Mega Beast - Town Buck


Founder Since 1999
I just posted these pics to our Photo Gallery. Randy Windsor sent them over. The buck lives in town up in Oregon. Could you imagine spotting a deer like this while hunting?!?! I'd flip out.


Brian Latturner
That deer is off the charts. I am sure I will be challenged on this but this deer's typical frame looks larger than the world record.
If it was in utah it would already be dead or wounded from an arrow.
BTW, has anyone seen the cemetery buck lately? Or has he miraculously left city limits and got shot.
Due to the attraction this Buck has presented , the Local Police Department was considering for a while to Tranquilize the Buck and cutting off it's Antlers , to prevent this Buck from being Poached . The Police Department and other Authorities have got a very close tab on this Buck . Ironically, this Buck is always seen at the Rosler Bullets manufacturing . lol
holy flipn' ***************************** that is an awesome buck!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-13 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]HOLY MARY MOTHER OF DUKE MY SHORTS! since when did Megatron think a deer would be a good disguise!

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
everyone in town has been talking about that deer. He's paying HOA/protection dues over at broken top golf course.
No problem AZ. On the Len Backus site, there's a thread about one of the smaller Nosler town bucks being shot a week or so ago. Doesn't Surprise me, Oregon's hunting has taken a dump, and pickins are slim. Unless you have private property of course.
Cemetary buck is nothing in size compared to this megatron! He is to big for me to even assume a score.
I'll throw a number out there, 247" gross :)

Whatever, he's a Monster!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I have more pictures of the beast. If someone sends me their cell phone number I will send them the photos to post.

I suppose there is a few Cache Valley folk on there way to Bend OR. to keep a 24 hr watch on him so they can get the sheds.
>I'll throw a number out there,
>247" gross :)
>Whatever, he's a Monster!!

I've got a pair of 245 sheds that are dinks compared to that bad boy.
"I've got a pair of 245 sheds that are dinks compared to that bad boy."

OK, what do you think he scores? I thought my number might be close but like i said, "whatever"


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

You just LOW-BALLED another one!

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
That Deschutes River buck is pushing 285-290. He is a Gawd Darn HODAD! Just ridiculous.
When trying to find one of these city bucks...always ask the postal person delivering mail or the street beat cop. NEVER ask a fireman because they want to waste your time and talk about how much they know about everything!
I'm thinking , w/ the main frame being 220" , (my Guess) , this will be 275"+ Buck . When I find it's sheds from this year, I'll be sure to let everyone know ;) lol
Last year the buck was about 270. Anytime a HODAD goes over 270 it's definately a buck of many lifetimes!! As a side note, I believe that one of last yeas sheds was ran over by some older disabled woman whle backing out her driveway. Sucks
you guys is smokin crack! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
After further review up in the booth....look at that mass, all those points including a few that are hidden, okay...283 3/8. Notice those brows...SOB is a gorilla.
It must get really rediculous in that town with all the shed hunters trying to be the ones who bag his sheds...I'll bet it's a real circus around there! Awesome buck!:)
The best part about an enduring several hour morning shed hunt is that for lunch you can walk over to the local brewery and start sucking suds. Plus, there are some great restaurants on the river. Or, you can visit the Nosler plant and purchase a truck load of 140 grain Nosler Partitions for the trusty 270 for a mere but large transaction on your American Exprees card.

Love that dropper. Any hard horn pics floating around??
He almost looks photo-shopped he's so huge! WOW!

That is my all-time favorite buck. Unbelievable. His bases have got to be 9" or 10".
The typical frame of the Oregon buck is larger than the buck in the photo with Ryan Hatch. The nontypical inches are a little more in favor of the Hatch photo. The Oregon deer should still break 300 inches in my opinion.
Lol hahahaha best YouTube clip ever!!!!! This guy should be called Megatron. It just suits him!
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
I don't think you guys realize just how big this Buck is. He's got to go 250" anyway... :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-13 AT 11:43PM (MST)[p]
Just for some fun I cropped these three monsters together and did my best to make the bucks heads as proportionate to each other as I could. Denny's buck(middle) scores 271 gross.
The bottom buck scores 276 with a 241 typical frame. Any thoughts on his score with a good comparison next to it!

My guess. 243 frame and grosses 292. Look at the mass measurement by his dropper!
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
OMG, can you say world record!
Yep, I would put the penthouse mag down, stand at the window, and jack off all day long if that thing was in my backyard.
Jesus, what a freaking beast.
I will tell you something that is not an exaggeration and really amazing when you think about it. If you cut his head off and put his entire body, minus head, in a box you would have to get a larger box than that just to put his head and horns in. That is a rare thing.
Nice he made me tired just watching him.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I wonder how many "crews" are trying to figure out a way to get this deer and make it look like a marvelous adventure of a hunt?
Huge buck, but now after all the attention I bet his days are numbered.
Bet we see a Town Oregon buck thread soon from the clowns.


Awesome video!!!

Awesome nick name Buck Norris, haha!


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
That's it. I'm moving to Oregon for the spring! This is the most beautiful deer I have seen in my entire life!
"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
Harlan, I can't imagine what it was like to see that deer through my lense. WOW! AWESOME footage. Nobody will out do that this, or any other year. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
He scores somewhere above AWESOME!!!


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
As usual, not quite as massive looking as when in velvet. Still thinking that's a 280 plus buck. Any pics of the other 200" buck that hangs with him? Sure hope that a vehicle will NOT take him out!
You guys need to go to Harlan Cooper's website and check out the photos he has taken of this giant and so many others. No one...and I mean no one photograph's giant mule deer like Harlan does!

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