MM BL 7/15 Weigh-In


Active Member
Hey Guys - Get em in as quick as possible. I obviously did not update the spread sheet last weigh-in and am sorry for that. Had a revolving door of family visiting the last couple of weeks. In hind sight we should have just skipped a weigh-in.

Only three more after this one. We are down to about 35 or so guys. Overall I would say it has been a success, lots have dropped out but lots of weight lost also. And some guys have really done well.

Personally I have not done as well as I would have liked. But I have lost weight I might not of otherwise and still a month and a half to go. Hiking longs peak in a couple of weeks so that should give me some motivation for a big push.

Thanks to all those that have stuck with it....
Still hovering around 188-189. The lack of an elk tag this fall has seriously dampened my motivation. Family issues are another obsticle keeping me from doing as much aerobic as I need to. Excuses, excuses.... Still want to lose another 10, so I will keep plugging along. Congrats to those who are big winners. Keep it up.

Phantom Hunter
Down 5 to 227. I feel good I can wear stuff that I was ready to throw out because they didn't fit. I now can throw out the fat pants. Thanks Ramtagless!
A constant 189 lbs now.

Was thinkin about gainin a few more of muscle, but think I would rather go back to 185 for the Archery since I will already be calorie restircted anyways up in those Utah hills
(no sense trying to feed more muscle andhave to carry more pack weight up the mountain than I have to).

?-ERock-> ?
Well I am not out, there is still some time left, but I have had other concerns that are my main priority and have usurped every signle minute of my available time, focus and energy. Not an excuse really, just feel like I need to get this dissertation completely finished before I should focus energy somewhere else. Will be done within the next 48 hrs or so though.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"

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