Mohave Sportsmans & HB2072


Active Member
Sorry, but I want to know an answer. I see some groups are distancing themselves from 2072. I see others like above & the ADA that are not saying anything.

To put this issue to bed......

What is the official position of the Mohave Sportsmans Club with regard to HB2072?
Good luck - I've asked on 3 different threads

silence speaks louder than words!

Emails have been sent to almost all the orgs still listed as supporting these crooks!

Dangle a carrot in front of a mule and he'll walk the extra mile everytime.
Crickets. Looks like fence sitting is a fine art when on one side you have pissed off hunters while on the other side a scam for $$$$$ that will not die. Reminds me of Schultzie on Hogan's Heroes..."I seeeee nothiiiiing!"
I can see how Don might be in support of 2072. Auction tags bring in people with big money and people with big money are more likely to hire a guide and are also more likely to tip well. If your a guide it makes good business since to support 2072.
I don't think Don supports the bill. We need to concentrate on keeping the pressure on the legislature. If everyone would send an email to every contact on your email list explaining the azsfw and the back door deal etc and ask them to forward it to anyone they know in ax that hunts I'm sure we can light more fires to this. Everyone I talk to up here gas no idea about it.
its not about DON -

where the club stands speaks volunmes . especiall y when azfsfw still say they have their support!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 09:42?PM (MST)

Mohave Sportsmen is listed on the AZSFW site as a "County Affiliate";

In HB2072 as proposed, the tags in question can only be sold at the Expo OR at banquets of the "County Affiliates";


Guys, Don is not the spokesman for Mohave Sportsmen. Don't blame him.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 00:29AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 00:26?AM (MST)

Geez guys, if the truth or facts are not important then it appears that some of you just make up crap to keep things stirred up!

First of all are any of you members of the MSC and have you contacted any of the BOD members with your thoughts or ideas?

We have a website you know ( ) and I think all of of the board's phone numbers are on there.

So you wanna know a FEW things, well here you go.

AS to Bruce's posting about the MSC being "a Mohave County affiliate" on the AZSFW site; yes its there, I checked it AFTER he told me about it, and I personally spoke with Suzanne and reminded her that we (BOD) never authorized that posting and to please remove it from the AZSFW website.

I've told you guys beofre--and Bruce you know this--that the MSC has not, nor ever been a member of the AZSFW!

The MSC is a member of the AZSFWC, and has been for years! I've written a number of grants that have been funded by the AZSFWC for projects ranging from Kids Fishing Days to dirt tank clean outs throughout Mohave County!

I've told my friend Bruce and now I'll tell you that the AZSFWC (WCC) is a separate conservation group! And I sent Bruce copies of the February agenda AND the December minutes of this group's meeting to show him that there is nothing political there! Hey the group looks over habitat, recruitment and retention, and educational applications and then votes to fund them or not.

Has there ever been conversations about the issues and challenges facing the Arizona sportsmen and AZ wildlife? Sure but this group doesn't take positions on the political stuff!

Hey, by the way, any of you guys been to one of those AZSFWC meetings? They are open to the public you know. They meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Suzanne's office on Missouri.

Here is another little tidbit of info.

The MSC BOD is having our regular meeting tomorrow at 5 p.m. at the clubhouse at the 7 Mile Hill Range. Its been posted on our website for a long time.

Suzanne has asked to address the BOD. I know that several people on this site, Bruce (GWagen) and Thom (Bugler) were told they were more than welcome to attend as it is a public meeting. Craig Steele was also invited to attend.

I know Bruce has declined ( to far and he is not a MSC Member), and don't know if Craig and Thom will attend. Hope they do so they can report what they hear. They both live in Kingman and I respect them both!

If you guys are so interested in the MSC position, then come on down and join us! Don't sit at your computers and take shots at me or the board.

This is the first time that we are addressing this issue as a board since it has appeared and I don't know what the board will decide. Now doesn't "THAT EXPLAINS THE SILENCE!"

