
Long Time Member
Nah, the loons at the Convention have nominated the eventual loser several times now. They don't remotely represent the actual voters of the state.

That's why they try so hard to disenfranchise the citizens by taking away signature gathering; so a few hundred people pick the nominees instead of hundreds of thousands, or millions, of Utahns.

It seems to me they like to keep sending scum to the AGs office. How many in a row have now left under suspicious circumstances? Three?

And their Governor nominee, Phil Lyman, has been sentenced to jail time. I guess that's a plus now with certain people.

What a Charlie Foxtrot the GOP has become. It's sad.
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I'd Still Like To Know How They Singled 5 Or 6 Out On The Recapture ATV Ride?
They don't get every person in an Antifa riot either. But the fact that only a handful are arrested, doesn't make them less guilty. The law doesn't require a certain percentage get arrested to convict somebody of a crime committed by a group.

If they arrest 1 in 1,000 and that one did it, he's guilty. Regardless of what happens to the other 999. Your argument makes no sense.
People that go to conventions are generally the hard core, IN BOTH PARTIES.

Grizz might want to get out of the city, as Cox isn't well liked outside of the front as is shown in Lyman and Jorgensen totals.

Apparently civil disobedience, which often equals arrest, frowned on on the right? But celebrated on the left?

I personally don't have a beef with Cox, but I know a lot who do.
They don't remotely represent the actual voters of the state.

That's why they try so hard to disenfranchise the citizens by taking away signature gathering; so a few hundred people pick the nominees instead of hundreds of thousands, or millions, of Utahns.

It’s funny to me to see some of the most ardent convention only supporters now saying that the behavior of these delegates may cost them the convention entirely. That it may push Utah into direct primaries and scrap the convention entirely. That would be a natural consequence to this clown behavior.

We used to be able to wear a badge of honor that we did things differently than everyone else. That we had a better way of associating and interacting. But clowns are gonna clown, and here we are. The behavior of some people is embarrassing these days.

Especially from those that know better. Sad, indeed.
Word is Cox decided to not "disagree better" and labeled people who took time to caucus then be delegates as "extremists" on his message to supporters.

This is the chit that many of his detractors don't like. The "nice, soft spoken" act.

You aren't a better person, and above the fray if this is how you act.

It's the Mitt Romney act. You want to take shots, stand up and take them in public.
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Those poor people! I hope they’ll be okay after that “labeling.”

Can't go on national TV preaching "disagree better" then come home and not.

Honestly my numbnut neighbor has a Lyman sign, so that's reason enough for me to look elsewhere.

Jorgensen would have been great, I hear he has family that are top quality individuals
Lyman is worthless. Whether anyone likes Cox or not, we need to realize that he’s going to win this primary in a total landslide. He might win the primary by a larger percentage than he will win the general election.

We need to quit putting people like Phil Lyman on tickets for major political office. But when you look at our last two presidential elections along with the upcoming one, I guess Utah doesn’t get to claim any sort of monopoly for putting forth terrible candidates!

Hillary, Donald, and Joe are the best we can come up with in “the greatest nation in the world?” That makes a bad candidate like Phil seem somewhat logical in that context.

“We the people” need to do better all around with our candidates, even if I mostly like what Spencer Cox has done. I don’t agree with everything he does, but the narrative some are trying to push about him is laughable at best. Those clowns aren’t worth even entertaining to anymore.
So Tell Me Nilly?

Who Could We Get That'd Be Smart/Good Enough To Be The POTUS That Would Be Dumb Enough to step In To This FIASCO?

I Do Expect An Answer?

Do you Know Of Anybody That DUMB Other Than Who You Mentioned Above?

Lyman is worthless. Whether anyone likes Cox or not, we need to realize that he’s going to win this primary in a total landslide. He might win the primary by a larger percentage than he will win the general election.

We need to quit putting people like Phil Lyman on tickets for major political office. But when you look at our last two presidential elections along with the upcoming one, I guess Utah doesn’t get to claim any sort of monopoly for putting forth terrible candidates!

Hillary, Donald, and Joe are the best we can come up with in “the greatest nation in the world?” That makes a bad candidate like Phil seem somewhat logical in that context.

“We the people” need to do better all around with our candidates, even if I mostly like what Spencer Cox has done. I don’t agree with everything he does, but the narrative some are trying to push about him is laughable at best. Those clowns aren’t worth even entertaining to anymore.
People that go to conventions are generally the hard core, IN BOTH PARTIES.
The Dems nominated an anti-Biden candidate, just to have him withdraw a few days later. They also purposely failed to nominate a challenger to Mike Lee last time to give a moderate a better chance. These aren't hard core positions, they're strategic.

At the same time, the Repubs swear blind loyalty to Trump, nominate Lyman, and even nominate radical extremist challengers to multiple incumbent US Reps, including Blake Moore, the most powerful Rep from Utah. Brilliant 😂

Grizz might want to get out of the city, as Cox isn't well liked outside of the front as is shown in Lyman and Jorgensen totals.

