Mike Lee, Mittens and Senate Bill S. 4032...Trading out our BLM lands for residences


Active Member
A recently introduced bill (S.4062) from Utah Sen. Mike Lee would authorize the sale of large swaths of federally managed public lands across the West and then earmark that land for high-density housing development projects.

Lee, who has made a career out of trying to transfer public lands out of public hands, introduced his bill on Apr 7, 2022. Co-sponsors on the legislation include Sen. Mitt Romney, also of Utah, Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, Sen. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, and Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska.

Dubbed the HOUSES Act, Lee’s bill would achieve its goal of freeing up public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for housing development by amending the Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976. The FLPMA was enacted during the tenure of Pres. Gerald Ford. It declared that BLM lands should forever remain in federal ownership, and it gave the BLM the authority it needs to manage those lands.

The link will explain more and allow you to voice your concerns about this.

Not the first try and it won't be the last. but ever since Ford's administration taking public lands has been a goal of only one political party. guess which one.

Join and support the TRCP it's the most important hunting organization of all. keep public lands in public hands.
Not the first try and it won't be the last. but ever since Ford's administration taking public lands has been a goal of only one political party. guess which one.

Join and support the TRCP it's the most important hunting organization of all. keep public lands in public hands.
Not totally true Harry Reid sold out Nevada, go look up the growth of Las Vegas/Henderson Nevada and the land they are advancing there city limits upon.

In his 34 years in Congress, Reid helped put together a bipartisan deal to enable Las Vegas, ringed by federal lands, to continue growing by auctioning off public lands within growth boundaries to the highest bidder.

Check out SNPLMA.
Not totally true Harry Reid sold out Nevada, go look up the growth of Las Vegas/Henderson Nevada and the land they are advancing there city limits upon.

In his 34 years in Congress, Reid helped put together a bipartisan deal to enable Las Vegas, ringed by federal lands, to continue growing by auctioning off public lands within growth boundaries to the highest bidder.

Check out SNPLMA.
This is correct.

Reid was a very shrewd politician and even if it don't like him, he deserves credit for the blocking of gun control during the Obama Administration (for years he was endorsed by the NRA).

Below is an interesting article highlighting Reid's relationship to Mike Lee and public land and how strange bedfellows used to form when the parties were willing to work together to each get what they wanted.

This is correct.

Reid was a very shrewd politician and even if it don't like him, he deserves credit for the blocking of gun control during the Obama Administration (for years he was endorsed by the NRA).

Below is an interesting article highlighting Reid's relationship to Mike Lee and public land and how strange bedfellows used to form when the parties were willing to work together to each get what they wanted.

More importantly he had Obama appoint Neil Kornze in the 2013 to run the BLM. Ironically, shortly thereafter he had the mining permits he needed and so did the Kornze family! All three of them should be in jail.
The more you know.
More importantly he had Obama appoint Neil Kornze in the 2013 to run the BLM. Ironically, shortly thereafter he had the mining permits he needed and so did the Kornze family! All three of them should be in jail.
The more you know.
Name a politician and I'll give you corruption. Even the Founding Fathers were padding each other's pockets.

I don't say this to justify bad behavior. On the contrary, I'd jail all corrupt politicians if I could. I say this as the reason to not try and point to a politician with a charge of corruption because whichever politician we all intend to vote for in the next election, we can find corruption in their background too. They're all dirty.
We are all dirty, we are all hypocrites, dig deep enough on any of us and it would be embarrassing. People tend to look out for themselves and theirs because if they don’t nobody else will. Nobody will leave this planet unscathed, especially those politicians mentioned above.
Expanding city limits is not the same thing as selling of public lands in the middle of nowhere. and sometimes small land locked pieces or unusable parcels are sold I don't care who's idea that is if it makes sense.

It's been the goal of a determined group in the GOP to sell off the bulk of public lands for many years that's verifiable fact. you're either for it or against it no excuses.
The biden administration is considering closing millions of acres of Public Lands to hunting and fishing.

It’s been the goal of a determined group in the democrat party to close public lands to hunting and fishing and ban all firearms permanently, you’re either for it or against it no excuses.
The biden administration is considering closing millions of acres of Public Lands to hunting and fishing.

It’s been the goal of a determined group in the democrat party to close public lands to hunting and fishing and ban all firearms permanently, you’re either for it or against it no excuses.
Interesting. To what are you referring?

Just last August the Biden Administration announced the largest expansion of hunting and fishing on US Fish & Wildlife lands and waters.

