Manti Fall Bear


My spot and stalk bear hunt is fast approaching and I am seeing if anybody has a general area I can start looking. Been out the last couple of weekends but have not seen anything yet. If anyone has any info I would appreciate it. Thanks!
You are asking the wrong question. Just because someone sees a bear why is it there? It may just be traveling through and never be back. Fall bear hunting is all about hunting them over food sources...whether acorns, berries, soybeans, corn, salmon or even moth larva at 11000ft. Find the preferred food source for your area and you are in. Good luck and post your pics if you get one.
Thanks for the response and good advice! I was just looking for a general area as to were somebody may have seen them so I have a starting point not a specific spot.
I’m not familiar with Manti but I agree with the above post. What are they eating now? Don’t forget that they have to drink too. Lots of berries up high on the western slope in Colorado and they’re still coming in to ponds in the scrub oak country to take a drink or for an afternoon relaxing swim. Water holes are the go to for me and my buddies in our terrain for what it is worth.
I had the tag three years ago and blew it, shot over a bears back. There are a lot of bears up there, my advice is to spend a lot of time up there, move around and glass till you can’t see anymore. If you find a gut pile you might wanna sit on it.
Nope. Been doing a lot of glassing in a lot of areas with no success. A tuff hunt for sure. I have seen a lot of elk in my glassing adventures though.
Update…was unable to fill my tag but had fun trying. For anybody thinking about this tag it is a tough hunt. Bears I had on camera earlier in the year totally disappeared about the end of September. Tikka I know now why you would call that the hell hole. Unfortunately a lot of it burned with the fire over the summer. Thanks everyone for the help!

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