Long Range Shot


I feel that since this post is all over Facebook and Instagram today, it wouldn't be "unethical" for me to hijack and spark up a little MM conversation.

My hunch-
Judging by the pure white antler on one side, I am guessing this guy shot "at" this buck at said 1475 yards, hit it badly and lost it for quite a while in the frozen tundra then miraculously found it some time later.


The Shot was So far it took Him 5 Weeks to get to the Buck!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
He Flocked the One Side?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
A F'N Mosquito Sting at 1475!

Took Weeks for Him to Die!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I don't know about this guy, but I do believe there are a whole lot of people launching ridiculous shots who might hit a kill zone 1 out of every 5 shots who claim they're good at that range. When 1 out of 5 isn't good.

I'd like to watch anyone nail a 10? kill zone at 1,000 yards 4 out of 5 shots. I ain?t never seen it and would need to to really believe it.

1400 yards I'd really love to see.

When I hear of super long shots, what comes to thought are the number of wounded animals there must be for each one found.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
All that comes to my mind is how many wasted animals that don't drop right there or show any sign of a hit walk off and die that the shooter never makes it over to the area to even check for signs of a hit.

Heck, 400 or 500 hundred yards can be a couple canyons or draws away, that some will never walk and check the area.

Things look so different at a couple hundred yards let alone 1500 yards.

Without a spotter to guide you to the spot, I would believe you have very little chance of finding the spot to check for signs of a hit.

Just my thoughts.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-19 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p]Deer doesn't look froze enough, left ear is pulled back in a flexible fashion by the hunter and the right ear looks typical for a fresh killed animal.

If left out in the cold, both antlers would appear "white" in some way or another, either portional or full. Also, a left over night or long enough to frost an antler would have frost on the fur as well.
Unfortunately I believe there's alot of good animals waisted by unethical hunters especially these super long range dudes not only rifle but archery and muzzle loader too and we are all paying for it
Had a long talk with a warden in Colorado and he said their big violation now is long range shooting with no check if any kind of hit...ticket
>Had a long talk with a
>warden in Colorado and he
>said their big violation now
>is long range shooting with
>no check if any kind
>of hit...ticket

Odds of getting caught would be similar to that of taking a lightning strike.

I don't believe the distance for one second. On top of that, it's an unethical shot and no respectable ethical hunter would take a shot like that.
1400 yards... no.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-19 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]It just sickens me, these super long range shots... Don?t get me wrong i admire the capabilities, i to have a LR weapon but, for me, if i can't get within 500 - 600 yards with a rifle i just dont feel i should be able to harvest the animal. If your 1500 yards away. Knocking off 600 +yards should?t be that difficult unless you're crossing the salt flats IMO. Shootin at a big buck should be a privilege and harvesting said animal should be an even bigger privilege. Just my 2 cents

>I don't believe the distance for
>one second. On top of
>that, it's an unethical shot
>and no respectable ethical hunter
>would take a shot like
>1400 yards... no.

Big difference in being able to make the shot and the bullet performing as it should. There are some people who can consistently and accurately make shots like these in all weather circumstances. The bullet, however, very well likely will not perform because of lost down range velocity.
I shot a Whitetail at 700 yards last week. My son told me I missed him high. We immediately played back the video which showed a lethal hit. He ran a very short distance and tipped over just behind the trees. We left a spotter on the hill to give directions. I can see a lot of people chalking it up as a miss. I can't believe how far off I was from where I thought he dropped once I got over there. I've learned the hard way to leave a person behind to guide you to an animal. This goes for closer shots to. You can misplace a deer in sage really easy.
I've watched guys shoot at the Whittington Center the "White Buffalo. Thats 1123 YARDS, and nearly every guy that is consistent at hitting it is a very accomplished shooter and the conditions are generally the best(very slight breeze is a dumpster fire for long range) and shots very rarely hit where there cross hairs are to the point of inconsistency in the ways of groups , there so much much drift and drop...Its an amazing shot for sure, and I believe every year way too many big game animals are wounded because so many hunters buy these long range canons but cannot shoot to what the rifle is capable of because they do not practice and or know and acknowledge "their" limit of capability...
>>I don't believe the distance for
>>one second. On top of
>>that, it's an unethical shot
>>and no respectable ethical hunter
>>would take a shot like
>>1400 yards... no.
>Big difference in being able to
>make the shot and the
>bullet performing as it should.
> There are some people
>who can consistently and accurately
>make shots like these in
>all weather circumstances. The
>bullet, however, very well likely
>will not perform because of
>lost down range velocity.

