Little ol Idaho BOY.......



Getting the FUGG out-a-dodge... (Can I say FUGG on a Utah site ?!?! Or does it need to be FRICK, or SHAT.... *HEHE*)

LOOK OUT "ALASKA", Moosie is on his Way !!!!

Moose tag... CHECK !!
'Bou Tag.... CHECK !!
Bear tag, Wolf Tag...... CHECK !!!
300 Win mag... CHECK !!!!
4 bullets ... CHECK !!!!
Blowup doll .... CHECK !!!!
MAGNUM Condums..... Uhhhhh FOR what ? *WINK*

YAAAHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!! 1 week and I'm out----ta------here !!!!

Anyone gunna miss me ?!?! Come on now.. Were is my FAN CLUB, Some of you BASS-turds are still posting here. And probably will be while the Rest of us Trouble makers are hunting stuff...

  • [*] ~~Moosie~~
  • [mail][email protected][/mail]
  • WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!!!

Ah bet is that most of these guys who can, are out scouting. Don't get all insecure on us, we still loveya. Even if you are on Viagra overdose.......

I definitely want to hear about Alaska when you get back, all the details. A couple of friends asked me to go next year, kinda ponderin it over right now and haven't got a clue on where to go or anything yet. Your trip would be a great data point, I'd appreciate hearing how you liked it, where you went, what you'd do different next time. Post up when you get back. Gotta go kiss my muzzleloader goodnight.......later
Have a safe and successful trip/hunt! And dont spend all your time in your tent with the blowup doll! :) Cant wait to see the pictures of the hunt. Have fun! Good luck

later, MM
Damn...I'm just getting stoked for a trip back to IDEEEhoe and here ya are goin of on a friggin Safari. Well...a cold Safari but still. Must be nice! I'm going to be in Stanley on the 13th so if ya are around...the steak's on me. Be packing back out of the middlefork around 9/22 so if you are gonna be around Lowman let me know. :)

Fill Me in on all the details...and sign my ass up for next years hunt.

I thought that you said that that blowup doll told you that she "just wanted to be friends".

Just kidding man, I couldnt get laid in a women's prison with a pocketful of pardens.
Freediv,still hunting the PIGS ? I'm actually going to Put together a AWSOME been there/done that Video I'll have when I get back. It will have the Planning, The list, the reason to bring what, Ect. I'll send ya one after I get done with it. I had to do alot of Planning and research I wish I would have had some pics of what to expect ect. All the vids I seen kind of Sucked.

M_M_, I'll get out in the Field a little bit. BUt that Doll loves me, I know Every time I wisper in her ear ;) thanx for the Well Wishes, we still need to hook up on the "SNAKE".

Roadtrip, SUP PAUL !!! I'll miss you 3 fetchin Years in a ROW !! I'll be in AK from the 4th to the 23rd. 20 days !!! So I'll miss your entrance to IDDDEEEHOOO and Exit too. Good luck again up there !! Although I've seen your track record, You wont need it.

Are you planning to Go up with US 'bou hunting next year ? I'm doing the boards Anual hunt next year for bou' I'll psot the Info when I get back. I'm also going with the Guys Duck/gooe hunting in Louisiana, Check out the duck section or Email me for the Details. It's in Jan.

Sampson, Looks like you need my doll worst then me. I've gotten laid in Prisson, Uhhh... but it's in a MAN Prisson, and it was awhile back and I really don't want to talk about it much... ;)

Seriously though, Good luck to you guys hunting too, I'll come bust some Butt when I get back.... Although I still have a few days... Buuuahahahahhh !!!!

Yeah Moosie, still hunting Hogs. Got 4 with 4 shots a few weeks ago one morning. Little guys, but mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Gunna take a change of pace over the next two months; go Albacore fishing on Friday, then down to Yuma for the dove opener for a few days, then off to Colorado on 9/10 to try some Muley muzzleloading, and hopefully a little grouse hunting. Then Utah in October for Muleys again. I'll try to put together a hog hunt sometime between now and November, just a bit pinched for weekend time....oh yeah, 9/5-9/6 I gotta teach a Hunter Ed class. Busy duh.....
Just an FYI on the 300 Win MAg that I'm taking... I won it at the DEER hunters on Idaho Banquette this year. It's yet to kill a Animal. I'm retireing my ol' 300 win mag (Savage). It's put it's fair share of Critters on the Ground.... Anyways, Below is Me holding the 300 I won in Feb along with my Best hunting buddy Wylee holding a Shotgun HE won... Our table did well, BUT I don't want to rub in the Other prizes we got *SMILE*


Do ya think the $1000 gun will look the same when I get back from wet AK ?

