My 2019 Hunting Success


Long Time Member
Pretty pleased with my taxidermist's finished product for me..
Didn't have time to score them before dropping them off at his shop
For size reference he mounted them on a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood
Hope my Grandkids are happy with their Christmas present.....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-19 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]Love the mass on the deer and palmation on the moose. Are you going to have them scored?:D
Congrats on a very successful year for sure! Those are truly some monsters! Record book size I'm sure. :D :D
They are awesome, I think I saw you and your hunting partner
Elmer Fudd out there. Your taxidermist should mount your
Wily Coyote, Donald Duck, and Bugs Bunny next. Fun post thanks!

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