Exactly. let's see the proof .

Even if it were true I'd rather see public land I can't hunt on than Walmart stores and trailer parks where I used to hunt.
Interesting. To what are you referring?

Just last August the Biden Administration announced the largest expansion of hunting and fishing on US Fish & Wildlife lands and waters.


The biden administration is considering closing millions of acres of Public Lands to hunting and fishing.

It’s been the goal of a determined group in the democrat party to close public lands to hunting and fishing and ban all firearms permanently, you’re either for it or against it no excuses.
Let's hear it. What is your proof? You got a big mouth, now back it up.
biden is the nut who wants to take your guns. He is the guy who said all you need to do is fire off a warning shot from your back porch using a shotgun. That’s all you need. I’m sure the rest of you nuts agree with him.
Expanding city limits is not the same thing as selling of public lands in the middle of nowhere. and sometimes small land locked pieces or unusable parcels are sold I don't care who's idea that is if it makes sense.

It's been the goal of a determined group in the GOP to sell off the bulk of public lands for many years that's verifiable fact. you're either for it or against it no excuses.
"Come on man"
You can do better than that.
I am not justifying Mike Lee's proposal but we need to be honest.
The Federal land that Mike Lee is proposing to be sold and used for high density housing is within city limits within certain cities along the Wasatch front and other parts of the country, It is obvious they are not talking about land that is in the back country.
Public land is public land it is important to someone.
It looks like McMullin is closing the gap on Lee for the November election. Lee showing at 41%, McMullin 37%, 19% undecided. We will see how the primary goes, but Lee obviously has the advantage there. I would gladly see Lee go in November and McMullin win. Voted for Edwards on my primary ballot, will be voting for McMullin in November unless it’s Edwards or Isom on the ticket. Hopefully McMullin will run a good/strong campaign after the primary to shore up the collaborative support needed to get rid of Mike Lee.

Poll here:

It looks like McMullin is closing the gap on Lee for the November election. Lee showing at 41%, McMullin 37%, 19% undecided. We will see how the primary goes, but Lee obviously has the advantage there. I would gladly see Lee go in November and McMullin win. Voted for Edwards on my primary ballot, will be voting for McMullin in November unless it’s Edwards or Isom on the ticket. Hopefully McMullin will run a good/strong campaign after the primary to shore up the collaborative support needed to get rid of Mike Lee.

Poll here:

Any word on the others stance on public land?
Any word on the others stance on public land?
When I watched the debate(the one Lee didn’t show up to), I’d say Isom was the closest with me on public lands, but Edwards is pretty far ahead in the polls and closer to me than Mike Lee. As far as public lands specifically with the primary, I’d say it’s Isom. My vote was balancing a better chance of winning and a step better than Lee, so I voted for Edwards, but Isom is a good candidate as well. If I’m being honest from every poll I’ve seen, McMullin is the only one with a legitimate shot to challenge Lee. That most recent poll is the worst poll I’ve seen for Lee in quite a while. His public land stances are my biggest reason for my total opposition of the guy, but he’s done himself no favors over the last 6 months outside that. I’d love to see Edwards or Isom somehow pull out a miracle in the primary, but my focus will likely end up being watching McMullins campaign once the primary ends. As I mentioned on another forum, Lee and McMullin are both pretty well funded (Lee has a financial advantage being backed by the major party of course)…..but I know by November we’re all going to be tired of both their commercials on our screens lol.
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When I watched the debate(the one Lee didn’t show up to), I’d say Isom was the closest with me on public lands, but Edwards is pretty far ahead in the polls and closer to me than Mike Lee. As far as public lands specifically with the primary, I’d say it’s Isom. My vote was balancing a better chance of winning and a step better than Lee, so I voted for Edwards, but Isom is a good candidate as well. If I’m being honest from every poll I’ve seen, McMullin is the only one with a legitimate shot to challenge Lee. That most recent poll is the worst poll I’ve seen for Lee in quite a while. His public land stances are my biggest reason for my total opposition of the guy, but he’s done himself no favors over the last 6 months outside that. I’d love to see Edwards or Isom somehow pull out a miracle in the primary, but my focus will likely end up being watching McMullins campaign once the primary ends. As I mentioned on another forum, Lee and McMullin are both pretty well funded (Lee has a financial advantage being backed by the major party of course)…..but I know by November we’re all going to be tired of both their commercials on our screens lol.

I never did get anything other than form letters back from either about land transfer.

Still astounding that this isn't a topic to hammer Lee with

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