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Glad to hear you are putting together documentation of your hunts. Make sure you have the camera man to continue taping even if he doesn't think you are going to shoot.;-)

I will assume you will make this a DVD and not only will you send it out, but also take it on the road with you and show it to everyone you meet 3 or 4 times whether they could give a crap or not.:)

I have met enough people like you, well maybe just one.

BTW, is it safe to have my email available here. Never know who might send me a nasty-gram.
MTmiller... Could that be Some FUGGWAD that doesn't want you to hunt thier state ;) NO worries on my Email, I hand it out like Candy !!! Next time you post use mine, I welcome Emails like that, (PS, Never got one back from him yet though *BUUUAHAHAHA*

Also, I think I was Hunting with a Guy named MTmiller from MT in Canada Earlier this year for bear and ran into a guy with a film crew and 60 DVD's of himself that we watched OVER and OVER and Over and ...... Well... Regardless, I doubt it was you, that guy knew how to have a good time ;)

NUTCASE , Are you registered on Every Fetchin WEBSITE ?!?! You're worse then ME bud !! ANd, If you ever drive yer Arse out to Idaho I'll give you a pair of Sandles like me :)

WELL.... 28 hours and SOME odd mins And I'm OUT of DOSGE heading up to AK !!!!!! Not that I'm counting or anything.... *WINK*

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Who's the little kid with the green vest and sandles?
Did you have to have the stock shortened on that gun so you could reach the trigger?

Have fun and don't let the bears chew your ass!!! If you came back scarred and all chewed up, it would ruin the fantasy for some of these thong wearing he-she's around here.
Not quite every site... Mostly just ones dealing with hunting.*WINK*

I will take ya up on that offer. LOL

Just go and have a great time. Kill stuff and take pics.
Get a grip of yourself Moosie... NO not there.
Don't worry Moosie I'll still miss you.
Maybe not as much as those Midget porn sites will, heck some of them may go out of business in your absence, don't be concerned however, your fan club will still be here, unfortunatly we lost some members when you got all insecure like Freedrver pointed out. hopefully your labido & self-esteem are recovered when you return.
We may have to drop the price for membership into your fan club though.
NO Worries on the Fan club bud.... Still there, I'm Back and I checked :) ;)

Pictures Will be up tomorrow at my Place.. I'll drop a Few in here too.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Well, lets see the pics of those dinky bous fruitcake.....

Heard you killed a dink moose too, do we get to see the pics of that too?
Here is a Picture of it :)


Buuuuahahahahah !!!!

OK... Seriously ... Here is the OL... MAke a 10" moose look Big Trick :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
PS.. They Make Good Chairs to Eat dinner in too :)


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-03 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]Nice Moss Eater dude. Now get to work cause Steve needs some help.
Moosie! Oh man how cool. Nice bull man! I bet you had a awesome time. I'm going to get me one of those knitted hats. Those things are awesome I have wore out my old wrestling one so now its time to get a hunting one. Looks like you had a ton of fun.

later, MM
Sampson... trying to Place who ya are ??! How do you know Steve ? Is that Waldinger or Yearsly... ?

M_M, You know I wouldn't Plug my Knit Caps (Although Awsome *SMILE*) but if you need one you know How to get one, It's on my Side bar at my Site. Notice the Cool Logo on it ? *HEHE*

Anyways, Was a bunch a fun, Will post a few More pics later 'Mates.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-03 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]Moosie, I'm a little shocked that you don't remember me. That weekend in Tahoe was magical...

Lol, just kidding. You will figure out who I am soon enough.
HAHA !! I spend So Many Weekends With So Many Men In Tahoe that I can't remember each one :)
I was jsut wondering why you called Steve "STEVE". If it was Waldinger.. Everyone I know Calls him Dinger or Elk Turd. And he's the Only guy I know that "HUNTS"... Don't tell him I put "" around the word hunt though.. His feelings get hrt when ya tease him sometimes ;)

Do ya post on My site too ?!?! Have we really met and you're Fuggin With me ? Come on... It's killing me !!

Anyways.. I figured I'd share my Favorite picture with you guys, It was the first morning of the 'bou hunt :


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Good moose photos, but I see you are still using the "big fish technique of photo taking".... stand way back and shoot trophy close up, and then cutting antlers in 2 peices to make it look like a chair......LOL. But, bet you had a good time.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
YAh.. I did that a little.. If you want a Normal Picture.. Here ya go :) No Photo Tricks Included, Jsut a regular Hunting picture on the this one :)


Ohhh wait, thats me and a Buddy (Not that way Guys *SMILE*

Here ya go....


  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Looks like you two "got your gun" in that tub! Celebrating with a little bubbly?
Moosie, I'm not fugging with you at all. You do know me. You should be able to figure it out easily enough.

Yes I'm talking about Dinger. Ask him who he fed breakfast to up at Redfish last July, that should clue you in.

Click-a-Pic ... Details & Bigger Photos
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