Namibia 2024


Active Member
I purchased a safari package that Horabe Hunting Safaris with Pieter Schalk Grobbelaar in Northern Namibia donated to an SCI auction. I have spoken with Pieter and chatted with him on what’s app a few times. He seems like a good guy and I’m excited to try Africa for my first time. I just wanted to see if anybody from the MM community had hunted with him or had any advice to a first time Africa hunter. I’m looking to get my flights booked in the next couple weeks. Any comments or advice is greatly appreciated.
I am leaning toward using the outfitter rifles. I just wanted to travel light and was trying to avoid all of the extra involved with taking my rifle. The hunt I purchased is for 2 hunters and 2 observers so I plan to take my kids and wife and thought it just was easier to not worry about guns
you can do the guns all by yourself no need to use a service in namibia. Only problem is if you cant get a flight out of joberg if going through there. Then you would need to get a sa permit also which is still easy but harder then namibia. I would say get your airfare as soon as you can.

What is in your package that you got..
are you just plannimg on doing a 5 day hunt, I was shocked he has no website I could find plus his facebook is way old. I would make sure you have a list of all trophy fees for other animals. unless you add days it will be a rushed hunt if both hunters need to add 3 animals like add said. I hate seeing any offer that shows jackal and baboons.
Extend to ten days. It takes so much just to get there. I won’t go for under ten days. At least add a couple. I no longer take my rifles. Shoot a mtn zebra if you can. Hard to come by elsewhere.
Never heard of the Outfitter. Do some research on the Outfitter. Sometimes the “best” deals end up being the worst. Take the above advice, I’d never go to Africa less than ten days. It takes a day to recover from the jet lag.

I hope you have a great trip. I have taken my own rifles and used camp rifles. If I was to go again, I’d choose the camp rifle option. Less hassle and less airport time.

Fly Qatar from US direct to Windhoek. Avoid JoBurg. Don't know outfitter but I can ask, if you wish. First timer luck is legendary, hope your outfitter is OK, verify that. Most older "PH" were originally farmers hunting on their own ranch.
Fly Qatar from US direct to Windhoek. Avoid JoBurg. Don't know outfitter but I can ask, if you wish. First timer luck is legendary, hope your outfitter is OK, verify that. Most older "PH" were originally farmers hunting on their own ranch.
the qatar flight is not direct you go to there main airport and fly back out to Windhoek. It is a long flight that way. Plus qatat has it own gun paperwork. Did qatar one time and will go through joberg from now on as it is not that hard as long as you dont feel special and can wait like everyone else who is doing paperwork there.
Custom travel out of Wisconsin. Debbie Trinidad. She specializes in hunters. I'd use the outfitters rifles as it does make your life easier. Like others said: add 3-5 days as those are quite a few animals to take. I also don't like the fact you are required to shoot more animals. Try to determine what you want to do with shipping/taxidermy before you pull the trigger. Like all things, those costs have really gotten out of hand..
Like I told you in the Pm what scares me the most is no website and like a 3 year old facebook post nothing really newer. Plus by the trophy list I saw I am betting it is fenced so make sure you know what size area so your ok with that going in. Impala blesbuck blue wildbeest and burchell zebra need to be fenced as there not native in namibia. I know I PM you some of this enough but wanted to post for others to see to try and help anyone with questions. He may also have unfenced area just check so you know what the hunt will be. As for the gun taking or renting make sure you know what he has. Long way to go then end up with a crap rifle or ammo. Remember you pay once you draw blood. For the 1 hour in joberg and the 1 hour in namibia to clear guns not sure how bad that really is.
I will definitely add some days to the hunt to make the most of it. I do have some concern that he doesn’t have much on Facebook or a website but it seems like a small family owned business. I think of me and my business with not having either Facebook or a website and that’s how I like it. Maybe he is the same. Was really hopping that somebody on here would have hunted with them and I could get direct first hand info. Thanks for all the advice. Keep it coming. I will reach out to them with these questions.
I’d ask him for some past hunters you can call. Although he’ll give you the ‘best’ clients, you can still get a good idea of the operation. It’s also good to talk to someone as it will give you a good idea of what to bring.

The first trip is the best! Enjoy!
Definitely, the kudu, gemsbok, and a mountain zebra would be priorities. I would really want to take the indigenous species to the area. I would add steenbok, duiker, dikdik or klipspringer to my list. Serval or caracal would be nice if you got an opportunity.

Other introduced species would be dependent on where and how they were living. I hate small fenced properties and won't hunt them. I'd rather make another trip for a new list of animals

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