Mossback wants a reversal on the trail cam ban!


Very Active Member
What a joke. More than anything now this should let people know that the cameras need to be banned. It shows how much these HUGE operations value the cameras. Yeah like we really need your outdoor pictures to look at all the time, come on now give me a break.It's the outfitters like mossback that go overkill on everything and creates the need for limitations that need to be put in place. So mossback is worried they won't be able to please their clients now that they can't have a thousand cameras on every Le unit and every water hole. What a freaking joke, if the wildlife board buckles under the pressure I have lost respect for them. If you all remember I gave them a shout out a couple weeks ago for doing what was right. Hope they stay strong.

Elkantlers, post up that picture you did on the campfire forum. If this is true this is big news. We all need to redouble our efforts to keep the ban in place if these outfitters are going to push their BS nonsense on us.
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Hope there's not any dirty backroom deals being made. This is laughable really. Mossback is acting like they're doing it for the regular guy who draws a a tag, that's disgusting. Come on Mossback don't hide behind everyday hunters. Come out and say why you really want it, have some guts.
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[email protected]

Here's your outfitter who votes buisness over resource.


He, like Doyle and WLH will blow a ton of smoke about being patriots. Trail cams "don't help them at all"

Drop him a line, let him know you expect him to support the RAC/WB process that voted for the ban. And NOT the political process now under way
Wade means business about reversing the ban. #takenote

I don't hunt any of the animals those guys hunt. I don't hunt any of the area's those guys get paid to scout but once in a lifetime. Who cares how many cams they might have out there.

The ban on trails cams does nothing to build our deer and elk herds and prevent me from having fun seeing all the critter at some point in the season that other guys kill :)

Honestly how many people have actually killed critters because of the pics they've gotten on trail cam? Realistically 99.999% of the time most of us just get excited to see critters on our cams that some other dude kills, that they had no idea they were there.

What a giant waste of everyone's fun and time
I don't hunt any of the animals those guys hunt. I don't hunt any of the area's those guys get paid to scout but once in a lifetime. Who cares how many cams they might have out there.

The ban on trails cams does nothing to build our deer and elk herds and prevent me from having fun seeing all the critter at some point in the season that other guys kill :)

Honestly how many people have actually killed critters because of the pics they've gotten on trail cam? Realistically 99.999% of the time most of us just get excited to see critters on our cams that some other dude kills, that they had no idea they were there.

What a giant waste of everyone's fun and time
I agree in a sense, but how many 200+ bucks or 380+ bulls that end up on an outfitters cam .. doesn’t get killed ? You have to understand there are ?’s of honestly GROUPIES that live to send a picture to Doyle or Lemon. That’s their BLISS. These guys have arrived in the hunting world when this is achieved.When the picture of said buck or bull hits the outfitters phone.. that’s when the minions hit the landscape in full force.

I have killed bulls from cam pics, never

When you’re talking world class animals ONE picture will kill him…
One top Utah outfitter laughingly admits they have 5000 camera's strung out throughout the state.

I'll say it again, there isn't a trophy buck or bull alive today that doesn't already have a nickname and a price on its head.

Anyone who believes cams aren't affecting our big game hunting on public lands, you're lying to yourself.

You've Heard Me Bittching For Years!

Price Tag Upon His Head!

And Yes!

A Nickname!

One top Utah outfitter laughingly admits they have 5000 camera's strung out throughout the state.

I'll say it again, there isn't a trophy buck or bull alive today that doesn't already have a nickname and a price on its head.

Anyone who believes cams aren't affecting our big game hunting on public lands, you're lying to yourself.
I don't hunt any of the animals those guys hunt. I don't hunt any of the area's those guys get paid to scout but once in a lifetime. Who cares how many cams they might have out there.

The ban on trails cams does nothing to build our deer and elk herds and prevent me from having fun seeing all the critter at some point in the season that other guys kill :)

Honestly how many people have actually killed critters because of the pics they've gotten on trail cam? Realistically 99.999% of the time most of us just get excited to see critters on our cams that some other dude kills, that they had no idea they were there.

