My Biggest Coues


I'm new to MonsterMuleys, and joined because I love to hunt! I wanted to share my best Coues deer yet, as I've shot 5 now, shot 10/29/05. I watched two big bucks last Jan during the rut, and missed a 45 yd. shot with my bow as the arrow deflected off a twig in thick brush. I knew if I hunted hard near the same area, I'd have a great chance at seeing one of those bucks this Oct, and I think this is one of them! I had to pack/cape him out, sorry for no full body shots. What do you avid Coues hunters think?



That's a very nice Coues!
Welcome to the forum too.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Welcome and congratulations!!!Great looking buck! I bet he's 100" +?? Have you scored him yet?

i think hes a dink.... send me the cape and head and i will display him in my house so you dont have to have the embaressment of displaying him in yours!
That is a really nice buck. Other than the obvious (size), there are a couple of things that are a good indication of a really mature buck. Your buck has a couple of these qualities. They are 1) great mass (that buck carries his mass all the way out to his tips) 2) main beams that turn up at the tips (I would guess those mains to be about 17") 3) G3s that curve in.

I have a couple of questions. Is the 4th point on the right side an inch long? It appears the G3 on the left side is longer than the G2 but the G3 on the right is shorter than the G2. Is this the case? Do you mind us asking what unit you were hunting?

All in all a great buck. You need to get him measured and let us know what he comes out at? CB
The point on the right side (G4) is not an inch, just short of it so it is not counted. The G2's are very similar in length, but you are right, the left side G3 is longer than the right side G3 by quite a bit, much more than an inch. The taxidermist quick scored him near 105 gross, I meticulously measured him near 103+ but I'm no expert.

I won't give up my honey hole, but I hunt in all the red zone units in AZ where border patrol issues are hindering our hunting experience and trashing (literally) our state and forest land. If I'm advised not to camp on national forest land, then there's something wrong and we have a problem. On my short 2 day hunt I observed two different groups of foreigners cross the border, one each day! Not to mention the piles of garbage left as an eyesore. Sorry to get off on a tangent, but I prefer any of the 34, 35, 36 units and have hunted almost all, just I don't like some of the concerns that are associated with hunting these units. But I do like the big bucks these units hold, and this buck was taken in this region.
Great buck!
I say he will go 105" gross at least. I've shot 2, a 112 4/8 gross and a 95". Yours is right betwneen.


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