I am but one member on that Board and after hearing ALL of the information I will vote my conscience as to what I think is best for our group and sportsmen.

Until then fellas, please don't keep posting what "you think" my position is. You need to get and keep your "houses" in order before you start worrying and commenting publicly on mine!

FYI, I've been invited by G&F to come down on the 22nd to their Sportsman's Constituents Group meeting at headquarters. I'm going to do everything I can to try and clear my schedule and be there to represent my club. I wonder if G&F feels about me like so many of you do, why the heck would they want me there?

I would like to meet you all and hear your plans to solve all of the problems facing AZ sportsmen and wildlife.

And as Bruce put it, I am not the spokesman for the MSC. I am only the Govt. Liaison. Big difference...

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club
OK the MSC is supportive of one of the SFW offshoots and that is their right to do so. Stop saying that niether one of those groups is affiliated with SFW. Suzanne was hand picked by Peay at the very start of this deal and if she is representing them then that is all I need to know. Justifying getting money for good work from a lobbyist that is hellbent on destroying my grandson's opportunity ain't worth it IMO.
Ok first of all I don't know thom. I'm bugler here on mm my name is JD Pepper.
Second for any of you that believe sfwc and azsfw are not connected I'm not sure what to tell you. Several of the same people are on both boards. Duh
The deal is this. Of a group isn't going to distance themselves from the azsfw then they should suffer the consequences from the avg sportsmen in AZ.
People care less about anything until it hits them in the wallet. I would like to see at this point more fresh orgs start up and the ones affiliated with or standing with azsfw sfwc fall apart. It is unfortunate but sometimes you gotta start fresh when things get to corrupt.
JD aka Bugler.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 07:11AM (MST)[p]"I am but one member on that Board and after hearing ALL of the information I will vote my conscience as to what I think is best for our group and sportsmen."

So Don now won't say that he's flat out against this tag grab in that last post! Yep, silence is golden and very telling in things like this where direct questions are asked and people just keep beating around the bush. Just the fact that the SFW lobbyist is going to speak tells me all I need to know when we already know what they and she stands for. I wouldn't let her in the same friggin building with me! As far as Don's statement about MSC not being affiliated, or whatever he's saying, sounds like a couple of these other yahoos spouting their BS about it on other threads. They may be set up as two separate entities, but they are probably only separated by a cubicle wall seeing as both operate out of the same address and have people on both Boards!!! I can smell the stench all the way here to MI.

I'm going to start another thread with what I just received in my mail this AM, as AZSFW is a bunch of dirty, lying bass turds. Wait until you read what they are now spreading to folks that they probably feel don't know about this tga grab scheme.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-12 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]Don,

Should I take a wild a$$ed guess at what Suzanne Gilstrap is going to say at the meeting regarding HB2072 when she addresses your club?

Gee, I wonder what she'll say?
Sorry bugler he got the wrong guy. Although I am not a member of MSC. I will be there to listen and I will keep you informed on what happens. We all know that somethings need to change to keep our hunting heritage for our Grandchildren and beyond. But doing the wrong thing is never the answer. I hope to tell you MSC does not support HB2072 or AZSFW this evening.
Thom Howell(azbuster not bugler)
Go to the mossback thread in the General section. There is a fantastic quick link list of every legislator. Write to them all with one letter stating your opposition to HB2072. I will guarantee you that we can out vote the AZSFW crowd by thousands and the time is now.
They may be set up as two separate entities, but they are probably only separated by a cubicle wall seeing as both operate out of the same address and have people on both Boards!!! I can smell the stench all the way here to MI.

BINGO we have a winner same people spewing the same smell on both boards in key positions especially when its Gilstrap and Hamberlin - explain that away DON!!
I was at the MSC meeting and was allowed as a non member to engage in the conversation. Mr. and Mrs. Gilstrap presented their side of the views on 2072 and allowed open debate on the bill. I was and still am against 2072 as I pointed out in the meeting.

I left before the board made a vote. As a non member it was not my place to debate at that point. I will let the MSC make a statement on where they are and stand on 2072.

