My Wifes Elk


Active Member
My wife got her second bull, it was a fun but short hunt, our first plan was aborted when we were waiting up on a hill in the dark and saw some 4 wheelers move into the area we planned on hunting that morning, so we drove back to a second spot, we heard bugles across a big flat and in the junipers at the base of some hills, we walked in on them and we got into a large herd in the junipers with lots of bugling going on, several bulls were really sounding off. We ended up spooking them off, and got to watch and feel a real stampede! There were way more elk in the herd than we had originally thought, I would guess at least 60 ran off and went up over a hill, we started following them and it sounded like they were going to keep on moving as the bugles were getting pretty far away. We went to the top and started down and then we ran back into them as they had held up. We sat down and glasses a couple of bulls, a mature 5 point and a 6x that was broken off just above his third on one side, we kept hearing a third bull bugle back to our right, the herd eventually filtered out away from us so we got up and started to move to the right to try and see what that bull looked like, I saw an elk through the trees, and we snuck around to get into full view, but when we got to a small outcropping where we should be able to see it, it had disappeared, we heard some chuckles quite a way back further to the right and thought he had taken off, but after several minutes standing and waiting, he walked out into view, broadside at 87 yards, we were looking at his right side, I said that's a good one, and she set up and shot him, he only went about 40 yards just behind a big juniper and went down, when we walked over after 10 minutes, we saw he was a real fighter! really broken up on his left side, fresh-cut open ear. Lots of hair missing on the back of his neck, many scars and cuts on his neck and back leg. We spent the next 8 hrs breaking him down and packing him out, 3 loads ea of meat, and a final trip for the head, she is really happy with this bull.
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Great bull.
Is it just my experience, or are the ATV’s and side by sides out of control this year? I cant believe how many I have seen and the places I have seen them! If the fines were anywhere near where they should be, all outdoor government agencies could be funded, with surplus!
Great bull.
Is it just my experience, or are the ATV’s and side by sides out of control this year? I cant believe how many I have seen and the places I have seen them! If the fines were anywhere near where they should be, all outdoor government agencies could be funded, with surplus!
I wish but some units only have 1 maybe 2 wardens. Been seeing tracks cutting across the middle of nowhere. I police when I can talk to them which isn't often except for shed hunting season i'll jump their **** if I find them.
We did meet a warden out investigating something, we stopped and talked to him for a while, he was a nice guy, as far as machines, other than the ones we saw in the dark I mostly saw trailers that had the wheelers or side by sides unloaded. This was a fun hunt, when I went with my son in the general archery season in the smokey Bennets unit just for one night and the next morning we hiked several miles and we saw a nice bull moose with a cow at 50 yards but no elk, HA
My wife got her second bull, it was a fun but short hunt, our first plan was aborted when we were waiting up on a hill in the dark and saw some 4 wheelers move into the area we planned on hunting that morning, so we drove back to a second spot, we heard bugles across a big flat and in the junipers at the base of some hills, we walked in on them and we got into a large herd in the junipers with lots of bugling going on, several bulls were really sounding off. We ended up spooking them off, and got to watch and feel a real stampede! There were way more elk in the herd than we had originally thought, I would guess at least 60 ran off and went up over a hill, we started following them and it sounded like they were going to keep on moving as the bugles were getting pretty far away. We went to the top and started down and then we ran back into them as they had held up. We sat down and glasses a couple of bulls, a mature 5 point and a 6x that was broken off just above his third on one side, we kept hearing a third bull bugle back to our right, the herd eventually filtered out away from us so we got up and started to move to the right to try and see what that bull looked like, I saw an elk through the trees, and we snuck around to get into full view, but when we got to a small outcropping where we should be able to see it, it had disappeared, we heard some chuckles quite a way back further to the right and thought he had taken off, but after several minutes standing and waiting, he walked out into view, broadside at 87 yards, we were looking at his right side, I said that's a good one, and she set up and shot him, he only went about 40 yards just behind a big juniper and went down, when we walked over after 10 minutes, we saw he was a real fighter! really broken up on his left side, fresh-cut open ear. Lots of hair missing on the back of his neck, many scars and cuts on his neck and back leg. We spent the next 8 hrs breaking him down and packing him out, 3 loads ea of meat, and a final trip for the head, she is really happy with this bull.View attachment 55662View attachment 55663View attachment 55664View attachment 55665
great story and bull congrats to your wife
Congratulations and a great Idaho bull. Sounds like you had a memorable experience with bugling to make the experience even better.

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