My Covid story


Very Active Member
Let me start by saying that I am 100% for personal freedom and no one should be forced to do anything.

I never get the flu shot and rarely get sick. I had no intention of getting the vaccine. When the vaccine came out many of the businesses I frequent posted signs, Mask required unless vaccinated. I hate mask and quit wearing them even though I was not vaccinated. A few of the places I go, like the golf course I play all summer, I felt guilty. I consider myself a honest guy and don't care much for lying. Then they offered the lotto money to be given to those that got vaccinated. The gambler in me caved. It happened one Saturday morning, I woke up and had no plans for the day. By early afternoon I had gotten the Jab.

For the next two weeks I was sick, coughing and hacking, I just felt miserable. I was certain I had covid. Three days before my best friends daughters wedding I took a covid test. It was negative and and not long after that I felt normal. Almost as a test I got the 2nd shot and I had no adverse affects.

Fast forward 6 months. My wife and I with 3 other couples took a golf vacation last week. My buddy felt a little sick early in the trip, not bad enough to miss any golf. By the time we got home 6 of the 8 were sick. Testing proved it was covid. Of the eight people on the trip 4 were vaccinated and 4 were not. The vaccinated ages range from 52 to 57. Of those 4, 3 got sick with flu like symptoms and all are feeling much better now. I was the lucky one with a negative test and no symptoms. Of the 4 that were unvaccinated one had already had it and is negative with no symptoms. The 3 others are still sick and 2 of them are boarder line serious. Those 2 have had their blood oxygen levels dip into the 80's. They are both getting the belly shots today. They are in their early 50's with no underlying health conditions.

The moral of this story is we all should have the freedom to make our own health choices. I felt tricked into getting the shot after they reinstated the mask mandate for those that are vaccinated. After the last two weeks I have no regrets and hope all my friends and family will consider getting vaccinated.
I Agree With You on The Freedom Of Choice DesperateHills!

Hope All Of Your Family & Friends Get Well Soon!

Thanks For The Help/Advice over The Years!

If You Hear Something on This Last Deal I Asked You About Let Me Know & Thanks!

Thanks Bess, Last car we talked about was the jeep, did the injector not fix it? Maybe you are talking about the Duramax knock?
I just spoke with the parts manager at our local chevy dealer. He had not heard of it so he asked the service manager and he denies knowing anything about it either. Still nothing on identa-fix. Only info I can find was from google and it is belt noise with no solution.
Crap shoot. We all know it now. Get the poke, still get sick, still might die, might not. It can’t be hidden anymore that this is not a vaccine.

Love to stay and chat but I gotta run out and get my 43rd polio booster. Oh wait.. no I don’t
3 out if the 4 “vaccinated “ got sick. Why do we still insist on calling this a vaccine? If you want to take this new flu shot you should.
Couldn’t agree more….

Also, Freedom of choice is critical, which ever choice you make for yourself.
Not Being Arrogant DH!

But They Are Lieing BASTARDS!

Check Your PM!

I just spoke with the parts manager at our local chevy dealer. He had not heard of it so he asked the service manager and he denies knowing anything about it either. Still nothing on identa-fix. Only info I can find was from google and it is belt noise with no solution.
Crap shoot. We all know it now. Get the poke, still get sick, still might die, might not. It can’t be hidden anymore that this is not a vaccine.

Love to stay and chat but I gotta run out and get my 43rd polio booster. Oh wait.. no I don’t
Two doses of IPV (polio vaccine) is 90% effective. Three doses bumps it up to 99% effective. If you work in a lab handling specimens, you're often given polio boosters as well; though it's eradication has made regular boosters unnecessary for most Americans after their initial inoculation.

If the polio virus were to experience antigenic shift away from the protectivity of the current vaccine, such as happened with SARS-COV2, those protectivity numbers would drop and a new vaccine would be created or we'd receive additional boosters.

One dose of MMR is 78% effective against mumps, the second dose bumps that to 88%.

If you get cut and go get stitches and haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, they'll give you a Tdap to boost your protection since the effectiveness wanes over time.

Any of this sound familiar?

No vaccine can ever offer 100% protection, if only because they're reliant on an immune response that some people don't experience.
My Covid story, well I got vaccinated so I don't have one.

I believe anyone who doesn't want the shot has the right to refuse it . I also believe if the government offers you a free vaccine that's safe and effective and you refuse it you're on your own.

Don't come crying to the hospital wanting a $2100 dose of antibodies when a $40 vaccine would have prevented it. this is the problem with liberals, there's no personal responsibility because the government always comes to the rescue of those on the short bus with handouts.
How Much F'N CROWN Did That Take To Type?


You're Bullet Proof Now!

Biden SUCKED You Right In!

Safe & Effective Huh?

You're a F'N Guinea Pig if You Already Don't Know That!



My Covid story, well I got vaccinated so I don't have one.