I heard from a group of members that are avid hunters about the fears they have with the future of hunting and the futures of their children's hunting with 2072. It struck me that both sides want the same thing. They think they are right and we think they are wrong.

I pointed out that continuing with legislation at this point would only hurt our common purpose and divide us further. I hope 2072 is not pushed thru the legislative process, but if it is I hope everyone is ready to fight for their views and values on both sides and I hope 2072 goes away.

Then and only then can we start to work together to protect our hunting future.

This whole mess has brought me from an apathetic hunter to an engaged hunter when it comes to our hunting future and the politics that embrace it. Be ready I don't think this is over yet.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-12 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]

I really hope everyone had the opportunity to watch the G&F commission meeting on telecam . it was an eye opener for me !

azsfw has no plan at all on the issues - no plan on how the money will be divided , no plan on anything ? where are the funds gonna come from to put on the expo ? no plan

the deep wallet boys will put up the cash because they will profit from it , not the state or the g&f or any organization other than azsfw!

they say the tags may bring 3mil .ok if thats right G&F would get 900,000? that is nothing . building 1 catchment runs close to 50,000, the state has 200 or more, most need repair and or maintance !

they would get 300,000 for administration -which could be audited. for doing what!? one should check out the tax statements from this organization very interesting ! public information under non-profit organizations tax statements.

example -roughly from memory ***** banquet raised 108,000 dollars - admin fees 40- 60 to a charitable organization - no listing who got it! - total earned revenue -8,000. This is from thier own records. no accountability who got the 60,000?!

records fro 06-09 shoe 345,000 in cunsulting administration lobbing fees - only one paid person - susanne gilstrap

they have no projected costs of banquets/expo's
what will be left for the projects they claim the money will go too!

they have lied, they have exagerated , they try scare tactics with little or no proof of anything.

hell guys i got beach front property in yuma ,who wants in! It's the same kind of issue , IT's A SCAM

There only PLAN is to get the tags and the money - they'll wing it from there!!

sorry misposted above

I really hope everyone had the opportunity to watch the G&F commission meeting on telecam . it was an eye opener for me !

azsfw has no plan at all on the issues - no plan on how the money will be divided , no plan on anything ? where are the funds gonna come from to put on the expo ? no plan

the deep wallet boys will put up the cash because they will profit from it , not the state or the g&f or any organization other than azsfw!

they say the tags may bring 3mil .ok if thats right G&F would get 900,000? that is nothing . building 1 catchment runs close to 50,000, the state has 200 or more, most need repair and or maintance !

they would get 300,000 for administration -which could be audited. for doing what!? one should check out the tax statements from this organization very interesting ! public information under non-profit organizations tax statements.

example -roughly from memory ***** banquet raised 108,000 dollars - admin fees 40- 60 to a charitable organization - no listing who got it! - total earned revenue -8,000. This is from thier own records. no accountability who got the 60,000?!

records fro 06-09 shoe 345,000 in cunsulting administration lobbing fees - only one paid person - susanne gilstrap

they have no projected costs of banquets/expo's
what will be left for the projects they claim the money will go too!

they have lied, they have exagerated , they try scare tactics with little or no proof of anything.

hell guys i got beach front property in yuma ,who wants in! It's the same kind of issue , IT's A SCAM

There only PLAN is to get the tags and the money - they'll wing it from there!!

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-12 AT 09:13AM (MST)[p]

>Geez guys, if the truth or
>facts are not important then
>it appears that some of
>you just make up crap
>to keep things stirred up!
>First of all are any of
>you members of the MSC
>and have you contacted any
>of the BOD members with
>your thoughts or ideas?

