Look who is going bear hunting! The original hunting Barbie!


Very Active Member
Hey man, how are you?
I seen where KTC was asked about a doll he was dressing for his granddaughter, if that was the one from Colorado. Had Barbie sitting on my safe so posted a picture for them to show them the real Barbie, and thought maybe I should take her bear hunting with me in June. My moose hunt was a flop so guess I will get her back out in the woods..
and figured I would see who was still around on here.
AR what tag and what unit did you draw?

I can suggest a good bait product…. if you are interested, drop me a PM.

Give Barb a hug for me. Tks.
Hi buddy!
Good to see you post again! Hope you are doing well.
Those post with Barbie out hunting were a lot of fun, thanks for the reminder! ??
Hmmm. So you're going out in the woods with a big rack while you look for a big rack? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Good luck!!

We have a little T-Rex that goes with us. Taking a monster so we can find a monster!!
Hmmm. So you're going out in the woods with a big rack while you look for a big rack? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Good luck!!

We have a little T-Rex that goes with us. Taking a monster so we can find a monster!!
Not sure what kind of rack I will be looking for while bear hunting….but I was a total failure looking for a rack on my moose hunt. That was the saddest hunt I was ever on! But it is what it is, and all you can do is try your best! I put forth my best effort for my situation and have no regrets on my tag soup. Just sucked to waste that many points to be shut out…but life moves on, either with you or without you!
So what kind of rack should I be looking for on this hunt????
Put Barbie on the glass again, you'll find a bear. :) She's looking good! I'm glad to see she hasn't put on any weight.
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Not sure what kind of rack I will be looking for while bear hunting….but I was a total failure looking for a rack on my moose hunt. That was the saddest hunt I was ever on! But it is what it is, and all you can do is try your best! I put forth my best effort for my situation and have no regrets on my tag soup. Just sucked to waste that many points to be shut out…but life moves on, either with you or without you!
So what kind of rack should I be looking for on this hunt????
Let’s make sure Barbie’s in a better mood for this bear hunt AR. I think she needs dinner at Steve’s, hair done at John’s, nails by Renna, massage at Thalman’s, shoe’s at Garry’s, and a new outfit by KristyQ.

You can’t expect her to help you put out 10,000 Dead Horses and then just go back to the man cave, smelling like that!

Think about it AR…… what did you do for her for the moose hunt?

Trust me………. It’ll make a different for your bare hunt.
I had a Washington moose permit in 2019 as well. My son and I hunted for 12 days during the season. Never saw a decent bull. Still stings, but as you say life moves on. Best of luck on the bear hunting adventure. ????
I had a Washington moose permit in 2019 as well. My son and I hunted for 12 days during the season. Never saw a decent bull. Still stings, but as you say life moves on. Best of luck on the bear hunting adventure. ????
Yea, it sucks but as I got nearer the end of the hunt, I decided it wouldn’t do me any good to get down on myself. I had done my best, and so the last week I just enjoyed my time up in the mountains and didn’t feel so bad when it was over…But it still hurt…never ate tag soup before, and didn’t like it! ?
Let’s make sure Barbie’s in a better mood for this bear hunt AR. I think she needs dinner at Steve’s, hair done at John’s, nails by Renna, massage at Thalman’s, shoe’s at Garry’s, and a new outfit by KristyQ.

You can’t expect her to help you put out 10,000 Dead Horses and then just go back to the man cave, smelling like that!

Think about it AR…… what did you do for her for the moose hunt?