I believe anyone who doesn't want the shot has the right to refuse it . I also believe if the government offers you a free vaccine that's safe and effective and you refuse it you're on your own.

Don't come crying to the hospital wanting a $2100 dose of antibodies when a $40 vaccine would have prevented it. this is the problem with liberals, there's no personal responsibility because the government always comes to the rescue of those on the short bus with handouts.
My Covid story, well I got vaccinated so I don't have one.

I believe anyone who doesn't want the shot has the right to refuse it . I also believe if the government offers you a free vaccine that's safe and effective and you refuse it you're on your own.

Don't come crying to the hospital wanting a $2100 dose of antibodies when a $40 vaccine would have prevented it. this is the problem with liberals, there's no personal responsibility because the government always comes to the rescue of those on the short bus with handouts.
My thoughts exactly!
My COVID story: I wonder how many caved (like me), felt fairly secure from it in a mostly self-imposed avoidance of populated venues (Wal Mart, Lowes, Costco, etc.), but got the vax, only to contract it anyway? I live in a very rural small town w/around 300 pop. My wife was mandated through her State gov't job- and asked me if I would consent to be vaxxed (for her security). She was tested a few occasions, then had a positive test- we both got sick at same time. I didn't bother to get tested, as close living and we had similar symptoms. We both think the shot helped- I had about 10 days of sick, she about 8. I've had worse flu and cold sicknesses over my 75 yrs. The usual cold and flu meds, liquids, bed rest, hygiene seemed to have helped a lot. I don't know of any family or friends that succumbed from it, but know of several that were hospitalized and underwent oxygen therapy. I'm like a lot of others, think it should be a personal choice, not mandated or controlled by gov't.
My Covid story, well I got vaccinated so I don't have one.

I believe anyone who doesn't want the shot has the right to refuse it . I also believe if the government offers you a free vaccine that's safe and effective and you refuse it you're on your own.

Don't come crying to the hospital wanting a $2100 dose of antibodies when a $40 vaccine would have prevented it. this is the problem with liberals, there's no personal responsibility because the government always comes to the rescue of those on the short bus with handouts.

Now it's only "liberals" denying the vaccine thanks for clearing that up!
I believe he was referring to the tendency of some to expect someone else to come along behind them with a broom and dustpan. That used to be the liberals gig.

Isn’t the jab in the range of $5? And $2100 doesn’t buy the tests run at the hospital.
I think everyone should make their own decision. I told my story so members here could use my personal experience to help with their decision process. I sure would not want to base everything I do health wise off what Faucci says.
so what's your point OP
I’ll tell my COVID story too then. July 2020 obviously smack middle of all the panic I was running about 150 guys on my site and our requirement was if you feel at all off you have to go get a test. So one evening I make it home and just feel a little drained, more then just normal work tired. So I followed my own rules and got a test.

Next day it comes back positive for Covid. So I stayed home for 10 days waiting to feel death creep in. Never did. Had kind of a sore back, no cough and got payed by a government program protecting my pay check to fish for two weeks.

So yeah. To each there own please
More than half those people you would go to if you couldn't breath said they will walk if it's mandatory vaccine!
That's enough for me not to get the shot.
they were heroes until they refused to submit there physical autonomy to the fascists . now there deplorable s again.
Um, factual content aside, it’s “their” and “they’re“. :rolleyes:
Is the grammar correction thing not getting old? There’s got to be something else funny to beat to death right?

As far as factual content here it is. Beginning of the pandemic first responders were America’s hero’s. Even “person of the year” I believe. Fast forward to our leaders mandates and there being fired.

Let me know what I misspelled
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Is the grammar correction thing not getting old? There’s got to be something else funny to beat to death right?

As far as factual content here it is. Beginning of the pandemic first responders were America’s hero’s. Even “person of the year” I believe. Fast forward to our leaders mandates and there being fired.

Let me know what I misspelled
When you‘re eyes rcoss bacaus you cannt read the post, your deserve tobe mocked.
Is the grammar correction thing not getting old? There’s got to be something else funny to beat to death right?

As far as factual content here it is. Beginning of the pandemic first responders were America’s hero’s. Even “person of the year” I believe. Fast forward to our leaders mandates and there being fired.

Let me know what I misspelled
Who are being fired?:ROFLMAO:

Look on the bright side. If they’re had bean one more there their, you could have gone for the tryfecta.
I’ll tell my COVID story too then. July 2020 obviously smack middle of all the panic I was running about 150 guys on my site and our requirement was if you feel at all off you have to go get a test. So one evening I make it home and just feel a little drained, more then just normal work tired. So I followed my own rules and got a test.

Next day it comes back positive for Covid. So I stayed home for 10 days waiting to feel death creep in. Never did. Had kind of a sore back, no cough and got payed by a government program protecting my pay check to fish for two weeks.

So yeah. To each there own please
Same here. Went surf fishing.

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