MM Tourney Pick 'Em Challenge 2011


Well - it is that time again. Put up or shut up! All are invited to participate. Winner gets a year of bragging rights!

Here is the link - all you have to do is click it, log in to yahoo, name your team and pick your bracket. It's a lot of fun!

If that doesn't work, log in to Yahoo - go to Fantasy Sports, look for Men's College Basketball Tournament Pick 'Em - here is the league ID and password.

Group ID#: 100781
Password: muleys

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Got mine in.....had to use my wifes yahoo account since I don't have one so you'll need to let me know how I can check it via her email. Thanks! I'm gonna smash all of you. I just went on tarrot card and she said I was a sure winner!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
No...not WEINER....winner!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
F**k it I'm not playing now! Wis just went Charlie Sheen on us.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-11 AT 05:59AM (MST)[p]So Z - you do realize that this is for COLLEGE b-ball right? You can't just pick Kobe and the Lakeshow all the way through.

BTW - that was a pretty nice reboud against the Spurs last week though wasn't it?

Too bad they couldn't do the same with the Heat.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I don't pay as much attention to college basketball as I do college football but I think this will be fun even though I probably won't even come close to winning it lol.

One of my buddies is a Spurs fan and text me after that game "Spurs needed to get thier asses kicked!" I think he was right, it's only going to help motivate them for the rematch on April 12th, which is a couple days before the playoffs start. That's the tourney I'm really excited for!! :)

Thanks for the PM too!!

>So when do we get to
>see who everyone picked ???

The brackets won't show up until after the first official (not play in) games start on Thursday. Sorry Lil' Red - you can't borrow someone else's bracket to make yours. You will have to just pick the teams that you think play better basketball, if you don't understand that then you might be better off chosing the uniforms that look the best in each matchup. That is a good way for women to participate. They may not know jack about basketball but damn if their fashion sense isn't always about 60% accurate!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy youre lucky I like you ....My teams were piked last night... and I think I did a pretty good job ....we shall see !!!
I'm gonna give you a fight for last Eel. Seems really hard to pick this year. A lot of teams that are so inconsistent. Good luck.
Less than 24 hours left to register! We already have a good group - but the more the merrier.

Eel - this year just make sure you fill out your bracket ALL the way - not just the first round, that might help out.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just copy Obamas picks...he seems to know everything and doesn't have anything else to do.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming
Well, I won it in '09. Didn't do it last year. I plan on getting my title back. Just look for the team "youvebeenjimmered"!
Oh well forgot to tell you that the only rule is that you can't name your team with anything remotely resembling "Jimmer" in the title. The punishment is that the commissioner can edit your bracket at any time as he sees fit!

LOL - Good luck All - it's tip-off time.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
fireball77, by the way, I talked to 1911 on the phone yesterday. He said I should appologize to you for saying that getting arrested you get better food than being married. So, please accept my appology. It wasn't 1911 who said that, so I hope it's safe for him to come home?:)

Yeah it was a bad day for me too - hoping to bounce back today and over the weekend. There were too many upsets where there shouldn't have been! I thought the Aggies would beat K State too - missed that one.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
At least you are tied with a bunch of people Roy, I'M IN DEAD LAST!! lol definitely some crazy upsets but what shocked me more than anything was how close the Kentucky game was...I have them going all the way and they almost lost in Round 1!!

The Louisville loss has screwed me a bit. I didn't get one right in the Southwest. Today is another day. What gets me is that some picked Louisville to lose to Morehead State. How can so many pick that upset?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Hope you didn't pick Pittsburg. That's it - I'm done.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Wow, I thought my Bracket was still in pretty good shape until I checked this and found myself in 9th place.
GO KENTUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!
>I got in again this year,
>so the rest of you
>won't have to worry about
>finishing last.

I would think you would of had an unfair advantage over the rest of us with your support staff Eel. Pretty impressive white board you are using there Eel.
Gee Catch, you can lose one once in a while. give us a chance.
That is tough to watch Butler be the dream crushers again.
Blew mine up.
The best I can do is 2nd, N Catch has my Kentucky and the lead on me.
Good game fellas, and good luck to those still in the race.
Well - after a rough rough tourney - only about 50% of all our brackets had at least one of the Final Four - it's all over! After it looked like "tigerwoody" had it all wrapped up (sorry - that was just too easy - low lying fruit you know!) archerykid27 (Parker) came in and took the victory! Coming in dead last however was Modena Ghost - looks like Eelgrass will have to give up his title for this year at least.

Congrats then to Archerykid27 (Parker) for this year's victory! You win bragging rights for the whole year - feel free to claim them anytime you want!

Don't worry Eel - fantasy football is hopefully just around the corner and we always need a doormat for that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If only college football had a tourney like this...GO LSU GO!!

It made the tourney fun to watch, thanks Roy!![/IMG] ~Z~
man i didnt realize how many points that last game was worth!
i picked Uconn in all my other brackets, and won, this one- i thought i had enough of a lead that it wouldn't matter. good job arecherykid!
I finished near the bottom this year. Archerykid is my 12 year old son. This is the 3rd year in a row he has picked the national champion. Maybe I should take him to Vegas.

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