Missing Iranian Scientist


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So what do you guys think is the real story behind this guy. Was Shahram Amiri captured by the US and interrogated or did he come on his free will. The whole story seems very strange based on what little we are being told. The sexier more interesting story is that we captured him in Saudi Arabia and brought him here to pick his brain so to speak. What's your take.

I think he came over here to update his Nuclear technology knowledge and then return to Iran with the new info to help with there weapons program...

Guess Im just not a trusting soul...
My money says this guy was nabbed by the Mossad (Israeli intelligence) interrogated, then handed over to the CIA to avoid an international incident. No doubt he will receive a warm welcome home from the Savak (Iranian Intelligence) when he arrives in Tehran, interrogated again....then be executed. Brings a whole new meaning to "Wanna get away?"
When I read about it, I came to the same conclusion that Fwall did. It smells of a Mossad operation where someone has the brass ones to pull it off. I do not see the CIA doing that under this limp wrist Admin. You have to remember that the Saudie kingdom greatly fears a nuke armed Iran and may have a tendency to turn a blind eye to a Mossad kidnap operation if it is done discreetly.

If done by the Mossad, they now have the information as to how far the nuke program has progressed and a better time table when Iran will have theit first bomb. Also better knowledge of the key sites and how they can be neutralized.

As to giving him over to the CIA, this would be done so that the CIA could also confirm his information and Israel will not have to worry about our leaders feeling that Israel may be feeding them false information on Iran's nuke program. To close the door on possible allegations of poor intelligence that happen with Bush and Iraq.

That leads me to belive that scientist gave information that Iran fully intends to develope their nuke program and may be closer to completion then previously thought and Israel needs the assistance or blessing of the U.S. to conduct a preempt strike to destroy the nuke sites.

Obama recently made the statement that Iran must not be allowed to develope a nuke arsenal and Israel wants to make sure that he gets information from the horses mouth and not waver about believing any infromation that came from the Mossad.
What better way to do that then to turn the scientist over to the CIA so they can get the same infromation from a scientist that is in the inner circle of Iran's nuke program.

I still have about 10 months left on my prediction that Israel will strike Iran's nuke site like they did with Iraq.

The issue I see unless I read it wrong was that this guy has been missing for a year. So whatever information was forced out of him by the Israelis is not very current.

Why the videos stating that he was held captive by the Americans? I think the only reason we didn't put him back to where he was picked up was twofold. First we want to look like "good guys" by letting him go and stating he is free to leave because he was free when he arrived. This ploy is to try and get the three hippies back that were illegally taken in Iraqi territory. The second is to make him look like a traitor so that when he does go home he will be executed. We need to contract this kind of kidnapping out more to the Israelis, they are much better at it than we are.


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