NEW Forum!


Founder Since 1999
Eric Bates, aka Bates7, asked that we create a new forum for cooking recipes and tips. After some discussion in another thread, others suggested a forum that would include all subjects pertaining to everything "After the Shot". So, here you all go.

Here in this forum you can share cooking recipes and tips, along with butchering tips, etc.

Brian Latturner
This is great, thanks for listening and getting this thing going. Lets get it started with some easy and delicious dutch oven recipes. I will be posting mine after work when I have more time (and less chance of getting fired!)
Nice!!! I LOVE cooking & eating!!!

Also, I like the way this came together! ;-) Classic delegation by Brian!! He who opens his mouth ends-up managing it (eg; moderating.... LOL)!!! In all seriousness though Bates, kudos to you!!! There's always recepies being posted here n there, and it will be good to get them in one place!!!

I'll post one or two!


I totally agree Stanley. The internet is a beautiful thing but I'll tell you what, sometimes it is quite a challenge finding a good recipe on line. A recipe that make your mouth water, that's what I'm talking about.
Enough talking --- let's eat!!!


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
Great Job Brian--love this and much better than a bunch of guys talking crap all the time and cutting people down!!!

I'm still waiting for a "classifieds" forum.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-09 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]>MM has a classifieds section.
>Look at the top of
>the main forum page.

Oh really :).....We were discussing making the "classifieds" an actual forum awhile back because no one uses the one we have now.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Thanks Brian. I'd suggested this topic quite a while ago also and I'd guess it will be well received. Now I just have to look up a receipe or 2 to post. Thanks again.

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