I'm a long range shooter. Have been for a long time. I know, for a fact, that at distances over 800 yards, temperature, windage, elevation have to be pristine. Meaning if there is just a slight variation in any of those factors, it could spell big trouble on an animal. Not only that's, but velocity is huge with ranges over 600 yards. A bullet slows down so much it's completely unethical to shoot at an animal at that range.
Plinking metal is one thing, taking a shot like that on an animal makes me physically ill.
What elevation was he at when he sighted that rifle? What was the temperature? What was the humidity?
I have a cold zero and a hot zero based on outside temperature as well as elevation zeros.
What I group at 4500 ft is not what I group at 8500 ft.
Now, going beyond that, at those distances, the rotation of the earth comes into account.
Is it really worth it? Is it ethical when you have to start taking earth rotation into account?
My opinion is absolutely not. I'll plink metal all day long at 1500 yards with under half MOA groups, but that's not a life I'm shooing at. It's just a piece of metal.
Since the beginning of hunting, there have been hunters who shot distances that were clearly too far for their abilities and/or the firearm. I just don't recall 10+ years ago it being something people bragged about much. Maybe it's because there weren't range finders to verify the distance, or something. I don't know. It just seems that now it's something people brag about, so it encourages others to push past their limits to feel a high from hitting an animal at an extreme distance.

Also, 15+ year ago, I don't recall companies that were specifically building "Long Range Guns". The fact that now companies build the gun, build the loads, test it all under perfect conditions with perfect rests and advertise them as a 1,000 yard guns, drives people to think all they need to do is buy the gun and ammo and they're 1,000 yard shooters, when really, many don't practice enough to know how solid of a rest they need to be accurate at long range. There's a huge difference in shooting at the range compared to shooting at an animal during a hunt. Huge difference!!

It's the same with muzzleloaders and bows.

Don't get me wrong, I've done my fair share of missing shots, some that even I will admit, I could've and should've gotten closer. I guess I just feel that the greater the distances we're all shooting, the more animals that will be wounded.
Some I'm sure would argue that because they have a gun and ammo tested true at 1,000 yards that they're less likely to wound an animal at 600 yards which is a range where I, with my (apparent) antique gun, might not be true and would likely result in a wound.
I can understand both sides of the argument.

My biggest complaint with long range shooting, is the simple fact that the more effective we all are at killing animals, the less hunting tags there will be available. We're just getting too effective at killing and we're killing our hunting opportunities along with the game. I'm a fan of hunting opportunity over high success rate hunting.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-19 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]I've got pictures on my phone of three shot groups at a mile that are just bigger than my hand. But that's off a bench and sandbags in ideal conditions and, more importantly, it took about a dozen shots to get it dialed in. Long range shooting is fun, and actually really easy with the right conditions and equipment, but I've never met anybody that could do it cold bore with the first shot. Heck, even the rotation of the Earth (shooting east to west v. west to east) comes into play at those distances.

The bigger picture to me is that people think it's cool and an accomplishment to shoot animals at long ranges. Regardless of the weapon type.