Trust me………. It’ll make a different for your bare hunt.
What did I do for her? I packed her sorry butt everywhere and she usually just slept along the way. . Let her climb trees, suntan on the rocks, and didn’t make her cook or do dishes. Most women‘s dream hunt Right there.
If she can produce on this hunt, I will get her a new outfit, and let my granddaughter work her over! She hasn’t earned anything yet in my book!
What did I do for her? I packed her sorry butt everywhere and she usually just slept along the way. . Let her climb trees, suntan on the rocks, and didn’t make her cook or do dishes. Most women‘s dream hunt Right there.
If she can produce on this hunt, I will get her a new outfit, and let my granddaughter work her over! She hasn’t earned anything yet in my book!
Yep, It’s pretty clear, you two need a trip to the counselor……. She could show up here any time, with her own version of the moose hunt and MM doesn’t have the greatest track recorder when it to settling family conflicts.
Yep, It’s pretty clear, you two need a trip to the counselor……. She could show up here any time, with her own version of the moose hunt and MM doesn’t have the greatest track recorder when it to settling family conflicts.
Well got the 10000 dead horse batch cooking so it will be ready to go next week when it opens . Crossing my fingers it works.....going up tomorrow to get coordinates for that spot you killed yours...unless you have them still.
For you guys worried about Barbie being cold in the bikini, I bought some new stuff and my granddaughter has her all dressed up. Even camo for the bear hunt!
Barb's black top is Jim Shockey esk! I'm sure that will bring in a big bore! But she needs a black cowboy hat to go with it!
This will be a fun thread to follow. I know another guy from your neck of the woods that drew the same tag. I will be putting up some trail cams as soon as we can drive up to the cabin. Hopefully, that will be soon.
This will be a fun thread to follow. I know another guy from your neck of the woods that drew the same tag. I will be putting up some trail cams as soon as we can drive up to the cabin. Hopefully, that will be soon.
Just wondering, how do you know what tag I have? And do I know the other guy? Would like to get with him..message me..
Thanks. I believe you can get up to the cabins
Gaging from the sweet smell of dead hosses bound to happen. Get ready to “choot’em troy”

Did ya rub a lit’ on Barb so’s Boss Boar will com-a-sneek’en in fer a visit?

And……..did ya put the bungie back on da gate?

Gaging from the sweet smell of dead hosses bound to happen. Get ready to “choot’em troy”

Did ya rub a lit’ on Barb so’s Boss Boar will com-a-sneek’en in fer a visit?

And……..did ya put the bungie back on da gate?

We got in there and a bunch of hounds were in there chasing. Talked to the dog owner and he said they had been chasing a big bear all morning, 3 times up and down thru where we were. Bet that is going to stir things up in there for a few days. Had two of the younger dogs show up while I was setting up the bait, before I unleashed the horses. Every dog will probably end up there before the day is over.
That is freakin’ awesome!!! One of my hunting buddies took a plastic lemon on his hunts that he calls his lucky lemon. ?
I have to get myself a Barbie now!!! ???
We got in there and a bunch of hounds were in there chasing. Talked to the dog owner and he said they had been chasing a big bear all morning, 3 times up and down thru where we were. .
Been there and done that AR. Pretty frustrating if the hounds eat the bait before the Boss can get to it. How much longer can they run their hounds on the unit, during your hunt season dates.

On the upside if they keep the Boss running and don’t get him killed, he might be might hunger for that chicken wing.
Been there and done that AR. Pretty frustrating if the hounds eat the bait before the Boss can get to it. How much longer can they run their hounds on the unit, during your hunt season dates.

