Max Points Issue when trying to draw 2nd Choice Tag


Very Active Member
Most of you probably know that Wyoming won't let you put in for Points Only as your First Choice. This could cause me a bit of a problem as I am trying to draw a second choice deer tag in the Special Draw in an area my family is hunting in for moose/elk....I have max points. It looks like 128 Special was the hardest to draw with max last year (25%). That could easily go up to 50% or even higher with how few tags are given out.

The only options I see....take the chance and hope you don't draw or find someone else who wants that same 2nd choice tag and who doesn't have max points apply together as a group. I don't see any advantage for that person, other than helping another hunter out.

So here goes. Anyone trying to build points and draw Region H on a 2nd choice that doesn't have max points?

I think Wyoming is wrong on this rule, but I do see the point of trying to get people to use their points. Still, I don't think it should be forced.
I could be wrong but doesn't wyoming take all first choice applicants first and then take second choice applicants? If that is the case you likely won't draw H as a second choice because it was 74.19% with 0 points for first choice applicants. It is my understanding that your points only apply to your first choice or do they apply to all choices?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]I don't believe that is the case with the Special Tag. They will return to 2nd Choice Special instead of going to the 1st Choice Cheapie Fee. 2nd Choice Special was 100% with 0 points.
I must be confused because it doesn't show even 100% in the special for first choice applicants with 0 points according to 2013 odds. If everyone with 0 points applying in the special draw as a first choice didn't draw I don't understand how all second choice applicants drew. Please enlighten me. Thanks
There were 240 tags avail in special pref draw. When everyone with more than 0 points got their tag there were 184 tags left and 248 applicants with 0 points. So odds were 74%. 64 people did not get tags in pref draw, but then they went on to the random draw. There are 79 tags for the random draw and only 64 people left that wanted them as first choice so there were 15 tags left over. There were 185 applicants for 2nd choice so your odds were at worst case scenario 15/185 or 8%. Some of those 2nd choice applicants may have drawn their first choice so odds may have been slightly better. In previous years the odds were better on 2nd choice. In 2011 your odds were around 84% of getting the tag as 2nd choice. Hope this helps. It can get confusing.
I have max points so I wouldn't be able to help you out but I like your strategy. The only better choice than 128 would be a unit that didn't have any tags left over for the random round. For that to happen there would only be 3 or less tags for the special draw available that all went to max point holders. 128 seems like the best choice. Good luck. I picked up an H tag on second choice special the same year that I drew a moose tag in unit 20.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 00:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-14 AT 00:28?AM (MST)

I like your idea as well. I dont know the answer on this but be worth checking on. Is it possible to put in a closed season/unit (one that comes to my mind is former late season 82 hunt) as first choice and put in your legitmate 2nd choice to preserve not drawing first choice? Is that possible or will your application get rejected in that case??

Might not work nowadays with the online applications...
There isn't a single state that lets you put a point as the 2nd choice on an app.
Just apply with your wife.
That is what I did last year. I have max points. Our group wanted to hunt a region we had elk hunted a couple years prior. Not G or H. I didn't want to use my points so two in the party applied in the regular draw with 1 point and drew. Since there are no tags left for second choice in the regular draw I applied in the special draw for 90 as a first choice with a brother who has one under max. That dropped us out of the point draw and into the random draw with terrible odds. We drew the region we wanted as second choice in the special pool and we all got to hunt together and I gained another point to stay in the max pool. If we had beat the odds we would have hunted 90 and had a great time. To top it off we ended up going 4-4 on deer. :)
Nope, you can't choose a hunt that doesn't exist, it kicks your app out. That is what WYG&F told me anyways.

I need someone without max points, that or I need to be ready to hunt 128 or just not try for the H tag. Is 128 worth max points?
Colorado allows you to choose a point as your first choice, I thought Utah did as well. I could be wrong on Utah.

The problem applying with my wife is it will double the cost of the mule deer tag, but she is not going to go hunting! If Wyoming were like Colorado and let you turn your tags back in, then this would work.

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J & J Outfitters

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