I'd be embarrassed to admit I was such a poor hunter that I took a shot at a deer from 3/4 mile away. Those people need to be criticized for their actions, not treated like some kind of hero sniper.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Lot's of complaints, but NO SOLUTIONS?? I've told founder he needs to start renting LR rifles for WY so they would ban them???
>Lot's of complaints, but NO SOLUTIONS??
> I've told founder he
>needs to start renting LR
>rifles for WY so they
>would ban them???


Solutions? How can you enforce no long range shooting? I guess if it is witnessed from a road, but 2 miles back in? Do you now only allow open sight rifles for hunting? That won't keep anyone from making "hail mary" shots...
The sad part is that's a great buck. The first thing mentioned is the distance it was shot. I guess we all have different reasons for hunting. I would be more impressed if they shot it at 25 yards. At 1400 yards there is no way anyone is going tell me they could not get closer. I guess next year they will need to shoot one over 1500 yards to impress themselves
It's human nature to push the limits of what is possible. It doesn't really matter what weapon it is now days; bow, muzzleloader or a rifles people are going to take them as far as possible with the help with advancements in technology. Founder is absolutely correct people are much better at killing animals/trophy animals they were 15 to 20 years ago. It's no wonder that the number of mature mule deer and elk are down. Very few slip through the cracks in this is day in age with everything we do as hunters to put the advantage in our favor with top of line optics, trail cameras, scouting, bows that are more accurate and efficient at 80 yards then they were at 40 yards years ago, muzzleloaders that are capable at 500 plus yards and rifles/scopes/rangefinders that make 600 plus yards feel like 250-300. Truthfully I think the only way to fix things is to make rifle tags very limited and create more primitive weapon style hunts archery/muzzleloader and regulate muzzleloaders like Colorado does. No scopes, sabots etc... Which ultimately is going to create some crowed archery/muzzle loader hunts all over the place and the lust of having solitude on an archery hunt will be all but lost. But success rates and harvest numbers will ultimately will be lowered. It's honestly we as hunters/consumers faults for doing/buying anything possible/legal to better our chances at success. I'm as guilty as the next person. I don't see opportunity and quality on public lands going hand in hand in the west for much if any longer.

>Solutions? How can you enforce
>no long range shooting?
>I guess if it is
>witnessed from a road, but
>2 miles back in?
>Do you now only allow
>open sight rifles for hunting?
> That won't keep anyone
>from making "hail mary" shots...

There is no solution.
You cannot ban me from carrying a 338 Lapua with a nightforce scope because it is defined as a "long range setup" but a guy lobbing bullets at 800 yds out of a 30-06 with a standard scope is legal.

It boils down to personal ethics, period.

What about the archers flipping arrows at 125 yds and the inline muzzys shooting 400?
The shooters that can consistently make shots at extended range don't advertise. Just the attention seekers do. mtmuley
Surprised we havent seen the "we should be able to do it the way we want to" crowd here to defend it with their justification of it only accounts for a few deer a year and it really doesnt up anyone's chances of harvest.....etc.

We cant keep doing it the way we are and expect our grandkids to be able to hunt monster muleys.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
without a doubt if a TOO FAR long range lobber offers Flounder full price for a big wyoming buck location package....he'll tell them NO.....

>AT 07:54?AM (MST)

>It just sickens me, these super
>long range shots... Don?t get
>me wrong i admire the
>capabilities, i to have a
>LR weapon but, for me,
>if i can't get within
>500 - 600 yards with
>a rifle i just dont
>feel i should be able
>to harvest the animal. If
>your 1500 yards away. Knocking
>off 600 +yards should?t be
>that difficult unless you're crossing
>the salt flats IMO.
>Shootin at a big buck
>should be a privilege and
>harvesting said animal should be
>an even bigger privilege.
>Just my 2 cents

Best post you have ever made Cass.
When our grand kids are of age, they will know a monster muley as a forken horn!

Keep up the great work all you attention seekers! Wound enough and you'll eventually get lucky with a find!


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
>When our grand kids are of
>age, they will know a
>monster muley as a forken

Right on BLOOD!