>We have a website you know
>( ) and I think
>all of of the board's
>phone numbers are on there.
>So you wanna know a FEW
>things, well here you go.
>AS to Bruce's posting about the
>MSC being "a Mohave County
>affiliate" on the AZSFW site;
>yes its there, I checked
>it AFTER he told me
>about it, and I personally
>spoke with Suzanne and reminded
>her that we (BOD) never
>authorized that posting and to
>please remove it from the
>AZSFW website.
>I've told you guys beofre--and Bruce
>you know this--that the MSC
>has not, nor ever been
>a member of the AZSFW!
>The MSC is a member of
>the AZSFWC, and has been
>for years! I've written a
>number of grants that have
>been funded by the AZSFWC
>for projects ranging from Kids
>Fishing Days to dirt tank
>clean outs throughout Mohave County!
>I've told my friend Bruce and
>now I'll tell you that
>the AZSFWC (WCC) is a
>separate conservation group! And I
>sent Bruce copies of the
>February agenda AND the December
>minutes of this group's meeting
>to show him that there
>is nothing political there! Hey
>the group looks over habitat,
>recruitment and retention, and educational
>applications and then votes to
>fund them or not.
>Has there ever been conversations about
>the issues and challenges facing
>the Arizona sportsmen and AZ
>wildlife? Sure but this group
>doesn't take positions on the
>political stuff!
>Hey, by the way, any of
>you guys been to one
>of those AZSFWC meetings? They
>are open to the public
>you know. They meet on
>the fourth Tuesday of every
>month at Suzanne's office on
>Here is another little tidbit of
>The MSC BOD is having our
>regular meeting tomorrow at 5
>p.m. at the clubhouse at
>the 7 Mile Hill Range.
>Its been posted on our
>website for a long time.
>Suzanne has asked to address the
>BOD. I know that several
>people on this site, Bruce
>(GWagen) and Thom (Bugler) were
>told they were more than
>welcome to attend as it
>is a public meeting. Craig
>Steele was also invited to
>I know Bruce has declined (
>to far and he is
>not a MSC Member), and
>don't know if Craig and
>Thom will attend. Hope they
>do so they can report
>what they hear. They both
>live in Kingman and I
>respect them both!
>If you guys are so interested
>in the MSC position, then
>come on down and join
>us! Don't sit at your
>computers and take shots at
>me or the board.
>This is the first time that
>we are addressing this issue
>as a board since it
>has appeared and I don't
>know what the board will
>decide. Now doesn't "THAT EXPLAINS
>I am but one member on
>that Board and after hearing
>ALL of the information I
>will vote my conscience as
>to what I think is
>best for our group and
>Until then fellas, please don't keep
>posting what "you think" my
>position is. You need to
>get and keep your "houses"
>in order before you start
>worrying and commenting publicly on
>FYI, I've been invited by G&F
>to come down on the
>22nd to their Sportsman's Constituents
>Group meeting at headquarters. I'm
>going to do everything I
>can to try and clear
>my schedule and be there
>to represent my club. I
>wonder if G&F feels about
>me like so many of
>you do, why the heck
>would they want me there?
>I would like to meet you
>all and hear your plans
>to solve all of the
>problems facing AZ sportsmen and
>And as Bruce put it, I
>am not the spokesman for
>the MSC. I am only
>the Govt. Liaison. Big difference...
>Don Martin
>Govt Liaison
>Mohave Sportsman Club
the AZSFWC (WCC) is a
>separate conservation group!

this group
>doesn't take positions on the
>political stuff!

total B.S.

same top players both teams azsfw
#1---Alan Hamberlin----- the guy just hired /paid for 2 moe lobbists topush this crap
#2----floyd green
#3---- Art pearce

hamberlin president azsfw. either the sec/tresure of azsfwc or the chairman
green- sec/treasure azsfw is director at azsfwc
pearce - leg liaason azsfw is director at azsfwc

as listed on 2010 tax staenments

gilstrap is paid by both azsfw and azsfwc so if they are not political why do they have a paid lobbiust!!??

hamberlin hs hired 2 more lobbists since he is in top positions on both orgs. its fair to say azsfwc is very poitical motivated !!!
both groups have gilstrp as the paid lobbiist!

