"neveda gov buck"


Long Time Member
Got this in an email, i dont post pics of other people but this thing is a giant! says 205 33"

What a buck. What area?

>them boys sure look happy....
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

JB, the bigger buck got away?

Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-09 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]hey JB i thnk its a look of shock!

freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!

by the way what it cost!...
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-09 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]great buck. i think i may know where he came from

top pic looks like fresh kill blood - but very different country from where the second pic was taken...??

Dude looks stoned!!! If it were me the permagrin would never wear off! :):):):)

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-09 AT 03:30PM (MST)[p]Now that's a buck!!!! I would of guessed a higher score than that. I think it's the same buck. Hard to figure if it was killed in the trees then drug down to the alfalfa field, or it it was killed in the field then set up for pics in the trees. Cass..geez man where ya been? I'm sure you know excatly where it was taken, your knowledge has always amazed us!! j/k...i have a good guess also, but time will tell.
Thats a piss poor alfalfa field if thats what it is.

I would say it was killed in the trees because it is still a little light out in that pic, and not in the first one with the truck in the back ground.

It is an AWESOME deer, one day I will have one like that.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
its the same buck, look just up past the eye guard on the right horn, you can see the sticker on both of em

only reason i said that was because we ran into a buck really similar to this for only a few minutes on my muzzleloader hunt in 07

LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-09 AT 06:19PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-09 AT 06:17?PM (MST)


strange there no blood on the nose in lower pic?....

no mater where he was killed I'm still Jealous.....
Some pic's and all emotion , or mailing icons are just not showing up on my screen. I'm only getting about 1/4 of the pic's posted on any of the threads.

This is upsetting!! None more so than this one as i can not get/see the pic of this buck! Any help?? much appreciated!

wow--what a buck. I saw his twin brother this year in CO--only he had a 8 inch drop tine on his left side...Great deer!
>Some pic's and all emotion ,
>or mailing icons are just
>not showing up on my
>screen. I'm only getting about
>1/4 of the pic's posted
>on any of the threads.
>This is upsetting!! None more so
>than this one as i
>can not get/see the pic
>of this buck! Any help??
>much appreciated!

it happened to me once and it was just a simple "pop up" blocker, i'm no computer expert, but you might check..
Wow... Not much more to say than that.

For me that would be as good as it could get and I don't think I would care if I never killed another buck if I let the air out of one like that.
don't know if he was shot at dark in the field and then posed the next morning in the trees or what. or if he was shot in the trees and posed in the field after the drag out, But he a huge buck. Those boys look tired too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Fantastic buck, but why can't guys smile for pictures or clean some blood off the animal? Both of those things make much better photos.
"Fantastic buck, but why can't guys smile for pictures or clean some blood off the animal? Both of those things make much better photos."

Because most people could care less if there is some blood in the picture, and some people just dont smile, its just not in there genetic make up.:)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Damn.. I keep coming back to this thread and looking at this buck... He is a beauty.

"So far this is the oldest I have ever been."
I have to agree that the photos and the emotion could be better.

That situation will likely NEVER occur again and I would wear out my camera and have to have the smile on my face surgically removed!
Well Good Im sure you guys will have some awesome field photos then.:)

No need to bag on someone else for there lack of talent or know how on the art of takeing good field photos.:)

>I have to agree that the
>photos and the emotion could
>be better.
>That situation will likely NEVER occur
>again and I would wear
>out my camera and have
>to have the smile on
>my face surgically removed!

plus 1
Well the hunter isn't in the photos. It was shot by the same guy who killed the 240ish NT in velvet earlier this year with his other nv gov tag. All I know is that is a huge buck.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-09 AT 02:55PM (MST)[p]Pretty sure the guy on the right is Thomas Brunson of Timberline Outfitters and the guy on the left is one of his guides.
Hunter was Tommy Ford of Las Vegas, guided by Marshall McCrosky of Tripple M Outfitters. This was Tommy's 2nd great buck of the year, both taken with Nevada Gov. tags. The buck scores 204 typical. Here a a few better pictures. TJ


Here is a pictures of Tommy's first buck. I know this buck was previously posted on this site as well. It went 246 gross.


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