What a giant waste of everyone's fun and time

Until they decide there is something worth chasing where you hunt, or you draw an LE.

EVERY deer Doyle killed was on cam. Every elk.

Acting like a business like Mossback spends tens of thousands on cams because he likes to see animals, shows youre pretty naive to what's going on.
I don't hunt any of the animals those guys hunt. I don't hunt any of the area's those guys get paid to scout but once in a lifetime. Who cares how many cams they might have out there.

The ban on trails cams does nothing to build our deer and elk herds and prevent me from having fun seeing all the critter at some point in the season that other guys kill :)

Honestly how many people have actually killed critters because of the pics they've gotten on trail cam? Realistically 99.999% of the time most of us just get excited to see critters on our cams that some other dude kills, that they had no idea they were there.

What a giant waste of everyone's fun and time

It's okay C3. I'm convinced the guys that are crying the most on here don't hunt at all.?
i thought the camera ban would help groups like Mossback. Now they can pay guys to sit on water or glass canyons to keep tabs on animals, the common guy can't do that.
Until they decide there is something worth chasing where you hunt, or you draw an LE.
I actually hunted the 'snake' bull that eluded Doyle and all the cronies you so despise. I've never hired a guide in my life. Drawn one LE tag in 40 years and did ok for a solo guy who was treated rather well by the wealth tag posse in spite of being in 'their' trailcam realm the whole hunt.

Their kind of trophy hunting effects the real world of average joe hunter exactly ZERO.

The issue is not Doyle, Wade, trailcams or any of the wannabe's who send pics to them. It's the source of their bread and butter. The wealth tag system that gives out nearly 1000 tags a year.

Get rid of the stupid convention, conservation and landowner handout. Next get rid of the crumbs off the table spike hunts. Get the rifle hunt out of the rut and issue 5 times as many LE tags every year.

There now go b about my three trailcams during the season on the Wasatch front. Sad state of affairs when the hunting world has turned to banning legit methods of hunting for regular type folks.
I actually hunted the 'snake' bull that eluded Doyle and all the cronies you so despise. I've never hired a guide in my life. Drawn one LE tag in 40 years and did ok for a solo guy who was treated rather well by the wealth tag posse in spite of being in 'their' trailcam realm the whole hunt.

Their kind of trophy hunting effects the real world of average joe hunter exactly ZERO.

The issue is not Doyle, Wade, trailcams or any of the wannabe's who send pics to them. It's the source of their bread and butter. The wealth tag system that gives out nearly 1000 tags a year.

Get rid of the stupid convention, conservation and landowner handout. Next get rid of the crumbs off the table spike hunts. Get the rifle hunt out of the rut and issue 5 times as many LE tags every year.

There now go b about my three trailcams during the season on the Wasatch front. Sad state of affairs when the hunting world has turned to banning legit methods of hunting for regular type folks.
Well Stated C3 and agree 110%.
I actually hunted the 'snake' bull that eluded Doyle and all the cronies you so despise. I've never hired a guide in my life. Drawn one LE tag in 40 years and did ok for a solo guy who was treated rather well by the wealth tag posse in spite of being in 'their' trailcam realm the whole hunt.

Their kind of trophy hunting effects the real world of average joe hunter exactly ZERO.

The issue is not Doyle, Wade, trailcams or any of the wannabe's who send pics to them. It's the source of their bread and butter. The wealth tag system that gives out nearly 1000 tags a year.

Get rid of the stupid convention, conservation and landowner handout. Next get rid of the crumbs off the table spike hunts. Get the rifle hunt out of the rut and issue 5 times as many LE tags every year.

There now go b about my three trailcams during the season on the Wasatch front. Sad state of affairs when the hunting world has turned to banning legit methods of hunting for regular type folks.

No one gives a chit about a regular guy with his couple cams.

You do realize, with the top 3-4 guides, your talking THOUSANDS of cams.

But I'm with you, have been for years.

Bait, cams, FLIR, drones, flying, bounty system. None of those are average guy problems. They are ALL corporate hunting issues. This is what happens with unchecked markets. Their "job" is to kill as fast as possible, with least expense possible.

