Mathews Drenalin Prices?


I posted a question like this on Mathews site and they jerked it because they said that prices vary from region to region and they don't want people discussing here I'll get some answers...what are people seeing out price on a new Drenalin?
AZ...I'm in Logan Utah....which if you don't know, is almost to the Idaho border Looking for best price anywhere though. I can set my own bow up.
We have them at our shop. they are 699.00, but I would like to say that I have personally seen a new drenalin blow upthe bottom limb!!! It was scary!!!
A guy brought one in he had only a couple of days, he had never reallyshot before so I was helping him down on the range. He was having some trouble pulling back 70#'s so we took it up to the shop and backed it off to 60#'s. the tech pulled the bow back and the bottom limb just exploded right where it goes over the top of the roller on the riser. I have talked to several people since then and this is not an uncommon occurance with this bow!!! I am a Mathews guy don't get me wrong!!! I shoot an Outback, but I feel that you would be better served to get a switchback or switchback xt. I am defintley not sold on the new "slim limb design" or the new limb pocket design. I also feel that they have more handshock than the switchback's do. I have shot them all extensively and I am not sold on this new design.

hope this helps you out
I would like to see a picture of that. I have read on a lot of forums about the limbs blowing up and have seen one pic. After a little investigation it was from pressing it wrong. On archerytalk there has been the one broken limb. Lets see a pic. Branden
Team.. where are you from? I've heard of limbs blowing up and like the other post it was later determined that there was a problem with the way they pressed it. Personally I don't think Mathews would put out a bow that wasn't extensively tested. I once owned a Q2 and it had a sliver start on the lower limb...I took it in and they replaced both at no charge. I'm sold on the Dren...I own an LX now but i love the weight of the Dren. I've shot it several times and with a stabilizer it was great in hand. So....where is your shop?

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