

Been wanting to post something on here for a while about my moose hunt, but I didn't really have any pics of scouting/hunting, and I have been a little disappointed in the moose activity on here, nothing to get the blood flowing.

Anyway, I drew a Wyoming moose tag, unit 26 and scouted and had trail cams set all summer, without much success. I elk and deer hunt in the area regularly and generally see quite a few moose each season, so I wasn't too worried about finding one. Went out the 2nd weekend and saw plenty of moose, but nothing that was big enough to hang a tag on the first weekend out, plus the weather has been so hot, I wasn't sure I wanted to kill this early and risk spoiling the meat, so I passed on 8 bulls that weekend and felt good about the remainder of the season.

I really wanted to shoot my moose with my bow and this past week was my last chance, otherwise I had one more week in October to tag out with a rifle as we have some other tags in the family that we had to split our time with. So, I headed up with my brother, he hunted elk while I looked for a moose, turned out we pretty much looked for moose the whole week! Saw some bulls, saw some cows, then on Wednesday afternoon, we spotted this guy and it was game on.

I got on him and got a 50 yd shot and didn't make a great hit, high and forward in the shoulder, lots of blood right away, but it didn't last long and the bull headed for the high country. We tracked him for a few miles, and got on him a few more times, but he never presented me with a shot. Finally about a half hour before dark, he got in a spot that made for a good finishing shot. 40 yds and a perfect hit low behind the front leg, he made it about 60 yards more and was done. It was the most exciting hunt I have been on in a while, and although I am happy with the outcome, I am sad that it is over so soon.

He is 39" wide, with 20 1/2" paddles, I'm sure I could have found a bigger one once the rut really started to kick in but I like the choice I made.




Thanks for looking

Heres some more pics, didn't do real good at taking pictures, was a little excited and it was pretty warm out, so had to get him taken care of quickly.

This was after the first shot, when he headed up the hill.



LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-12 AT 05:14PM (MST)[p]Great bull! How much do you figure the head and cape weighed?

I know your brother, but can't place from where. Star Valley?
Thanks for posting! I have been accumulating points for 8 years now and looking forward to hunting them someday if the F&G does not price me out. I'm starting to resent WY F&G for taking advantage of blue collar non residents once they had us over a barrel with the points. I always justified it by reminding myself that the price of the tag would still be cheaper than a moose hunt elsewhere, but now I'm not sure I can justify this with a family to raise. I'll probably continue to be a points sucker for now, but will not continue it indefinitely.
I have 8 points as well. I am just afraid that point creep is going to make it such that I am always a few points behind. I hope I have time to wait, but this is a dream hunt for my Dad. I just hope I get him drawn while his health is still good. We should have a while, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I hear what you are saying about being priced out. I hope I can continue to do a trip most years and save up for an occasional big trip like moose would be. The price of the tags are one thing, but it is this $4 per gallon gas that is killing me. I have to fill my truck up every week whether I am going hunting or not!

Thanks for posting the pics and story. I enjoy seeing the success of others on here.
>AT 05:14?PM (MST)

>Great bull! How much do you
>figure the head and cape
>I know your brother, but can't
>place from where. Star

Yeah, he lives in Star Valley, works at the mine. I really couldn't tell you what the head and cape might have weighed, I packed that out last and as far as I'm concerned it was right at or just over 1000 lbs.
DRT - great bull congratulations!

I had a tag in 26 last year as well. It was a fun hunt!

PM sent.


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