Mandatory hunter tag...


Active Member
Hello all!

I am a long time follower of monster muley's but just today started a profile to be able to post. I guess I have not really had much of a reason to inquire as I have not had many tags worthy... but in one fail soop my luck has changed!!

I don't think many are aware of this rare opportunity that I got selected for nor do I have my head completely wrapped around the new found luck. However, I need to start the research and try to isolate some areas to focus on for this hunting season.

I have been selected (1 of 3) because I reported my hunting results from 2009 for an amazing opportunity. I have the choice of a antelope, deer, or elk tag. The letter I just recived references page 20 in the 2010 regs refer to this opportunity "auction/ raffle hunts". Basically I have been awarded a governers statewide type of tag. --Crazy just for reporting!!!

You may be able to assume... but I am going to go for deer! I really would like to Elk hunt, but I work as a firefighter and the rut seasons I often am busy on fires. Plus my muley buddies would probably kill me if I went for Elk!!

More to come from me in this forum, and I will probably post in the mule deer forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance!
This must be new, because ODFW said they were just going to issue Sports Pacs and the governor tags were a someday.
It is new for this year to people who reported their stats. Better go check the mail:)
More people need to report.
If the hunt is from 9/1 - 11/30 it would be hard to pass up on an elk for me.
But good luck on your muley hunt.
Ya, my dad really wants me to go for elk.. I just love to bow hunt for elk and I dont think I'll have the proper time. Sometimes the darn job gets in the way.

If you had the elk where would you go?? I hunted Silves last year and was successful. I would go back again!

I only saw a couple bucks ~ mid 20's at best.. but some great looking habitat along the river (away from roads)!

Lots of road hunters bugeling from the tops.. strange tactics!
no shenanigans I promise.. maybe in a little time you will see the other two lucky people post. I about flipped my lid when I heard the phone message; then the letter in the mail.

It was interesting, the ODFW seemed kindof ashamed they could not just give the tag away... I am more than willing to pay the tag fee as I assume the open zone/ governers type of tag auctions into the several thousands!
>This must be new, because ODFW
>said they were just going
>to issue Sports Pacs and
>the governor tags were a

the sportspacks was for APPLYING early. the governers tags were for doing the harvest report. 2 seperate rewards
I think I would take antelope in OR as they kill some dandys in a couple units and your chances of ever drawing a tag in the normal draw are astronomical. But that being said I would have a hard time passing up a rut hunt for mulies even in OR where quality has dwindled recently. Good luck and remember to have fun and enjoy the hunt! This may sound easy but my dad drew a PIW tag in NV and although we had fun the pressure was huge and we just had to let it go and remember to feel lucky for what we had and have fun. Dad missed a 190 4 point and we saw a couple of MONSTERS!!! So no complaints that he didn't get a buck.

Just remember to fulfill YOUR expectations not those of SOMEONE ELSE!!!!

Best of Luck!!

thats awsome! congrats to you. i was starting to think they weren't going to follow through with it.

i would deffinatly go for elk if it was me. but it's you, and you should do what will work best for you.

if i had the elk, i'd be looking at mt. emily,wenaha but wouldn't overlook ochoco.

if i had that deer tag i would be looking at juniper, metolious, and keep my ears open for someone to spot a big buck in any unit.

the elk would be best in the beginning of october/late sept. but you would still be fine a little later.

deer- unless a special buck presents itself, i wouldn't get in a hurry to fill it untill november.

it deffinatly wouldn't suck to be able to pack a rifle during the archery antelope hunt on hart mt. your sure to be able and kill a dang nice goat.

but anyway you cut it, your one lucky sucker and i'm jealous as hell! stick around,tell us what your hoping to kill, and i would be happy to get ahold of you if i spotted an animal of the caliber your wanting and help you get to it. i think that would be a blast.

my first thought would be for deer would be (for deer) 185+ and for elk 340+ both are reasonable goals but with some hard work and lots of looking i think you could do even better.

did i say i'm jelous?
WOW! Conratulations!!!!
ODFW actually did something great! What an incentative! Well, being a guide, I would say....elk then antelope, then lastly....deer. Not cause of personal preferance, but for opportunity to do the tag justice. Deer hunting in Oregon right now is at a VERY low time. Elk are doing good, antelope are doing GREAT!
Whichever you choose....make sure to do the tag justice. Whatever hunt you decide to do, if you dont have alot of time, I would invest in a buddy or hire a guide that guides in the area and knows it. Money well spent for the hunt of a lifetime.