Like I've said for years:

When a 2 Point becomes Big they'll Still Be Parading them around town like they're some kind of a GAWD-DAMN Trophy!

>Keep up the great work all
>you attention seekers! Wound enough
>and you'll eventually get lucky
>with a find!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
What slamdunk says is right There is no way to regulate long range hunting unless you ban scopes and there is no way the optic companies would allow that they would have every lobbyist working the states legislature and fish and game departments to insure that did not happen.
The hunters need to be educated about the negatives of long range hunting and it could start hear on this site. How many times has someone came on this site express interest and asked questions on how to get into long range shooting and there is 10 guys that will respond. I know yes he is asking about long range shooting but he is asking on a hunting site, there is plenty of long range shooting sites so do you really think he is only going to ring the steel!
No doubt about it like slam said we need to police are selves.
I am positive he is an attention seeker and made a lot of those numbers up to sound impressive.

"47 3/4 clicks"?
How does one do 3/4's of a click?
It's either one or none.

I am assuming he is saying 47 MOA and 3 clicks to make 3/4's of an MOA?

If so, how many rifles can actually do 48 MOA, and how consistently accurate can a "lob" with an arch like that realistically be?

My Lapua uses exactly 20 MOA to reach 1000 yards.

48 MOA would be like a mile shot from a 50 BMG.....he's shooting a little 300 PRC ?
>.....and we never will


Like everybody's just gonna Say F'It and All go back to an Open Sighted 30-30!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I have.....

You're the Only one Homer!

When You Book Your Hunt With Founder(Share Your Colorado Deer Points with Him!) I Don't know if He's gonna Like that Short Range Weapon You Pack!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Just bring apples homer....


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
It boils right down to the fact that you can't tell some how to feel.

When you pull the Trigger, Lob a Sabot or Launch and Arrow there is a feeling that goes along with it.

If you truly are worried about wounding an animal and it makes you sick to the core to lose one, then you will probably try your very best to make a the Highest Percentage, Effective shot you can, only the person knows what that limit is.

But if your concern is, I must get the deer at all cost, I don't care about anything else other that getting the animal then you may try things outside your limits in hopes that it pays off. You may push the bounds of your ethics. If you wound in the process, oh well, it just didn't really bother you that much, so you move on.

Hard to tell someone how to feel.
I'm surprised the story of the long range muzzle loader buck from the Paunsagant hasn't popped up on here, a lot of guys hunting it and a much bigger deer than pictured above. Nobody?s talkin.
>I'm surprised the story of the
>long range muzzle loader buck
>from the Paunsagant hasn't popped
>up on here, a lot
>of guys hunting it and
>a much bigger deer than
>pictured above. Nobody?s talkin.

Well, lets hear it!
I was shooting steel a couple weeks ago at 1400 yards with my 300 Norma...If I remember right it was 42 MOA. So his numbers could be correct

1400 isnt that difficult. I was hitting easily over the hood of my jeep with a sleeping bag as my rest.

I believe what Hawkbill is referring to is a huge typical that was number one on quite a few guys hit list. They weren't able to kill him on the archery hunt but on muzzy hunt a hunter took a shot at well over 600 yards and wounded him. There was blood and bone found but as far as I know the buck was never recovered.
Well Over 600!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I believe what Hawkbill is referring
>to is a huge typical
>that was number one on
>quite a few guys hit
>list. They weren't able to
>kill him on the archery
>hunt but on muzzy hunt
>a hunter took a shot
>at well over 600 yards
>and wounded him. There was
>blood and bone found but
>as far as I know
>the buck was never recovered.