The corporate class doesn't care about what's good for us, WE need to separate ourselves from them.
“Their kind of trophy hunting effects the real world of average joe hunter exactly ZERO”

Really? To say that sitting at a water hole with 30 cameras hung around it, and an almost constant flow of people going to check them, won’t affect my hunt is not true. At least for me.

You personally may know some really good areas that aren’t affected much by the outfitters, but for the average Joe, most of us will be beaten to the punch by those guys.
Might just be my experience, but I don't believe you'll ever kill one of the caliber bulls those guys are getting paid the big bucks to find on a water hole with 30 camera's. For sure never during an open season. Just my take.

Here's a video of just two regular guys who scouted some and found one of the biggest bulls ever shot. We happened to beat the local big wig guides out in Nevada and their $150,000 client to a toad and they let us have at it for one morning while we were in on him. Later that afternoon they shot him with a rifle surrounded by 20 'guides' during the bow season. I've been there and know the bitter pill it is to swallow when the giant of lifetimes gets shot right in front of you.

All their 5000 trailcams did nothing but cost them time checking while we were hunting toads like the ones in the video above.

I spend 50 - 100 days a year during seasons and no one will ever convince me that "all these trailcams" have anything what so ever to do with the critters guys like us get to hunt even on the very best units in the country.

Again just my take

Cheers, Pete
They can still share their photos with millions. Just not after the July deadline. Everyone and the outfitters can still put out cameras and see what there is that year. Just have to personally keep track of them after the deadline from the mountain not their kitchen table or couch.

Just saying.
I actually hunted the 'snake' bull that eluded Doyle and all the cronies you so despise. I've never hired a guide in my life. Drawn one LE tag in 40 years and did ok for a solo guy who was treated rather well by the wealth tag posse in spite of being in 'their' trailcam realm the whole hunt.

Their kind of trophy hunting effects the real world of average joe hunter exactly ZERO.

The issue is not Doyle, Wade, trailcams or any of the wannabe's who send pics to them. It's the source of their bread and butter. The wealth tag system that gives out nearly 1000 tags a year.

Get rid of the stupid convention, conservation and landowner handout. Next get rid of the crumbs off the table spike hunts. Get the rifle hunt out of the rut and issue 5 times as many LE tags every year.

There now go b about my three trailcams during the season on the Wasatch front. Sad state of affairs when the hunting world has turned to banning legit methods of hunting for regular type folks.
trailcams are not a legit method of hunting, they are exactly the opposite and take the hunt out of hunting. If your trail cam took a photo of a trophy buck/bull then you didn't have to hunt to know it was in the area.

So just a clarification question, where this has already gone through the wildlife board for decisioning, can it be undone within the same year? Or would it have to go back through the process again?

So just a clarification question, where this has already gone through the wildlife board for decisioning, can it be undone within the same year? Or would it have to go back through the process again?
Honestly I’m still not sure how this ban is gonna be enforced (that’s if it doesn’t get kiboshed) a lot of people will just claim they forgot to take it down after 8/1, and the big time outfitters will probably wave some cash and they’ll get a write off. To be honest it would probably be a better idea to ban them all together year round.

If the ban sticks we should all commit to taking them down if we see them out of season.
So one year ago when the state changed the lion season on the Wasatch current creek unit,From a draw to a harvest objective,A few of us houndsmen complained.We were told by a DWR official that the DWR,DNR had nothing to do with the change,That the state Legislation makes the rules!!
So with that being said,Does the DWR make the law on the trail cam ban, or was this done by Politicians?
Honestly I’m still not sure how this ban is gonna be enforced (that’s if it doesn’t get kiboshed) a lot of people will just claim they forgot to take it down after 8/1, and the big time outfitters will probably wave some cash and they’ll get a write off. To be honest it would probably be a better idea to ban them all together year round.

