Mighty hunters


Active Member
How about those two peckerwoods that went and killed a mother bear and her two cubs hibernating in the cave. No wonder hunters get such a bad rap - pretty sick when you saw them posing for pictures after dragging the mother bear out of the den. They didn't know there were camera's taking pictures of the whole event. Maybe some of you saw this on the news.
Yes I saw it, Ace,

Pretty damn sickening!

It makes me almost as sick to think that the anti's will portray that ALL hunters are like these two buffoons!

The dude couldn't figure out what to do with the tracking collar and they certainly didn't know they were being filmed through the despicable event.


There?s a special place in Hell for them two.
That is beyond cruel.

You know I thought about going on a bear or cougar hunt using dogs (Now I'm not talking bad about that way of hunting or the outfitters or the hunters I'm just talking about myself)
I don't know if I could pull the trigger on an animal that's been treed.
Again that's just me. But then again maybe it wouldn't be an issue after chasing an animal for miles up and down the mountain.

Has anyone else had that thought or had that happen to them?


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Also doesn't help that Hollywood keeps creating cartoon movies such as ?Open Season? Any real hunter knows thats not what hunting really is but the anti?s start believing thats what we all do, same goes for the sick sob?s who killed this sow and cubs in their den.

A Slap on their F'N Hands!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>There?s a special place in Hell
>for them two.
>That is beyond cruel.
>You know I thought about going
>on a bear or cougar
>hunt using dogs (Now I'm
>not talking bad about that
>way of hunting or the
>outfitters or the hunters I'm
>just talking about myself)
>I don't know if I could
>pull the trigger on an
>animal that's been treed.
>Again that's just me. But then
>again maybe it wouldn't be
>an issue after chasing an
>animal for miles up and
>down the mountain.
>Has anyone else had that thought
>or had that happen to
>"Sometimes you do things wrong for
>so long you
>think their right" - 2001
>"I can't argue with honesty" -
>-Joe E Sikora

Hey Joe!

There's Nothing Wrong with Legal Hunting of anything!

Most people never see the Whole Picture of Hunting With Hounds!

It Ain't Always Easy like the Movies show it to be!

This kinda Crap Posted above is what will help take us down!

They wanna take the Lion & Bear Hunting for the same Reason they wanna take your AR's!

Easiest to take first & Foot in the Door!

We Can't let it happen!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>The guys in the video are
>hunters and they represent
>about 90% of hunters.
>Sad but true. All
>you guys that talk big
>and say kill every wolf
>coyote etc are just like
>the hunters in the video.

We'll just have to agree to disagree wired.

dude needs a little sun....

>dude needs a little sun....

Just FYI Homer!

There Ain't Much of that in Alaska!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>The guys in the video are
>hunters and they represent
>about 90% of hunters.
>Sad but true. All
>you guys that talk big
>and say kill every wolf
>coyote etc are just like
>the hunters in the video.

Wrong. Wolves don't hibernate.
>The guys in the video are
>hunters and they represent
>about 90% of hunters.
>Sad but true. All
>you guys that talk big
>and say kill every wolf
>coyote etc are just like
>the hunters in the video.

Um, what? 90% . Hyperbole, much?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-19 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]That wired guy is on other sections of these forums just making trouble. Guessing the weird bastard is just lonely and angry. When my sister and i use to fight as kids my mom would tell me the best way to get her to stop was to ignore her. It actually worked so lets try it with this guy, he's obviously not a sportsman.
>AT 07:55?AM (MST)

>That wired guy is on other
>sections of these forums just
>making trouble. Guessing the
>weird bastard is just lonely
>and angry. When my
>sister and i use to
>fight as kids my mom
>would tell me the best
>way to get her to
>stop was to ignore her.
> It actually worked
>so lets try it with
>this guy, he's obviously not
>a sportsman.

I do think WIRED is a hunter, and I do think the new breed of hunters is not as honest as the old hunters. That being said, I would certainly like to think that I like most hunters would obey the law. Yes I would shoot every coyote I saw. The coyote and roaches will be the last two animal alive on this earth.
Game violations in Alaska can lead to the troopers taking anything you used in the crime. Foe example rifles, hunting gear, pickups or atvs used to get there and even bush planes. Wonder if any of these items were confiscated from these thugs? Sure hope so
>Game violations in Alaska can lead
>to the troopers taking anything
>you used in the crime.
> Foe example rifles, hunting
>gear, pickups or atvs used
>to get there and even
>bush planes. Wonder if
>any of these items were
>confiscated from these thugs?
> Sure hope so

I read pickup, boat, rifles, pistols, skis, hunting privileges, hefty fine. I'll try and find the link.


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