pretty sure wcc has withdrawn from azsfwc also .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-12 AT 09:46AM (MST)[p]the AZSFWC (WCC) is a
>separate conservation group!

this group
>doesn't take positions on the
>political stuff!

total B.S.

same top players both teams azsfw
#1---Alan Hamberlin----- the guy just hired /paid for 2 moe lobbists topush this crap
#2----floyd green
#3---- Art pearce

hamberlin president azsfw. either the sec/tresure of azsfwc or the chairman
green- sec/treasure azsfw is director at azsfwc
pearce - leg liaason azsfw is director at azsfwc

as listed on 2010 tax staenments

gilstrap is paid by both azsfw and azsfwc so if they are not political why do they have a paid lobbiust!!??

hamberlin hs hired 2 more lobbists since he is in top positions on both orgs. its fair to say azsfwc is very poitical motivated !!!
both groups have gilstrp as the paid lobbiist!

they are still meetingbehind closed doors -special meetings - tweeking the wording to get it passed. open to public - right!??

pretty sure wcc has withdrawn from azsfwc also .
Hey you need to get your facts straight--if that makes any difference!

Mr.Hamberlin, Art Pearce and Floyd Green are NOT on the board of the AZSFWC!

These are separate organizations with different missions! Can't speak to the AZSFW side as I have never been to one of their meetings, but they were the political organization.

As I have said here before the AZSFWC formerly known as the Wildlife Conservation Council) is made up of the different conservation groups whose purpose is to administer the conservation license plate funds and do grants.

I know you've never been to a meeting or looked at the past minutes of agendas of the "C" group,cause if you had you wouldn't be making these unfounded and totally erroneous statements!

I'm going to a meeting tonight of this "C" group to seek a grant for a new youth fishing club called the Mohave Junior Bass Club!

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club
Separate or not Don, they share a name and they support bill. Their decision to change their name to AZSFWC is proof of where they align themselves.

Your post is semantics sir. As far as most of us that are opposed to the bill are concerned, every org that supports this bill or the "idea" might as well have the same name because for us, this is black and white. Past achievements are of no concern at this point, they only serve as evidence of how much forgiveness from the hunting community is deserved for not standing in opposition to this bill.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-12 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]

heres some very interesting read .page 7 highest members list , officials !??
unless things dramatically changed i see these peole listed on the tax return from 06- 2010 for azsfwc

who here knows an accountant

check out the fundraiser auction -19,000 ??? page 21

yep i want these guys in charge !

and our favorite group -
I just had a long conversation with Steve Clark about all of this. He gave me some interesting information and I thank him for taking the time to call.

On some matters we will continue to agree to disagree, but since I have a heck of a lot of respect for Steve, it as always will be a civil conversation.

My idea of how these two groups are different in more than in just name is just that, my opinion. Right or wrong. Steve says I am wrong and that's ok. I can accept that.

Because of the distance for me to attend meetings, I acknowledge that there is a lot I may have missed in the past as I don't attend all of the meetings. Matter of fact, I get to three or four a year! So yes, a lot could go on that I am not aware of.

One of my concerns at this point is the license plate fund, which the group that the MSC belongs to, who administers habitat grants, hunter recruitment and education.

That is it, plain and simple. Just my take on this.

This group, should be completely separate from any political activity. Steve says in the past we have not been.

As I have said before as far as this legislation is concerned, the MSC is currently conducting an online survey ( or write to me @ [email protected] and let us (me) know where you as a member or as a concerned sportsman stand on the legislation.

We will vote on this at our April meeting. Everyone is invited to attend.

As for right now, we have not made a decision as a BOD but I can assure you that we told Mrs. Gilstrap at the March meeting that we would not make any decisions until that April meeting and after we have heard from our constituents and others.

I also told her to remove the MSC off of the county affiliation board on their website, which I understand has NOT been done as of this time.

I have sent an e-mail to Doris Goodale one of our legislators up here advising her of our "position" on this legislation and that if anyone says we are supporting the legislation, or have even agreed to conceptually support it, they are wrong.

