

Active Member
So I'm in Yosemite on vacation and while eating lunch today I overheard a conversation between a customer and employee. The customer wanted to bring their dog on the restaurant. The waiter asked if it was a service dog and the customer (lady) said it was a ?comfort animal?. She said the dog wanted to watch the soccer game with the family, while they eat. The waiter actually said ?excuse me?? The lady said ?yeah, our dog really wants to watch the game with us so if it's okay that?d be great. I honestly didn't care about the dog, but how weak minded of a person are you that you need a ?comfort animal?? I chuckled, shook my head and said only in California.
Now how do you think she votes? I'm guessing as faaarrr left as possible
anyone...even a dog that watches soccer is a commie.....

Where are these embarrassing stupid phuckers coming from? Unfuckingbelievable.
I wouldn't be too quick to label this nonsense as divided on political lines. I've seen it first hand in a lot of places now, and from people from all over the spectrum. It is pretty easy to label everything you don't like as exclusive to the "other guy", but that is a stupid way to live your life, and it is not a realistic view of the world.
I'm having a harder time wrapping my head around why anybody would want to watch a soccer game? Hell I'd rather sit down & eat with my old chocolate lab than most people in this upside down world these days!?‍♂️
Although this is not a political topic, hopefully I can comment without attacks.

My wife volunteers and has trained service dogs for wheelchair assist disabilities for over 10 years. Only a service dog is legally allowed in a restaurant. Many people are breaking the rules, buying vests on line and calling their dogs service dogs so they can take them anywhere. An emotional support or therapy dog is not allowed in restaurants. The only legal question one can ask a person is what services does the dog perform for you. People are abusing this law so badly it's pathetic. We have been out with a service dog in training and people who bring their dogs in stores go off when seeing another dog. They are obviously not a service dog. A service dog is trained for two years prior to assignment and will never react to any unusual event or another animal. When the vest is removed, the dogs play like any other dog. But when working, they will never misbehave.

So a restaurant should never let any dog into it unless it is a real service dog. Some places allow dogs in outdoor patio areas.
Cheesehead is spot on. Actual service dogs provide an absolutely essential service. They are being degraded by the current nonsense. One phrase I have heard multiple times, but have never researched, is when a person is asked what service the dog provides, the person will state "you are not legally allowed to ask me that" if asked for proof of the animals service status (these are rarely vested), they say "you're not allowed to ask me that, either". Those exact words, multiple times. It has become the go-to way to take your dog in areas of the national parks where they are not allowed. I nearly got in a fist fight last year when I called someone out on it, while their "service dog" chased squirrels.
My best friend?s wife trains service dogs and delivers them all over the country........she has several trainee?s at all times....If I die and come back as a dog I DO NOT want tto be one of her trainees....she takes no crap and they know it.....

Completely agree with ya cheesehead. They're terrible out here in the breweries. Everybody thinks their dog is an angel. Seen plenty of dust ups between dogs and kids bit. Oh he's never done that is the usual response. Gonna be some lawsuits in the end. Its outta hand out here.


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