Moose Hunt Plane Crash


Very Active Member
Sad to see this. Those Pipers are kinda like the Toyota Taco of bush planes I hear. Been around since the 40s and usually are heavily modified from their OEM condition- and are considered very reliable by bush pilots.

I have spent a lot of time in "cubs" as a passenger and they are nearly bullet proof. 500 lbs plus antlers...pretty heavy load. I believe they are still being made? A lot of plane wrecks in Alaska. Condolences to his family.
I'm not a pilot and will never but one but I've made a few observations over the years. Taking off is always just an option, but once you do take off, landing is always required. Make sure you plan ahead and are ready for any landing.

I've also observed that if you tell an airplane to kill you it will happily oblige.
Sad indeed. Condolences to his family. Next to passing quietly in your sleep , passing doing something you love like hunting would be second choice.
Sad to see this. Those Pipers are kinda like the Toyota Taco of bush planes I hear. Been around since the 40s and usually are heavily modified from their OEM condition- and are considered very reliable by bush pilots.

These things- crashes of bush planes ✈️- happen quite often in the Alaskan Bush & very few survive them. I’ve flown in a few- found out it’s just too risky ! Not in my comfort settings any longer. Let another take those risks-same for helicopters ?- let another risk it all. I’m 76 now, not going to tempt fate again. ?? ???
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
I have flown in cubs quiet a bit of times and my initial thought was he was way over weight, the planes only weigh about 1600-1900 pounds and so between the moose and him he was nearly halfway of the weight of the plane I am no pilot but I imagine he didn’t have enough power to make a correction with the added weight. Sad deal, common unfortunately. When I was in Alaska in august a cub with pilot and hunter crashed and died in a bad location always a sad deal and a risk every time you get in one.
One of the sadest this year was Jim Tweto You might know him from the TV show-Flying Wild Alaska. He had 1,000s of hours in small planes. He flew a 185 Cessna. Gusty winds..hit a tree on take off. He and passenger were killed.

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