If the ban sticks we should all commit to taking them down if we see them out of season.
think you would calling returning lost property! I fully expect people to help enforce and return any lost items to the forest service.
No one gives a chit about a regular guy with his couple cams.
119,000 of us a year who aren't part of the wealth tag grab or it's cronnies give a huge chit about us 'regular guys' and our couple of cams.

We may not have much of a 'say' in how game regs are formulated, but damn sure do have something to say about the lunacy our hunting world has become these days.
119,000 of us a year who aren't part of the wealth tag grab or it's cronnies give a huge chit about us 'regular guys' and our couple of cams.

We may not have much of a 'say' in how game regs are formulated, but damn sure do have something to say about the lunacy our hunting world has become these days.

That wasn't my point, and I agree I worded it poorly.

My point is what pushed it to the breaking point on both bait and cams, wasn't the dude with 2 cams and a bag of deer lick.

It was the thousands of cams, and semi loads of apples the corporate guys threw down that concentrated attention to obvious issues
If I see cameras I will not destroy them but I will remove them and return them to the forest service or cover the lens or remove the batteries and turn them around. I think we should all do the same.

Agreed. Enforcement will not be an issue, and it won't need to be officials. Again, stealing or destroying property is wrong, but rendering them useless is simply helping the stretched thin animal cops enforce the law.
If I see cameras I will not destroy them but I will remove them and return them to the forest service or cover the lens or remove the batteries and turn them around. I think we should all do the same.
So you are going to take the vigilante approach eh?

Thanks Batman you will be doing the state of Utah so much good!

Maybe you should start following hunter around to make sure they are staying on trails with motorized vehicles! When you stop them make sure they don't have a round in the chamber while in their vehicle too! Hell if you talk to the DNR I bet they would give you a ticket book to write up some violations!

In all seriousness I would never waste my time worrying about someone's trail cam that has been left up on a tree after the dates. My success hunting has nothing to do with another persons trail cam.
So you are going to take the vigilante approach eh?

Thanks Batman you will be doing the state of Utah so much good!

Maybe you should start following hunter around to make sure they are staying on trails with motorized vehicles! When you stop them make sure they don't have a round in the chamber while in their vehicle too! Hell if you talk to the DNR I bet they would give you a ticket book to write up some violations!

In all seriousness I would never waste my time worrying about someone's trail cam that has been left up on a tree after the dates. My success hunting has nothing to do with another persons trail cam.

What's the difference in leaving a cam in the forest, or a beer can, or drink cup, or garbage sack?
So you are going to take the vigilante approach eh?

Thanks Batman you will be doing the state of Utah so much good!

Maybe you should start following hunter around to make sure they are staying on trails with motorized vehicles! When you stop them make sure they don't have a round in the chamber while in their vehicle too! Hell if you talk to the DNR I bet they would give you a ticket book to write up some violations!

In all seriousness I would never waste my time worrying about someone's trail cam that has been left up on a tree after the dates. My success hunting has nothing to do with another persons trail cam.
I don't think we should just look the other way when we see poaching, and other illegal activity that hurts our game populations and dynamics, do you?
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Honestly I’m still not sure how this ban is gonna be enforced (that’s if it doesn’t get kiboshed) a lot of people will just claim they forgot to take it down after 8/1, and the big time outfitters will probably wave some cash and they’ll get a write off. To be honest it would probably be a better idea to ban them all together year round.