And that is the stupidity that is getting all to common in our hunting scene today
I've said enough already. There are others on this site that also know the story
I will say though that even close shots have wounded and lost animals.
>I don't know about this guy,
>but I do believe there
>are a whole lot of
>people launching ridiculous shots who
>might hit a kill zone
>1 out of every 5
>shots who claim they're good
>at that range. When 1
>out of 5 isn't good.
>I'd like to watch anyone nail
>a 10? kill zone at
>1,000 yards 4 out of
>5 shots. I ain?t never
>seen it and would need
>to to really believe it.
>1400 yards I'd really love to
>When I hear of super long
>shots, what comes to thought
>are the number of wounded
>animals there must be for
>each one found.
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

I have have visited a long distance range in PA that is set up out to 1100 yards. These guys shoot every Weekend and I have watched them easily shoot those groups. Now this is from a bench but they routinely take deer at ranges out to 1000. Im not endorsing long range shooting but a shooter skilled can make the shot.
>I've said enough already. There are
>others on this site that
>also know the story
>I will say though that even
>close shots have wounded
>and lost animals.

sure they have.....but come on....

>I believe what Hawkbill is referring
>to is a huge typical
>that was number one on
>quite a few guys hit
>list. They weren't able to
>kill him on the archery
>hunt but on muzzy hunt
>a hunter took a shot
>at well over 600 yards
>and wounded him. There was
>blood and bone found but
>as far as I know
>the buck was never recovered.

That's too bad, just think of all the likes it would of got on instadouche.
>I've said enough already. There are
>others on this site that
>also know the story
>I will say though that even
>close shots have wounded
>and lost animals.

one of your buddys thinks he's Daniel Boone huh?
>i wonder where these unrighteous long
>rangers hang out. everyone
>here seems to be without
>~ Rodney D. Dell Jr.

Utah mostly.
Not wanting to hijack but I didn't want to start a new post with same question kinda
I had a kid tell me he shot a coues deer at 958 yds with a 300WM
What say you guys is that possible.?


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
LAST EDITED ON Dec-15-19 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]Very possible. Many guys I know have long range rigs and their young kids and wives as well as them shoot deer at that distance and beyond.

The wives and kids arent doing much practicing either. It's pretty simple with those setups to make the shot...it gets complex when its an animal that may move or the wind shifts or is doing something entirely different half way to the animal than it is at the shooter.

As someone above mentioned it comes down to can you and should you.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 04:34?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 04:33?PM (MST)

90% of game (all species) will stand downwind when you stink and watch you do jumping jacks in full blaze orange while talking at 1,400 yards.

9% will not tolerate the jumping jacks but will tolerate slowly waving.

2% might care in certain scenarios. Ibex to name one.

It's not really hunting at that range.
Is agree with Colorado boy.

You can't stop most tech, but it's easier to limit archery and muzzy.

I heard a dude paid $375k to shoot a tame deer in Utah, it's not hard to fathom dudes trying 3/4 mile shots. All about the glory.

But I didn't say that. All hunters need to stick together. It's those damn hippies causing the issues.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I have a long range rig Best of the west 7 Mag with 4-16 husky scope what I have found after three years is the only thing that has changed is my deadliness at 450 and closer...way better....clean accurate shots....pretty much time after time still always trying to get closer and the animals beyond that still look too far for me...
I agree with Founders thoughts on this one. Time to impose restrictions on weapons and bring back opportunity. For example, scopes on muzzleloaders is ridiculous. It's suppose to be a hunt, not a shoot.
Get rid of Rangefinders. Hurts everyone the same. Lots of hero archers wont be so good and long range rifle guys will be missing by yards.
This was a refreshing change to the usual responses. I have always considered long range just shooting and not hunting. When an animal is so far away that you do not have to overcome any of their senses then you are not really hunting.

The only way is if we as hunters stand up to it and and force the Game and Fish to make changes. We want opportunity and a future, then we need to start limiting technology. How far do we go? Not sure, but it seems that we should be having some serious discussions. Hell people are using scopes that range find and automatically adjust for the distance.

Usually I get called all sorts of names, but I will stand by my comments. There is a difference between shooting animals and hunting.

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