This is such a divisive issue I am sad about all of it. It has divided the conservation community and pits friends against friends, groups against groups. It is horrible.

I am truly saddened to hear that "past achievements are of no concern at this point." Wow does that ever speak volumes....

Anyway, off to Phx, for the committee meeting tonight.

Have a good day,

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club
Did MCO send emails or letters to all members or just assume they all watch the website to get this info!

waiting till april, nice after the legislative session ends!
"I am truly saddened to hear that "past achievements are of no concern at this point." Wow does that ever speak volumes...."

C'mon Don, if you're gonna quote someone, at least qutoe the whole sentence. And don't add a period after "this point" when i didn't have one. You're only doing what politicians do when you do that. Well.... Then again...

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
First of all, it is the MSC not the MCO! REALLY?

The way it happened was when Mrs. Gilstrap came up for the March meeting, the BOD AFTER her presentation decided to take this action and do a survey. I've already said that time and time again. Its out there, go look for yourself!

Come on there are no "Black Helicopters" or "Black Ops" at our club!

Plus our newsletter hasn't had a chairman since the first of January, and even at that our newsletter comes out once every TWO months.

I wrote a story and published this information on the survey in our Nature Page section of the Kingman Daily Miner right after that BOD meeting, and it has been submitted to appear again in this Wednesday's Miner.

We are not going to pay to put it out on the radio!

Once again, you don't know what is going on in our community so you merely speculate and start rumors.

If you want to know the answers to all your burning questions, (if the facts really matter) why not call me @ 928-303-9481 and I'll be glad to answer them for you.

That way you won't have to spend your time on the computer trying to make the MSC out to "antis".

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Don you right about ONE thing. It does divide us. It creates a form of class warfare and that's what divides us.
The sfwc is the arm of the sfw that can receive the tags it's the 503 c group that cannot be politically involved due to that tax status. How hard is that to figure out.
As far as the people involved in pushing this I will never vote, spend another dollar, or read their publications again. Not once.
I stand for principal . Those groups that have not stated publicly that they are against the azsfw and the agenda of the bill deserve to lose all membership and to be replaced by new orgs. Those that have taken a stand deserve to be lifted high and supported. The good works on the past as you put it, by the groups riding the fence aren't important as they can always be replaced, because they are eroding the very reason for their existence.
In my opinion groups such as the Ada and Mohave are just too deep I'm bed and are afraid to take a stand. They have had long enough and are just riding out the session to see what happens.
To stand behind a group that uses money and good ole elbow rubbing wink wink strategy to push a bill that commercializes wildlife that the citizens own is despicable and so are the people behind it. I for one will never compete with a rich guy and his ability to buy a trophy tag and hunt year round. I will just do as I see necessary should a bill like this pass and that is unfortunate.
The Ada their pres, the MSC and others like them deserve to fall.
You get the point? I sure did. YOUR position is well known. Good for you. You still have that right. Just like I do.

I hope you are one of those that is stepping up to lead the new groups that are forming over all this.

Unfortunately you don't know what my personal "position" is on all of this is, if you did probably wouldn't matter anyway.

So lead on my brothers! I'll be watching you.

Don Martin
Watch all you want Don. Seems to be a popular thing these days with groups such as ADA and the MSC. tell me why not do as the AES has done ? And yes I will lead but by example! My Money and my time will go to support those that are doing what's right period.
I don't need a phd to know that the regular hunter in AZ is getting shafted by big money. You think that all the money being paid by Hamberlin is outta the goodness of his heart and saving wildlife and habitat?! Seriously if people believe that their delirious. Time to make your position known and choose sides why the secrecy?
I've sat on the board of directors for the ADA it don't take an astrophysicist to be a part of conservation groups don. It does however take a love for what your doing and for conservation for future generations! It's not about the money to me.
It ain't about my face gracing the pages of some magazine touting the hard work of my guides and my shooting prowess.
Get off it man I'm sick of Suzanne and her cronies and hope all involved in this disgusting abuse of money and politics wash down the tubes only do that they may learn a lesson. That this state and it's natural resources belong to the citizens not to the highest bidder. We don't want it!
JD Pepper
Don, I personally have a lot of respect for you but trying to play little games when quoting me isn't cool. I am one that knows and respects what you have personally done for Arizona wildlife. I also have a lot of respect for the Mohave guys as well. The Antelope eaters is a neat deal and I was actually hoping to learn a thing or two from your event so we can do some down here. We being Southwest Sportsmen's Alliance.