If the ban sticks we should all commit to taking them down if we see them out of season.
If I see cameras I will not destroy them but I will remove them and return them to the forest service or cover the lens or remove the batteries and turn them around. I think we should all do the same.
See now that’s where the problem is, the restriction is for the use of hunting only, I have lots of cams that I run on certain units that I’ll never have a tag for, it’s just fun to get pictures of big bucks/bulls. Those cameras are legal year round. So in that case, you will be stealing/disengaging my %100 legal camera, now your in the wrong. What’s the forest service going to do? Tell you that you just stole a camera that might have been being used in a completely legal manner?
See now that’s where the problem is, the restriction is for the use of hunting only, I have lots of cams that I run on certain units that I’ll never have a tag for, it’s just fun to get pictures of big bucks/bulls. Those cameras are legal year round. So in that case, you will be stealing/disengaging my %100 legal camera, now your in the wrong. What’s the forest service going to do? Tell you that you just stole a camera that might have been being used in a completely legal manner?
That is a legit point. However, would you be using that camera to help someone else get an animal or perhaps help you get an animal in the future? They probably need to make the law if it's on public ground during the hunt it's not allowed.
See now that’s where the problem is, the restriction is for the use of hunting only, I have lots of cams that I run on certain units that I’ll never have a tag for, it’s just fun to get pictures of big bucks/bulls. Those cameras are legal year round. So in that case, you will be stealing/disengaging my %100 legal camera, now your in the wrong. What’s the forest service going to do? Tell you that you just stole a camera that might have been being used in a completely legal manner?
Many others are doing that as well, then selling information......?‍♂️
That is a legit point. However, would you be using that camera to help someone else get an animal or perhaps help you get an animal in the future? They probably need to make the law if it's on public ground during the hunt it's not allowed.
Many others are doing that as well, then selling information......?‍♂️
Right, I’m sure that will happen plenty, and it’s definitely a problem. But you never know, nobody knows who that camera belongs too… you can’t just assume every camera you see belongs to someone helping someone else with a tag, many people just use it as a hobby who don’t even hunt very much, with that, they need too either make them illegal to have on the landscape through those dates, or just get rid of the ban, I’ve decided I’m fine with either.
That is a legit point. However, would you be using that camera to help someone else get an animal or perhaps help you get an animal in the future? They probably need to make the law if it's on public ground during the hunt it's not allowed.

This I would be 100% more in favor of then what it is now.

I know multiple people that run cameras on random units that they are not hunting or planning on hunting just for fun. I think that the ban of them needs to be 100% ban during the dates or no ban at all.
See now that’s where the problem is, the restriction is for the use of hunting only, I have lots of cams that I run on certain units that I’ll never have a tag for, it’s just fun to get pictures of big bucks/bulls. Those cameras are legal year round. So in that case, you will be stealing/disengaging my %100 legal camera, now your in the wrong. What’s the forest service going to do? Tell you that you just stole a camera that might have been being used in a completely legal manner?

Could just ticket you for littering
"Just someone without a tag taking pics for their enjoyment."

"I run cameras on units I don't hunt"

"Trail cams don't lead to dead animals"

"Trail cams might be used by bird watchers"


Let's just stop pretending, playing what if games, and be honest.

There is Waaaaaaayyyyyyy more of this stuff happening, than "birdwatchers".

If you like looking at animals, here's a hint, deer look like deer before mid August, and after Dec 31.

I promise, they don't turn into bats, or chickens, or beavers. They will still be deer.

I’m thinking that the big boys will be hurting! No more showing the big money guys what animal they can kill by using their services.
Its Good and Bad!
Good outfitters can’t use them!
Bad Regular Hunters can’t use them

What are your thoughts
No tag. No hunter.

Just likes taking pics of elk for pleasure.

I mean why would anyone assume any different?

Pick an outfitter, go look at their social media. This isn't abnormal. This is their buisness.

Oh, I'm sure Tyler is a bird watcher too


The guides are going to file a class action lawsuit.

So, CONGRATS tax payer, and funder of the DWR,

Our corporate class is now going to sue you.

Lots of "conservation" going to be done via lawyers and retainers now.
Here's a video of just two regular guys who scouted some and found one of the biggest bulls ever shot. We happened to beat the local big wig guides out in Nevada and their $150,000 client to a toad and they let us have at it for one morning while we were in on him. Later that afternoon they shot him with a rifle surrounded by 20 'guides' during the bow season. I've been there and know the bitter pill it is to swallow when the giant of lifetimes gets shot right in front of you.
They shot it with a rifle during bow season?

Great video, by the way!
I’ve talked to a lot of people and we think Hunter’s will do.
they are going to market on onX and send the location to the DWR officer over that unit.

I think you will see more officers out in the trees than normal.
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Officers Have Way More To Deal With Than Illegal Trail-Cams!

