Manafort is guilty of what?

Fraud and tax evasion for starters. let's see what the next trial brings.

Would be most unfortunate if he happened to recall what happened at the tower meeting with the Russians would it not ? I wonder if Mueller's leverage has been improved now that Manafort is looking at a life behind bars ? not that any " great guys " have turned on the orange man so far ( HA ! ), but they could huh ? ya think ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
bad taste in clothing....

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-18 AT 06:40PM (MST)[p]Don't forget the most egregious offense of all....Hillary lost.
The convictions are just a tool to get them to talk. if you're too dumb to understand that I really cannot help you.

Your entire world is going to chit and I'm making fun of you. that's not very nice is it . oh well.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
It's only Wednesday and it's already been a great week. we're seeing the beginning of the end of the worst president in US history unfold before our eyes .

If you're not feeling pretty damn good right now you might be a traitor.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>You better go work on the
>farm so you can pay
>me my $200.

He?s gonna hope for at least one good cutting of hay
I'm not going to be paying anyone you are. Trump is burnt toast.

If Trump survives he won't run again. and if by freak chance he tried the primary would be a blood bath that would destroy both him and his competition. the GOP wants to chit him out so bad they can't stand it but they're stuck with him until 2020 so they're just gritting their teeth and taking it up the azz for now.

There is no possible way he's reelected. odds are good we're betting on whether he's impeached or resigns a year from now.

Cohen says he was present when Trump and dum dum Jr discussed the tower meeting. liar vs liars, I hope he has tapes.

Manafort is going to squeal and that should sew it up , two liars vs a liar and a pathological liar should tilt it in favor of the two regular liars right ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends


These tax charges are only to get them to make up chit against Trump! We agree!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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