More Poachers

...good for them, I hate NP's

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

There are a lot of big old bucks in the valley, what a shame. Over the years I have taken a lot of pictures of them, maybe even some of the ones that they have shot. I just hope that they throw the book at them.
Good thing they were'nt able to carry firearms. Probably would have killed even more.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I hope the Federal Court system throws the book at them, they got off light in round one!!!

Are any of these names familiar? "Awards and their bucks posted in mag's"...

Those penalties are joke and those low-lives got off way too easy. The sad thing is in three years they will probably repeat but will be much wiser about it. The anti-hunting group should be protesting events like this so that a real example should be made.

These dirtbags have been at it for years, along with a LARGE group of their friends.

It's a game to them to get away with it and if they get caught, which they seldom do, oh well.

They sell heads, hides and meat, and the fines probably barely cut into their profits.

They aren't really into hunting, as you and I know it, so losing their hunting rights are not an issue.

Real hunters pay in the long run, since the fines rarely cover the expense of investigations, prosecutions and lost DFG man hours.

Another example of DFG incompetance. Fish and game fines in this state are "arbitrary" that the court has no firm guidelines to follow, so they could fine these guys $100,000.....or more, if they felt like it.

A couple fines like that, made public, could make poaching look not nearly so shiney.

I am old now, so if I ever catch someone doing this crap, in my area.......might be kind of a rush to pop a few tires, radiator, or whatever.

Same with these pot farmers. I've had enough of this crap. Good thing I don't live in So. Arizona.
Nickman, I am with ya, can't say what I would do if I caught these fellas in the act.

I gotta go a bit farther and tell everyone that DFG did a phenomal job on this case. I worked this case with them on this case. As far as the sentencing that is all the on the judge. The only poacher who has been sentenced was the lesser involved, also know as a "me too." Stay tuned and it could get better when the brothers are sentenced. The federal action is rumored to cost them $50k, we just need state fines of the same amount.

The CBA needs to review their entries and I am sure notices as to removal of the entries will need to be mailed to a certain gray-bar hotel.

They might as well have been killing fawns, these fellas are the epitome of poachers impersonating hunters.
>The CBA needs to review their
>entries and I am sure
>notices as to removal of
>the entries will need to
>be mailed to a certain
>gray-bar hotel.

Just for the record, the California Bowmen Hunters (CBH) have already removed any/all entries EVER entered from these individuals......they have also been permanently banned from any/all CBH events (3D shoots, banquets, etc.).

BOHNTR )))---------->
Glad to hear that CBH is on top of the situation. I was in no way implying CBH was complicit.
>Glad to hear that CBH is
>on top of the situation.
>I was in no way
>implying CBH was complicit.

Didn't take it that way at all mtnview.....just thought I'd let folks know CBH's position since it was brought up.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Glad to hear CBH did that. these outlaws should be made the posterchilds for poaching and the punishment and throw the book at them where it hurts. $$$ and confiscate private property involved.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-10 AT 05:21AM (MST)[p]The fine was pretty light, aider and abetor or whatever (unsuccessful member of a poaching party)..I'm thinking the fine for a crime should be considerablly heavier that the market value of what is damaged/stolen/lost due to the crime and pay back the taxpayers whatever it costs to catch/prosecute the criminal. What do you think a exclusive permit to hunt Yosemite would go for? Maybe on the order of a Golden Opportunity tag? Maybe more? $920 won't buy much of a permit....Got to just plain make the price not worth it to keep everyone honest!
Most have also heard, but the 3 hunters were sentanced in Federal Court. Around $53,000.00 in fines, 60 days in Mono county jail, and 5 year nation wide hunting ban. Ouch!!

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