I've Already Got Permission from a Law Official To Help Patrol!
See now that’s where the problem is, the restriction is for the use of hunting only, I have lots of cams that I run on certain units that I’ll never have a tag for, it’s just fun to get pictures of big bucks/bulls. Those cameras are legal year round. So in that case, you will be stealing/disengaging my %100 legal camera, now your in the wrong. What’s the forest service going to do? Tell you that you just stole a camera that might have been being used in a completely legal manner?
That’s another point that adds to my consensus that this ban will be unenforceable.
I’ll gladly take the batman approach during hunting season in the area I hunt. I don’t need this crap in my hunting area. Takes away from the point of the hunt when you already know what’s in the area and when. I like the surprise of seeing a monster elk or deer. I appreciate what I see in person and don’t need a guide service trampling down my area because some schmuck cammed a giant and “spread the word” for a small finders fee. That’s a douche bag move, which I consider far more dangerous to our wildlife than the average joe hunting with no cameras or “tuning up” a camera or two.
I hunt waterfowl. Shooting time starts 30 min before sunrise. Most days, someone is early. Someone, a ways out, often on a boat, or in the phrag.

Pretty unenforceable

Leaving your hulls laying, illegal, but unenforceable.

Lead, illegal, also pretty unenforceable.

Party hunting ducks, unenforceable

Possession limit, unenforceable.

Point being, the vast majority of waterfowlers, don't shoot early. Don't leave empties. Don't shoot lead. Don't party hunt. Don't have huge possessions.

Of course there are chitty hunters, but we don't not make laws, based on whether chitty hunters, are chitty hunters.

Dudes that knowingly break the law, or play some game on the intent of the law, are chitty hunters. Plain and simple.

As such, they deserve the public at large, targeting them.

Call deputy Bess. Pull batteries. Pull cards, pull the whole cam.

The chitty hunters deserves and earned his reward
The head of the board relayed how Nevada is seeing this enforced at about 1 hour 28 minutes after discussing this with them. Seemed to be ok with the ol batman approach!

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And be in possession of stolen property? Might want to just get a lat and long with a pic and give that to them instead...
I don't know if it extends to all national forests but I know that some if not all forests consider trail cams as abandoned property but claim that they don't have the manpower to do anything about trail cams. If that is indeed the case then it wouldn't be considered stolen property.
Ask a forest ranger if it’s legal to run a lag bolt into a pine tree, and they’ll tell you no and that you’ll be cited for it. Anyone ever seen that happen?

The legal basis for them to remove MOST cameras is already there. We know what their answer would be if it was up to them, but it looks like they prefer to let the hunting community work it out their own.

And around here, the FS wouldn’t see a cam unless it was on the side of the road. They’re not the answer. It’s still out there (gratuitous use of all 3 there’s).
I heard Doyle a few years ago at WB meeting tell the board that the government should send Utah guides to Iraq and it would be over in a week or two, they were so bad ass(not bullshit, he actually said it during open statement/question part)

Now, besides bring Green Berets, the outfitters are freedom fighters here at home. Not fighting just for their industry though of course.

Oh, and notice the go fund me, perhaps we can give them some tags

I don't know if it extends to all national forests but I know that some if not all forests consider trail cams as abandoned property but claim that they don't have the manpower to do anything about trail cams. If that is indeed the case then it wouldn't be considered stolen property.
Except the land management agency can fine you for abandoned property. USFS has a 14 day limit and then you are supposed to move your "property". This goes for ground blinds and tree stands as well.

Best to give them the GPS location and let the chips fall where they fall...
My panties aren't in a knot.

Just wish there were more hunters talking about hunting these days instead of wannabes crying all the time.

Do you wonder why outfitters are listened to? Because they are actually hunters, Hossblur. YOU AREN'T.
My panties aren't in a knot.

Just wish there were more hunters talking about hunting these days instead of wannabes crying all the time.

Do you wonder why outfitters are listened to? Because they are actually hunters, Hossblur. YOU AREN'T.
Not 100% correct.
The fact that you call today's killing techniques "hunting" is why we are in this spot in the first place.

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