ( You listening Rudy ? )

Wade is a good guy I've enjoyed talking to him. but everything his client's family touches turns to chit and now he's in the crapper too.

Thank you for being so open about your mental illness.
I suppose if you had a really clever guide and a really dumb client it might be possible to strategically place the bait where it wouldn't be obvious. but that would mean you had to either sneak up on nothing a lot. or most likely you sit and watch the same spot for days for no reason. like I said, a really dumb client.
You really aren't the brightest bulb in the box are ya?

I will tell you what happened as it really isn't hard to figure out if you have half a brain.

They was using hounds, all they had to do was drive by the bait site on the down wind side with the hounds rigging on top of the box, dogs strike on the scent, they turn dogs loose, dogs run bear off of bait and up a tree, they hike Jr. Up to the tree and he shoots it, he Very likely had no idea the bait was there.

You sound stupid. If you really did vote for that hag Hillary that just confirms it.
So you're saying Jr didn't know they were hunting bait and it was illegal ? com'on now. he's dumb but he 's not that dumb.

Wade will take the fall but we all know it was a two people knowingly breaking the law together. It would be interesting to know if Wade is voluntarily taking the fall out of blind devotion or if 300 super pac lawyers threw him under the bus at Jr's request.

Maybe that pile of goodies they were hunting was there just in the event they needed a snack ? I'll bet that's it . what hunter doesn't want a donut now and then? I would also assume my outfitter was just thinking of everything, so it makes sense how a hunter wouldn't know it was intended as bait. .

In any event WLH is over and Trump skates.
So you’re saying with all the other left wing nut job investigations leveled on the Trumps that didn’t go anywhere they are not initiating one here where they have solid evidence that a Trump finally committed a crime? ?
Hunter Biden doesn't hunt for bears. He's more of a hog hunter. A strip club hog hunter. Open season, no bag limit on those ol nasty hogs.
I just wonder how many "hounders" have egg on their face. I'll bet there are a lot of those who run dogs who start their chase for bear over someone else's bait. I have heard of disgruntled blind hunters who have had it happen to them. Which is worse, using your own bait to run dogs, or someone else's bait to run dogs for bear?
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How the F#%* did Don Jr. not notice a campfire under the trees bear??? Even someone of Hunter Biden’s intellect could figure out that was not right.
Google this case. Because it's Jr, it's on tons of "news" services.

Wade is soon to find out that he's in WAY over his head. Jr will walk clean. Wade will become "collateral damage".
At least Wade is not in danger of catching the “Arkansas Flu”!
Not sticking up for Lemmon and breaking the law, but who the heck are you kidding. I'll bet you the biggest share of the bear "hounders" with clients with bear permits start out on some else's bait. What's the difference? It is still illegal.
Not sticking up for Lemmon and breaking the law, but who the heck are you kidding. I'll bet you the biggest share of the bear "hounders" with clients with bear permits start out on some else's bait. What's the difference? It is still illegal.
The difference is that wade made a bait site for the sole purpose of running dogs off it. It's not like he accidentally ran a bear off someone else's bait.
Not sticking up for Lemmon and breaking the law, but who the heck are you kidding. I'll bet you the biggest share of the bear "hounders" with clients with bear permits start out on some else's bait. What's the difference? It is still illegal.
That is a pretty piss poor statement.
Years ago I taged along with a couple bear hunters for few years and not to my recollection did we ever run a bear off of a known baited site.
If we ever did run one off of bait it was on accident and it might have happened.
Most bear hunters using dogs hunt for fun most do not hunt for money.
Bear hunting for fun even when they are helping someone out to kill a bear, most the houndsman like to take sometime chase as many as possible.
Bear hunting for money, them houndsman they want to kill quick move on to the next client.
As Many GAWD-DAMNED Baits as there are around This State There's No F'N Doubt Bears Have Been Rigged By Other Hounders That Didn't Have a Clue There Was A Bait Station/Picanic Basket Close By!

It Happens!


But Happens!

You Gonna Prosecute That Hounder?
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As Many GAWD-DAMNED Baits as there are around This State There's No F'N Doubt Bears Have Been Rigged By Other Hounders That Didn't Have a Clue There Was A Bait Station/Picanic Basket Close By!

It Happens!


But Happens!

You Gonna Prosecute That Hounder?

You consider yourself and a DIY plumber on equal grounds code wise?

It's Wades job to know.

That's the difference
Hey Hossy!

I Was Just Making a Point!

It Has Happened!

It Will Happen Again!

And What Have You Heard Me Say a Gazillion Times?

What Destroys Everything in This World?



Yes and sex, but not the sex you are talking about. I do love hounders. Without them we couldn't get rid of the lions and bear, but they exaggerate. Too them; "out of lions or bear" means a lack of a big Tom or Boar.
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