Good luck and make sure you post pics!!!!!
I would probably take the deer tag too, but it would be tuff not to take the elk. With the winter that we've had, there should be some great deer this year down here in SE. Don't listen to everybody that says there aren't any good deer left, there are still a few around. Good luck and let me know if you get down this way, I might be able to help you find something worth shooting.
Anyway I wish it was me with that tag, once again congrats!
Her Burn.....I dont recollect anyone saying there are NO good bucks left! Look at my website....those bucks are some we have shot in last cpl years. I dont think we are saying what you are accusing us of. Elk and Antelope are doing better, and are harder tags to draw. THATS what we are saying.....
Sorry to offend anybody, I wasn't referring to anyone on this post, I tend to think the guys on this site from oregon know there are good deer left in the state. I was meaning all the naysayers that talk about how miserable OR is these days, ie magazines, your average road hunter, self proclaimed experts, ect. I can see that it could be taken the wrong way, once again sorry. It would be a hard choice between the 3, but a chance to hunt muleys in the rut would be hard for me to pass up! BS
Yeah Silvies is a good unit. But don't over look the coast for a big Roosevelt.
Maybe for a late season benchleg buck would be White River or down south towards Roseberg.
Muley maybe Sled Springs or Norhside units.
I'm sure everyone will have a opinion for you.
Like some one else said keep your ears open for someone to spot a big buck any unit.
There is not even a question in my mind what I would do.. WENAHA, WALLA WALLA, MT EMILY elk. This is an any weapon hunt? If so, Rifle during the rut. Man you are a lucky SOB. lol. Good luck on whatever you pick and I cant wait to see the pics.

I am soaking all of this up.. I have a hunters log started for anyone I talk with and most of the comments in this post. I am big time "geeked out" for this hunt. Thankyou all so far, and as a few of you have suggested "keep the ears open for a big buck". If some of you have seen a area that I could run up for a weekend to scout please share (PM if need be).

This may floor some of you, but I am actually a California resident!! Although its tough to claim CA; as I live 20 minutes south of the border near Yreka.

much more to come!
>This is an any weapon

Thankyou! I have until July 15th to give ODFW some $ and let them know Elk, Deer, or Ant. I have not turned back my choice just yet... but I am leaning towards deer. Antelope is a NO!

The letter I have specifies this:
"hunt dates, and hunt are for Mandatory Hunter Reporting Incentive Tags will be the same as those listed on page 20 in the 2010 Big Game Regulations for Auction/ Raffle Hunts for the species chosen."

When you look at page 20 is says Sept. 1 to Nov. 30th for Deer and Elk. So, I am assuming I can hunt any weapon in any zone between those dates... abiding by the restrictions on page 100 and 101.

I may have to call on this!
>>do you mean hornybrook?/
>HaHa!! 20 air miles... I live
>in beautiful Scott Valley

do you know Jake Berryhill....?..
congrats to you!!!! WOW what I would do and I know exactly when and where I would go!!!!!!!!

Good Luck...

I've hunted archery Walla Walla twice. I wouldn't waste the tag on that unit. I have bugled bulls for my kids in Wenaha and have friends who have hunted there for decades. The 2 of them had 4 Wenaha archery tags in 5 years between them.

Wenaha all the way.

Ifish,net. PM Brian mcGuire, he had the auction tag last year when I had my last WW archery tag.

It's a tough hunt, not a slam dunk. They don't have the genetics of a NM or UT Bull but a decent 340 bull is doable. You won't have 20 bull days like in NM or UT either. But, it's the best OR has to offer.
I agree with Wapitibob mostly. I think to many people expect a 350" class bull in every drainage in Wenaha. Guiding last year in there we called in 13 bulls to a "legit" kill shot. None were over 340". We did see a few bulls in the 360-380 class range tho. Mt Emily on private lands I hunt has got some tanker bulls tho. It reminds me a lil of NM.

Last fall I did film a 6x7 walk by my client at 8" tho.....all on film. Some of you may have seen this footage at the sportshows.Its a VERY fun hunt, just dont set your expectations too high.
>do you know Jake Berryhill....?..

Ya I know him... curious post though, could be a good or bad thing. I think he hunts the Beulah unit for Elk.
Wapiti-Bob and Blue Mountain I trust your info and appreciate the honesty. Do you guys know much of the Umatilla WR and the legal stipulations of the Gov/ open zone tag within the area. I know a guy who lives in Joseph who I plan to call. He flys air-attack on fires and is a hunting nut or used to be.

Thanks again for the PM tip on the previous tag holder, I will give that a shot.

>>do you know Jake Berryhill....?..
>Ya I know him... curious post
>though, could be a good
>or bad thing. I
>think he hunts the Beulah
>unit for Elk.

hes from the valley, moved here two years ago
I agree with WapitiBob! Don'twaste your time on Walla Walla. Unit is way overrated. Everyone needs to apply for Wenaha or Mt. Emily.
Congratulations, you hit the jackpot. I to would get a deer tag. Since I have 14 NR points for elk & antelope. The late Metolious archery, late juniper muzzy, and any Columbian whitetail would be top on my list for deer hunts. Wish you luck and have a great hunt.

