Misspell Monstermuleys???


Long Time Member
A few months back my wife was at work and I had her try to get on mm. Well, she spelled is something like monstermulies.com and what she got was a long ways from this site.
lets just say there were big black wongs that popped up on her screen. Needless to say she hasnt been impressed with me after that.

Anyone else have this problem? I guess for some people like jazz, huntrez, and BowHuntWithARifle they would injoy it!
She must have relized you were lying about having 6 inches and you can not longer impress her with your short comings.


Boy! did you walk into that with your eyes closed.

You know what they say? once you go, well nevermind!

Needless to say, my wife and I both love monster muleys. one of us just spells it differently.
Bet she's just a little more impressed with you than she's ever been!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I misspelled a url once. I was looking for blacktailcountry.com but on a freinds recommendation of "I think it is" I only put in blacktail.com instead. It was on a work computer. Bad BAD BAD!! It is a funny story we repeat every once in a while now.

1 Corinthians 2:2
"she spelled something like monstermulies.com"

Sure . . .

More like monsterwillies.com!!!

Freudian Finger slip . . .
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-10 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]That kinda reminds of the time I tried to "Google" up images of a "Snow C0ck". That's a real bird by the way that lives in the high elevations up around Elko, NV. Man I got a puter virus that drove me mad. I ask some of my so called MM buddies for help and before you know it, it wound up getting a little pornny and ended up with some a$$ole more or less accusing me of being gay. Of course I'll never get a chance to meet that plick in person, but I sure learned alot about this place called MM Land and that is be real careful about what you say around the "Campfire". If your not you'll be accused of kinds of bullcrap.

I was trying to look up something from bass pro shops. I think it was a camo hoody. It was made by redhead, so I put in redhead.com. I saw a promo for it on the outdoor channel and didn't pay close enough attention to the url. Well it wasn't what I expected and got smacked in the back of the head by my wife! I told her to come look at this I want it before it loaded.....

"Bates7, it doesn't mean your gay just because your on the bottom". And your mm handle is "buttshot". You better hope Bess does not get hold of this, or he will get banned again.

Thanx for your support RELH. Now that was funny right there.

BUTTSHOT (Ha,Ha). See I'm not quite as clever as RELH because I'm not a vindictive man unless I'm super pissed off at somebody. I left childish name calling back in the 3rd grade. Life is way to damn short to be a plick. Some folks will never realize that until they've come face to face with death.

RELH, I know what my name is about, I am comfortable in my masculine self. .
But that is pretty good, wish I would have seen that one.
Buttshot, you did walk into that one. Do not dispair, I married a farmer's daughter that took after her dad on being a practical joker. Boy, I can not count the times she has caught me flatfooted on a comeback.

I can relate to the original post on this thread. I was teasing my wife many years ago about being all the man she would ever need. Several of my cousins were present. Her comeback was a beauty.

She looked at me and smiled this evil grin she has when she is going to knock your socks off, and replied, Hon, since I started bookeeping at a hardware store, I now know you have been lying to me all these years.

Like a fool I bit and asked her what she meant by that. she came back and stated that she now knows how to use a measuring tape and I have been lying about the six inches I said I had!!

My cousins still tease me about walking into that one fat, dumb, and happy.

Here is the funny thing

How many of you have typed "MONSTERMULIES.COM" into you address bar after reading this?

I bet most of you!
I remember going on the Arizona Game and Fish site to check on the draw and forgot to put the z in azgfd.com and BOOM!!!!! Became an instant Sinner!!!
River Lover,

I know you didnt have to type it in after because it is already set as your homo page! :)

oops I meant home page! HA HA HA HA HA jk HA HA

On a serious note, Im glad a few folks have shared in a few shocking pages popping up. It makes me laugh.
you have to be dislectaic toundersTAnd!
(and we are the smaRTesT Aandhave dah besthighest IQ!!)

Don't feel bad I have done the same thing once...I was trying to type monstermuleys.com but instead typed giantwetjugs.com by accident...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Reminds me of my kid, he is 10. He was on the computer looking for Terminator stuff. Then he comes in (he was playing little league at the time) and asks me how to spell pitcher. So, I told him. Went back there to see how he was doing and noticed that he had several pictures of boobs.

Hmmm, did a google history and he had typed in "boob pitcher" instead of picture. Had to get a bit tough with him, but at least he didn't ask me how to spell rooster.

>A few months back my wife
>was at work and I
>had her try to get
>on mm. Well, she spelled
>is something like monstermulies.com and
>what she got was a
>long ways from this site.
> lets just
>say there were big black
>wongs that popped up on
>her screen. Needless to say
>she hasnt been impressed with
>me after that.
> Anyone
>else have this problem?
> I guess for some
>people like jazz, huntrez, and
>BowHuntWithARifle they would injoy it!

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

Thats pretty dang funny! until its your own kid. I have a few more years before I have to worry about that but I just hope I dont see him looking up rooster pictures. lol
one time i tried typing in monstermammarys.com and somehow ended up here. which was ironic beccause i got to look at monster racks here too? been coming here since

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