Never Enough 2


Founder Since 1999
Paul Kendall, PRISM here at, did another great job on this, his 2nd video. It's really good and makes me wish that I would have shared some of my footage with him for this video.

Paul is very good at making the video exciting. He gets excited about every hunt and harvested.

I have to admit, I only really care about the mule deer hunts and didn't watch much of the rest. As far as mule deer, the bucks on film weren't quite the size that you will see on other videos, but like I said, Paul is so excited about all the hunts that it excites you watching it and makes you want to head for the hills.

The biggest buck, Paul 2006 Colorado buck, is awesome---a heavy, beautiful typical.

The editing of this video is VERY good!

What do you guys think?


Brian Latturner
Loved it!:)

Man, I wish you would of let me use the footage too! Now I'm really gonna hound your for the next DVD;)!
i loved the first one!!! I havent seen #2 yet but i really want to, i wish i had it in my hand right at this moment.
I watched my copy of Never Enough 2 last night. As mentioned earlier, it doesn't show the biggest animals on the ground (although there is some nice footage of bigger live animals during the scouting and winter seasons). However, Paul has made a very nice movie that captures the essence of what the hunt is all about--getting things ready, kidding around with your hunting partners, making mistakes, getting frustrated, being in the beautiful outdoors, etc.

There is a good dose of humor mixed in, making it a good way to spend a couple of hours. Overall, I would definitely recommend it.
Just watched it for the first time last night. Paul did an amazing job. I loved the first one, but Paul really out did himself on his second effort. The style is unique and goes against the flow of what is on the market today for hunting videos. Some amazing animals harvested and some average animals, which makes it so 'Real Life'. The essence of the hunt was captured time and time again. It brought back many memories of my own hunts shared with family and friends. And it stirred that excitement for many more hunts in the future. In my opinion this is a 'Must Have' hunting DVD.
i thought it was a good movie,,, i wish that they would have put up the scores on all the animals like they did in the begining and i wish they told you what equipment was used,,, i would like to know what rifles and calibers and crap like that ,,,,but overall it was a good movie to watch cbryant
Thanks for the input guys. I'm glad that Brian put this forum together.

If any of you have any specifc questions feel free to send me an email.

We're actually going to go into a lot more specifics on the website, with weekly scouting/hunting video and footage of hunts I haven't used on any DVDs.

I feel like we're finally starting to carve out our little niche in the DVD hunting market, and we're always happy for your input.
I recently purchased both of Paul's videos and have to say they are my favorite. The personality of the hunters comes out and people actually get excited about taking a good animal. It seems to me like when I watch some videos there is no personality, no one ever misses and it appears that are just killers and not hunters. I can't wait for the next one, Paul keep up the good work. I will buy every one you put out.


Thanks for the feedback. Happy to hear you liked the DVDs. Filming for Vol. 3 is going um "interesting!"

I had my brother-in-law along filming this morning. I passed on a 330ish bull at about 70 yards (with a rifle) it would of been awesome footage as he was in the wide open with his cows. Anyways, he forgot to push RECORD!!! Man am I glad I didn't shot the bull. Still a bummer we didn't get any footage of it. It's the biggest bull I've passed on so far this year.

Thanks again! Paul
A suggestion for the next dvd in the series is to show more close ups and a little bit more of the antlers, I often felt that we didn't get a great look at them at the end where you note the score, location etc.

Does the best job of capturing the whole hunt of any other dvd on the market. Looking forward to Vol. 3.
I honestly LOVE these. I got number 2 and forgot to get on this thread and talk about it. I love the fact that you are a fellow MM, i love the way you set up the video, i love the hunts, how you say where they are. I second what ridgerunner said. i would like to see more of the antlers and the animal at the end. But i truly love these DVD's!!! Good luck with your season, and i cant wait to see #3.

I got both videos last week and I love them. I like the way they are shot and it's more like real life hunting than anything else out there. I think they have a niche in the dvd market. I also love that all of the animals are not monsters like some other videos.
Vol. 3 is starting to take shape and I've got a really cool idea for the intro.

There's nothing like it, and I think it will really make the DVDs stand out more in the market.

Good luck on your hunts and thanks for the feedback! Paul

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