My Wyoming deer


Very Active Member
Well, Wyoming has been good to me over the year. My favorite state to hunt for sure. I have killed antelope, elk and now deer. It started out on the archery hunt. A friend of ours said he had seen a buck that was over 30" wide and I knew that was the one I wanted. After archery hunting and seeing some good deer, but never the 30 incher, we had high hopes of still harvesting some good deer.

Hiked in on Sunday to find our camp had been "messed with" by bears and a thief, we settled in to a cold night with no bags or tents. A long night of prayers and shivers and tossing and turning, it finally came light. We set out to find some deer. We found some deer and even the 30" buck we all thought was at least 32 or 33 wide.

I was glassing several other bucks when he finally showed himself. I was way excited and knew he was the one!

I watched him that morning and the night before with high hopes of harvesting him in the AM. After returning to camp and looking around for several hours for our gear Sunday night and Monday morning, I had a hunch to check an area. After a few minutes, THERE WAS OUR GEAR. We set up camp and now the hunt was on.

AS I set out in the AM and all 3 of us going to different areas, I was nervous and excited. "What if I miss? What if I hit him and cant find him? What if....What if.... and What ifs....." crossed my mind on the hike over as I watched lightning in distance move my way. I HATE LIGHTNING!!! I set up on the ridge and waited for light. Rain gear was on and the 300 Win Mag was locked and loaded. AS it got light, the winds were strong right over the back of the ridge, and a few small sprinkles settled on me. As I waited, I saw 4 bucks below me at 200 yards, 3 small bucks sparring and a bigger framed buck watching. Then there were 2 more big framed bucks, the 1 more, then 2 more. As it got lighter, I was able to see that there were several nice bucks but not the one I was after. 15 minutes into shooting light and scanning the trees, I spotted s buck bedded. He looked good. Really good. But I didnt want to shoot the wrong buck. So I settled the 300 win mag on him and let the Vortex 6.5x20x44 look him over. And then he stood up, turned his head, and IT WAS HIM. I thought that buck fever would settle in, but it didnt. I calmly took the safety off and pulled the trigger. After the recoil, there he was, laying down, not moving. I was excited, but in unbelief and unsure if it truly was him. After 10+ shots from other hunters in the area, I walked down to him. AS I got close, I could see he was good. Really good. And yes, IT WAS HIM. I WAS SO excited I wanted to high five the guys I was with, but they were not there. All by myself. A guy by the name of Cody came over and helped take some pics.
I was sitting under the pines in the top of this pick and this is where he was bedded and took his final dirt nap.

If you look close, he was a 4x5. On the right side, he has a cheater that points in on the front forks.

After a few pics, the work started. Roadlesshunter and his dad and wife shot their buck 50 yards from mine. They were very nice and the wife asked if I needed anything or help with pics. VERY NICE PEOPLE!!!! They even helped a bit with the cape job since I was alone. After I cut, caped and quartered out the buck and hung the meat, I headed back to camp with what I could carry back. I got back at 1 PM. I WAS SOAKING WET. It was raining, snowing, hailing, sleet, and wind. I was so cold, I stripped down and immediately got into my sleeping bag for a few hours to warm up.

Here are some other pics of the storm and cold.

Many thanks go out to my Brother in Law Jason, AKA, HAWKEYE and Brian for all the help and fun times on this hunt. It would have not been possible if it were not for you 2. Thanks for all the help and once again, sorry I was not good with the horses :)

My buck ended going 30.5 wide and was a 4x5 frame.

Thanks WYOMING, I hope to be back soon.
Sorry for the multi posts. For some reason it would not let me post the story and pics together, or even Multi pics. But at least you get the point of what happened. Good times!!!
Robiland, great buck and way to get it done. Love the story and the pictures, congratulations! I notice you're shooting a Browning with the BOSS system. Curious as to what load you are using and what your BOSS system is set at, I shoot the same gun with the same scope. Nice set up. Congrats again, beautiful buck! Well deserved.
Great buck and cool weather pictures.

Looks like tough country.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
He's a big old buck for sure... Way to make it count. Thanks for sharing your success..!!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Sweet Hunt, that is the way it happen on us a few times in the high country during Sept wet cold and then snow.
Very nice Buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I'm still shocked it was only 30.5 inches wide. When I took the footage of him shaking his head during a scouting trip, I put him at 33 inches wide. I guess they do look bigger in Velvet.

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