On the upside if they keep the Boss running and don’t get him killed, he might be might hunger for that chicken wing.
I Think their hunt ended yesterday. Guess it overlapped the 2 seasons by one day. If those hounds got into the bait and got the horses all over them, the houndsmen will not like that.... I hope it settles down . I didn't go check today but going to hit it in the morning and see where I'm at
She may not hunt moose well but she’s a genuine bare hunter. Keep her from rolling in that bait AR. Don’t want any bares following you two back to camp.
It looks like Barb is left eye dominant, and watch her eye relief! You don't want her pretty face to get a scope bite!
I once dated a girl named Barb. She was a hottie too!
I gotta say… those camo pants fit pretty darn good. ?
I like the Velcro in the back.
So yesterday was the day. Got ready to go refresh the bait at 8 am and found that our sewer in my 5th wheel had plugged. Had to run into a nearby town to get a snake and then it took hours to get it flowing. Anyway finally got to the bait around 1:30. Forgot my card reader so didn't know what times the bears had hit the previous day. So threw out some fresh popcorn and sprays. My wife spread goodies on bread and stuck them up high in the trees. I had decided I was going to sit it out until dark. Barbie and I walked into my chair and my wife and grandson drove the Ranger down a couple hundred yards to wait for the shot if it happened. We just got sat down and found Barbie a spot to watch from, and of course she wanted to sit on top of my trigger stick, and fixed a strap on my binos when I looked up and could see something dark behind the bait
Threw up my Vortex binos and then could see it was the top of the bears head. Got my gun up from the ground and about that time he climbed upon my log pile and walked across it over to where the wife had smeared her goodies. I hadn't even loaded my rifle yet so quietly put a shell in. He was behind some trees I couldn't see thru for four or 5 minutes and then climbed back on top and I was ready.
Took the shot and he ran about 40 yards and went down and let out the death moan. It was literally 15-20 minutes from when we had finished baiting. It was crazy. My wife and grandson pulled back up and we walked over to it together. After poking the bear, my grandson wanted to be the first to touch him. He died with his muzzle between his front paws as if he was praying... Weird. Anyway the old boar
had Barbie in his jaws going to eat her so had to jump in and pry his jaws open to save her. Then he grabbed my wrist and my grandson had to pop him on the head to get him to let go.
All in all a great time, baiting and checking pics every day. Had at least 7 different bears hitting our bait and wanted to wait but when this peetty one came in so quick, had to let the lead fly. Hoped you enjoyed sharing my hunt. Sad to be done but a great experience .



Very nice and congratulations Rick. I really enjoyed the story and am glad that you were successful. I have had several different bears hitting my bait site and I am heading down again tomorrow.
Congratulations Barbie! You found a bear that matches your hair! Outstanding. You did a good job too, antlerrick and crew, especially your wife for preparing the wonderful bear food. A total team effort.
Awesome Rick-that bear has a beautiful coat!! Glad you saved Barbie too - she is a great "good luck" charm for you!!

Congrats on an awesome bear and great experience with your family!!
Congrats Rick! Glad you took Barbie along and kept us informed along the way. It was a fun and refreshing thread to read.
Congratulations on your hunt & success. Thank you for sharing along the way. I got some really good laughs. ??
What did I do for her? I packed her sorry butt everywhere and she usually just slept along the way. . Let her climb trees, suntan on the rocks, and didn’t make her cook or do dishes. Most women‘s dream hunt Right there.
If she can produce on this hunt, I will get her a new outfit, and let my granddaughter work her over! She hasn’t earned anything yet in my book!
Well then……… congratulations to Barb. She read this back in April and delivered. She went along when you deployed the dead horses, she was in that blind with you, making sure that rifle was set up for either a left or a right handed shooter, jumped between you and the jaws of death. And we got pictures……… we know how it went down.

Barbie’s probably the one that got your good wife and grandson to haul the Blonde Bare back to the road for ya too. ?

I know, I know……. The shooter gets all the credit. Some old story every time!

Congrats AR, I love that you brought home exactly what you were hunting for!!!
Congratulations Rick and Company!
Barb's hair matches perfectly with your Bruin and I think she deserves an honored place next to your trophy. (at least until you draw another good tag)
Great adventure. Thanks for letting us tag along.
Congratulations Rick and Company!
Barb's hair matches perfectly with your Bruin and I think she deserves an honored place next to your trophy. (at least until you draw another good tag)
Great adventure. Thanks for letting us tag along.
I have her sitting on an elk mount in my man cave. Seems happy there. I hope I can draw another tag someday.
Thanks DeLoss. Good times and fun to add some humor!
Well then……… congratulations to Barb. She read this back in April and delivered. She went along when you deployed the dead horses, she was in that blind with you, making sure that rifle was set up for either a left or a right handed shooter, jumped between you and the jaws of death. And we got pictures……… we know how it went down.

Barbie’s probably the one that got your good wife and grandson to haul the Blonde Bare back to the road for ya too. ?

I know, I know……. The shooter gets all the credit. Some old story every time!

Congrats AR, I love that you brought home exactly what you were hunting for!!!
Congrats Rick. Awesome looking bear. Great color phase. Awesome memories made there with family. Thanks for taking us along.

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