My Grandpa's Elk Hunt 2012


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-13 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]I am a long time follower and first time poster. Here are some pictures of my grandpas 2012 CWMU elk hunt. He got lucky and drew his second elk tag at the age of 82. A week before his hunt he was in the hospital with heart problems. He recovered quickly and was able to get the doctors permission to hit the hills. We had a great time and saw a lot of bulls. Finally on the third day of his hunt we called this great bull in. He shot it at seventy yards while sitting in his favorite lawn chair! it died less than five yards from the road. It was a great experience and it was awesome to have three generations of family in the woods.



Congrats to your grandfather and all involved in the hunt and memories that were made.

That is the kind of posts I like to see here at MM.

Thanks for sharing the story and photo's.
Very nice, I bet everyone here wishes they will be elk hunting at that age
Congrats on a great bull

how would you guys rate your cwmu hunt?

i loved mine but some don't. just curious.
Dang good looking bull.

My dad is 82 and has drawn a on CWMU for elk and moose.

Good hunts and never an issue.

Congradulations it is great to see the hunting tradition being shared with family. I hope I can still hunt at that age.
Very cool story and pics. Nice bull! Congrats to you guys for helping him continue his desire to get out and make it happen.

+1 to the comment about this being one of the best posts in a while

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