Apparently civil disobedience, which often equals arrest, frowned on on the right? But celebrated on the left?
Is that sarcastic because, if not, it's completely nonsensical. Both at local and national levels.
It's the Mitt Romney act. You want to take shots, stand up and take them in public.
Hmmm, who secretly smeared his opponents with total lies? Maybe conspired with tabloids to create fake stories about challengers from your own party and totally slander them? Lies such as that their dad participated in the assassination of a US President? Or that they left medical equipment in the brains of children?

Can you remind me who that tough guy was? I know it's important to you.
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Hmmm, who secretly smeared his opponents with total lies? Maybe conspired with tabloids to create fake stories about challengers from your own party and totally slander them? Lies such as that their dad participated in the assassination of a US President? Or that they left medical equipment in the brains of children?

Can you remind me who that tough guy was? I know it's important to you.

Was it Rahm Emanuel? Arnold Schwarzenegger? Was it Hillary Clinton? Was it.........

Ive always enjoyed it when I know you are knowledge on a subject, but to score some cheap point you suddenly pretend you're clueless.

Yes. Trump is the first, and only politician to say ****, plant stories, create false narratives. The very first. And we know that because Pecker, in testimony didn't divulge any other politicians who they at the Enquirer had done the same for. Ronan Farrow for sure didn't have the story on catch and kill that none of the 3 big news channels would touch, that he later turned into one of those silly podcasts I listen to. It's never happened until Trump.🙄🙄

Again, I have no real beef with Cox. But I know a lot of folks south of SL county do, and their reasons aren't invalid.

I have kids.

My youngest struggled with speech as he was learning to talk. The fantastic folks in the school he went to got that corrected, but it hurt his reading and writing, so he was behind in that.

Then COVID hit. Schools got shut down. Kids went online.

So kids, like my youngest they were getting extra help from talented professionals, lost that help. Even after the initial panic, and everyone knew what COVID was or wasn't, schools stayed closed. The teachers unions made sure of it.

Cox, while better than blue states, screwed a ton of Utah kids. Many like mine lost a year of specialized help that he's never recovered from.

Kids less fortunate, or with special needs, got f-ed, and Cox fear of the UEA was why.

So while I don't have beef now, I do have a reminder when Im helping with homework what soft leadership looks like, and what the result is.
I Might Be Wrong?

But Does Cox Know Where NE Utah Is?

If He Does?

Can Somebody Remind Me Of What He's Done In This Part Of The State?
Cox, while better than blue states, screwed a ton of Utah kids. Many like mine lost a year of specialized help that he's never recovered from.

Kids less fortunate, or with special needs, got f-ed, and Cox fear of the UEA was why.

Hey Hoss, you do realize that Cox was not governor when Utah schools shut down, right?

It was Gary Herbert at the time. Not arguing whether the acts were right or wrong, just pointing out that you’re naming the wrong governor.
Schools closed in spring of 20'?

Cox was lt gov. They opened in the fall, as he was campaigning. They opened under 6' distance, and MASKS making kids with speech issues screwed. Mandatory quarantine.

So yes, he didn't close the schools, his admin did. Fair enough.

Doesn't change the outcome of what his admin, then him, did to kids.

I was at Layton high a week ago.

Senior class pics from 1990 to 2023. Except 20', it's a yearbook page.

He's not innocent of the way things went down
On second thought.

I was wrong on the dates. Vanilla is correct.

Cox is guilty of the mask, distance, quarantine crap.

Bite me Vanilla with your calender!!

I had a good rage post going🤪
On second thought.

I was wrong on the dates. Vanilla is correct.

Cox is guilty of the mask, distance, quarantine crap.

Bite me Vanilla with your calender!!

I had a good rage post going🤪

I'm not sure that is even the case. When school went back into session the next fall Herbert was still the governor. Cox didn't take office until January 2021, so all the masking, quarantine junk that the new school year brought in was still under Herbert. Of course Cox was in the administration, but he was not calling shots.

And wasn't a lot of the policies in schools up to the individual school districts at that point? I can't remember everything exactly or the timelines...heck, I don't want to remember all that...but I seem to recall different school districts having different regulations until the legislature passed some laws in the 2021 session prohibiting certain things. (Which Cox signed as governor, I'm not mistaken.)

Listen, I don't care who likes Cox or not. I'm not advocating for that. I am one that thinks if we are going to debate details, that the details matter and we should have accurate information in the debate. That is my only purpose for posting what I have above. Just providing the context and hopefully accurate information to the discussion.

What I am confident in, however, is these stupid delegates that are acting like clowns will only cut their own throats with this behavior. It has been shown over and over again the state delegates do NOT represent the republican electorate in Utah at all. This one may be the straw that breaks the camel's back that makes that very strong majority step up and force these clowns back to the shadows of irrelevancy where they belong.