I know the late Juniper muzzy hunt used to be a great trophy muley hunt, but have not heard a single story about that hunt for several years anywhere. Anyone here anything good come out of there these past few years? I was kind of wondering if that unit is in the tank.
I'd be torn........hmmm rut hunt for a crowned out 330+ Roosevelt or a November road trip rut hunt for Mulies?
you could hunt the UMATILLA WILDLIFE REFUGE for deer. it's BY FAR the single hardest tag in this state to draw, any species, and some bruiser bucks there. i belive the regular draw has 2 tags that are not garrenteed at 18 preference points. i didn't check but thats close.

i'd still go elk
Thinking/dreaming about this tag has my mind in a giant quandary regarding the best strategy for preseason scouting. Because this tag allows you to hunt outside of the regular seasons (way outside considering Oregon's early rifle dates), it may be difficult to get much info simply because not too many folks hunt (or look) for deer a month after the season.

I think finding and concentrating on the wintering areas would most likely be the way to go. Shed hunters may be the best resource as deer will likely be closer to the wintering areas during late November than they would during the first week of October. I understand that there are some late season archery and muzzleloader hunts that put out the occasional big buck, but hunting areas with a concurrent hunt may not be the best overall place to look over large numbers of deer. Because Oregon doesn't have scads of giant bucks running around, you may have to look over hundreds and hundreds of deer to find that one special buck.

I remember a cover story in Eastman's a few years ago where a kid (I think his name was Kipp) had this same tag and he hunted in the central part of the state (Metolius, Paulina, Fort Rock?) if my memory serves me right. He ended up shooting a dandy 190+ net typical after looking over a couple of hundred bucks.

Maybe someone else can shed some light on this.

I still say go with the deer tag and stay away from the stinky pasture animals (aka. elk)
>Thinking/dreaming about this tag has my
>mind in a giant quandary
>regarding the best strategy for
>preseason scouting. Because this
>tag allows you to hunt
>outside of the regular seasons
>(way outside considering Oregon's early
>rifle dates), it may be
>difficult to get much info
>simply because not too many
>folks hunt (or look) for
>deer a month after the
>I think finding and concentrating on
>the wintering areas would most
>likely be the way to
>go. Shed hunters may
>be the best resource as
>deer will likely be closer
>to the wintering areas during
>late November than they would
>during the first week of
>October. I understand that
>there are some late season
>archery and muzzleloader hunts that
>put out the occasional big
>buck, but hunting areas with
>a concurrent hunt may not
>be the best overall place
>to look over large numbers
>of deer. Because Oregon
>doesn't have scads of giant
>bucks running around, you may
>have to look over hundreds
>and hundreds of deer to
>find that one special buck.
>I remember a cover story in
>Eastman's a few years ago
>where a kid (I think
>his name was Kipp) had
>this same tag and he
>hunted in the central part
>of the state (Metolius, Paulina,
>Fort Rock?) if my memory
>serves me right. He
>ended up shooting a dandy
>190+ net typical after looking
>over a couple of hundred
>Maybe someone else can shed some
>light on this.
>I still say go with the
>deer tag and stay away
>from the stinky pasture animals
>(aka. elk)

That was Kipp alright, his Dad bought him $20 worth of tickets. I seen the video footage of his hunt. He took the best he saw.
It depends what you want. You are more likely to shoot a BC buck than a BC bull in my opinion.

Deer you have Hart,Trouts, Lookout, and Steens. There are still plenty of slammer bucks out there and those are just a few units with a generous season you would do very well.

Elk NE as it has been said. JB
I think he was hunting east Fort Rock or Christmas Valley.I can ask him he still works in OC. JB
Has anyone thrown you a bone lately and given you any info on where to look for big bucks in November?

They can't all be gone from Oregon.

I know that the bucks will be ruttin soon and I'm sure that your chompin at the bit!
Good Luck!
Hey Hamminit, thanks for the bump!

Well, fire season is over and burning season officially closed with the 2-4 inches of precip we got here in Northern CA. So I can't really do anything but get pumped for a month of hunting the great state of Oregon for a Dream buck!

No bones lately, a few pics of bucks killed in Trt. Crks, and Maury unit, and a good buddy from CDA who has some good info!

Otherwise, I am headed to Silves next thursday to help my sis with a Bull tag.. if a good un steps out.. you know.

After that I am headed to N. Juniper/ Hart area around Nov. 6!

Anybody got anything in mind????
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