I hate nothing more than to misquoted Don. Everything I say is calculated and thought out. This isn't a personal matter, please don't take it that way but you and I both know what this bill is about and who will benefit from it. You have already stated and I remember very well, your position on HB2072. I'm not questioning that. We need guys like you to stand with us Don. Make a stand and let people see you do it.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
Quote by Don Martin "Hey you need to get your facts straight--if that makes any difference!
Mr.Hamberlin, Art Pearce and Floyd Green are NOT on the board of the AZSFWC!"

From the AZSFWC website:

AZSFWC Board of Directors:

President/Chairman - Jim Unmacht
Secretary/Treasurer - Mark Nuessle
Director - Bobby Boido
Director - Eddy Corona
Director - Joe Del Re
Director - Floyd Green
Director - Alan Hamberlin
Director - Todd Hulm
Director - Charlie Kelly
Director - John Koleszar
Director - Don McDowell
Director - Art Pearce
Director - Brian Pinney
Director - Brad Remfrey
Director - Gary Stinson
Exactly. Don I'm not trying to take away or discredit anything you have done. I'm trying to expose the real impetus behind the azsfw. Those that are pushing it are no good in my book and neither are their reasons. That's all.
hey Mr. Rthrbhntng, lets not confuse Don with facts taken off their own organizations webpage.

wheres the 3 monkey icons

do not want to see the truth

do not want to hear the truth

do not want to tell the truth

when it comes to the azsfwc , they are the same as azsfw who is our version of SFW- thats the truth of this whole mess!

It may not have been planned from the beginnning but once peay planted the poison seed at the meetings he was invited too - the corruption , greed and control spread like a virus.
After talking with some more of the folks past and present who were/are involved with the AZSFWC here is what I have learned.

In 2010 the Wildlife Conservation Council, which is what the MSC was a member of, merged with the AZSFWC. Both are 501-C-3 organizations.

There were 15 members on the AZSFWC board of directors. Six of them came from the membership of the WCC board.

Every member conservation group of the AZSFWC has membership into the standing WCC committee.

That is the group I've been referring to. The group I have worked with. I have not attended AZSFWC or AZSFW Board meetings in the past.

So I apologize to all those out there that are/were correct about the folks named as being both on the AZSFWC board who are also on the AZSFW Board.

My mistake, and I'm sure as heck willing to stand up and say publicly I made a mistake on that issue.

The MSC, through our membership in the AZSFWC has been a part of that Committee for a long, long time. We have accomplished some neat things for wildlife and habitat in northwest Arizona as a result of our involvement. And as I see it, the purpose of the WCC Committee is to review grants and proposals that are then funded by the Arizona sportsman license plate fund.

That was and has been the sum total of our involvement. We ARE dues paying members of the AZSFWC and our membership is good until January 2013, at which time a new board of directors will review the club's membership. It will be up to them if they will continue their membership. I for one have no plans of seeking reelection to the 2013 board, so I won't have a part of the voting, but as lifetime MSC member, will have input to share with the new Board.

I hope this clears up some issues among us.

Again, if there is an issue you want to discuss, call me at 928-303-9481.

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club

P.S. Here is the agenda for the March 27, 2012 meeting of the WCC Committee. Note I was there and asked for a grant of $1405 for the newly formed Mohave Junior Bass Club, a youth fishing club in Kingman. The Committee agreed with the proposal with a couple of caveats and it was approved. This is the reason that the MSC are members.

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