To have a party convention where a large number of delegates boo one of our own and make threats against kids because they're wearing a name on a shirt we don't like is beyond embarrassing. That sure takes a tough man to do that, no doubt!
I'm not sure that is even the case. When school went back into session the next fall Herbert was still the governor. Cox didn't take office until January 2021, so all the masking, quarantine junk that the new school year brought in was still under Herbert. Of course Cox was in the administration, but he was not calling shots.

And wasn't a lot of the policies in schools up to the individual school districts at that point? I can't remember everything exactly or the timelines...heck, I don't want to remember all that...but I seem to recall different school districts having different regulations until the legislature passed some laws in the 2021 session prohibiting certain things. (Which Cox signed as governor, I'm not mistaken.)

Listen, I don't care who likes Cox or not. I'm not advocating for that. I am one that thinks if we are going to debate details, that the details matter and we should have accurate information in the debate. That is my only purpose for posting what I have above. Just providing the context and hopefully accurate information to the discussion.

What I am confident in, however, is these stupid delegates that are acting like clowns will only cut their own throats with this behavior. It has been shown over and over again the state delegates do NOT represent the republican electorate in Utah at all. This one may be the straw that breaks the camel's back that makes that very strong majority step up and force these clowns back to the shadows of irrelevancy where they belong.

To have a party convention where a large number of delegates boo one of our own and make threats against kids because they're wearing a name on a shirt we don't like is beyond embarrassing. That sure takes a tough man to do that, no doubt!

Cox was the governor. Leaving policy to county health departments was a cop out. He was the gov, and didn't end that foolishness.

I agree on the threats, I wasn't aware of that.

But I disagree. Those folks earned the right to boo the gov. I didn't notice the gov being above taking shots back at them.

"Disagree better" isn't telling people they only boo him because he "doesn't hate enough"
How'd Them .59 Cent MADE IN CHINA Masks work Out For Everybody?

China Coulda Embedded Something In Them Masks & Coulda Killed 89% Of The Americans!
If Lyman would have used some of those campaign funds to pay a lawyer $0.59 for some advice before picking a Lt Gov running mate then he might have picked someone that actually met the residency requirements.

But That's A Minimal Act Of Breaking A Law For A Politician!

If Lyman would have used some of those campaign funds to pay a lawyer $0.59 for some advice before picking a Lt Gov running mate then he might have picked someone that actually met the residency requirements.
It won’t matter. He’s going to be beaten soundly in the primary. Utah as a whole is way too smart to put that guy in charge. I’m not even convinced he wants it. I think he just wants attention.

What Do you Know About Her?

Nothing outside of what the press releases say about her.

One More thing Nilly?

Are You Mad At Phil Because He Made A Stand Against Government OVER-REACH?

Or What?

I’m not mad at him at all. I just don’t like how he conducts himself. It’s my opinion that I don’t think he’s serious about any of this and just seeking attention. How does one pick an ineligible running mate? You either aren’t serious about the race or you are a complete dope. You calling him a complete dope, bessy? I don’t think he’s dumb, but maybe he is? You tell me.
He Ain't Dumb!

I Do Give Him Credit For Standing Up Against Government Over-Reach!

And That Has Nothing To Do With The Recapture Trail!

The Damage Was Already Done!

The Authorities Closed It After It Was Too Late!

I'm Not Saying He Was Right For Wanting The Trail Re-Opened!

But He Tried Keeping It Civil & Legal!

Then One Of The Bundy's & His Kids Show Up And Tread Right In To Closed Territory!

Once Bundy Goes Through A Bunch Of Others Follow Of Course,DRATS Are Gonna Be DRATS,Right?

The Part That Bothers Me Is How They Singled 5-6 Of Them Out After Phil Told Em All He Didn't Want Anybody Going Past The Closed Area/Gate!

Bundy, The First One Through & The Very First One That Doesn't Get Cited/Prosecuted!

SPLAIN It To Me If You Can?

Then Phil Spends Some Time In The Can!

Nothing outside of what the press releases say about her.

I’m not mad at him at all. I just don’t like how he conducts himself. It’s my opinion that I don’t think he’s serious about any of this and just seeking attention. How does one pick an ineligible running mate? You either aren’t serious about the race or you are a complete dope. You calling him a complete dope, bessy? I don’t think he’s dumb, but maybe he is? You tell me.
Then we agree he isn’t dumb. So that means he isn’t serious about this and just seeking attention, which means none of us should give him any.
I really don’t care about that topic, but it seems to be the only thing that you are concerned with.


There are some numbers for you.

And maybe someone will give him a pardon for the butt kicking he’s going to take in the election. He’s going to lose. What does Trump say about people that can’t win elections?
You're Sayin I keep Bringing Pardons Up?

I really don’t care about that topic, but it seems to be the only thing that you are concerned with.

View attachment 144981

There are some numbers for you.

And maybe someone will give him a pardon for the butt kicking he’s going to take in the election. He’s going to lose. What does Trump say about people that can’t win elections?

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