New Zealand Gun Confiscation


Active Member
New Zealand just past a comprehensive gun confiscation measure that is targeting all firearms, not just autos! Based on recent mass mosque shootings.
I guarantee you this is the end game of the Democrats. They claim otherwise when they sneak in the next gun control bill, anti hunting bill etc. They are not capable of telling the truth.
Dems only have as much control as they are allowed.

When the county sheriff's said they would not enforce the new gun laws, illegal by the way, the dems henchman AG stepped in said they had to.

News flash - a Sheriff does not answer to the AG. They are elected to their position.
LMAO The Dems can try to disarm us... But it will never happen. The British tried that once upon a time. The only way is to go door to door and take them. Say When..... I'll be yer Huckleberry.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-19 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]Quit trolling.
They are not trying to confiscate all guns (you'd know this if you had done any independent research.) Please don't inflame the single issue posters on this site, it raises their blood pressure and impairs their ability to "get it up" or make any sense whatsoever.
Times have changed and if they ever do outlaw guns people will hand them over . Americans don't have the backbone they had 150 years ago. When they send you a letter saying if your weapons aren't turned in by a certain date there will be a felony warrant issued for you, you will start thinking about your job, your family, about being arrested, going to prison and most people will lay down and say... ok. We need to make sure we never let liberals get elected but that's not happening.....sad but true.
>Times have changed and if
>they ever do outlaw guns
>people will hand them over
>. Americans don't have the
>backbone they had 150
>years ago. When they send
>you a letter saying if
>your weapons aren't turned in
>by a certain date there
>will be a felony warrant
>issued for you, you will
>start thinking about your job,
>your family, about being arrested,
>going to prison and most
>people will lay down and
>say... ok. We need
>to make sure we never
>let liberals get elected but
>that's not happening.....sad but true.

In 1775 they hung anyone contrary to the crown. Stakes were higher then for defiance.

Only a few would be "made an example of" before the feds give up and the whole disarmament initiative falls apart.

Anyone with any sense knows you CANNOT DO ANYTHING to preserve what you have without equal firepower.

They have to prove you don't have certain weapons first before they can charge you with a felony. Kinda that whole due process thing...
>Dems only have as much control
>as they are allowed.
>When the county sheriff's said they
>would not enforce the new
>gun laws, illegal by the
>way, the dems henchman AG
>stepped in said they had
>News flash - a Sheriff does
>not answer to the AG.
> They are elected to
>their position.

Are they also going to require Sheriff's to enforce sanctuary immigration laws? Or does the AG get to pick which laws will be enforced? If you are going to take the stance that all laws shall be enforced then immigration laws should count as well.
The way it used to be, and the way it's headed are two different things . Once the weak, meak, freak liberals get total control all bets are off. Pretty easy to see what's happening, gun laws are getting changed and new laws created with no resistance. I can't stand Stupid liberals !! That's stupid with a capital S .
The only federal gun control law passed in the last 20 years was by a Republican when he seized bump stocks without Due Process or compensation. Not even Clinton's gun ban did that. Yet the "R" voters stood silently by and watched it happen. There's no honesty anymore, just people that see everything in red vs blue. It's pathetic. Think for yourself, not just what some politician who doesn't even know you exist tells you to think.

Also, the sheriff's are not legally obligated to enforce federal law (such as immigration laws) they are however bound to enforce state laws.

Unless, of course... their word, oath, duty, honor, Constitution, and the respect for The Rule of Law don't apply unless it's enacted by your own Party.

If you don't like the law, change it. But grow up and do your job with integrity!


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
BluffGruff....You may not believe they are trying confiscate all guns because they don't say that... BUT behind closed doors that is their ultimate goal. A little cut here and one there turns into a thousand cuts and you bleed to death. Don't be complacent because the ultimate goal is for them/government/politicians to be be the only ones with guns. Has happened over and over in history. The US is the only place left that has a 2nd amendment right to bare arms. When its gone so is the free world.
Never give those communists one inch. They will never stop. All you have to do is look at California and you can see that they are almost done removing hunting and gun ownership for the average person. They beat poor people down with ammo taxes, making it almost legally impossible to buy a gun with paperwork. They are not done by a long shot. The only thing keeping CA from ending gun ownership are the federal courts. If they ever have their way federally, they will finish what they have started.
>The only federal gun control law
>passed in the last 20
>years was by a Republican
>when he seized bump stocks
>without Due Process or compensation.
>Not even Clinton's gun ban
>did that. Yet the "R"
>voters stood silently by and
>watched it happen. There's no
>honesty anymore, just people that
>see everything in red vs
>blue. It's pathetic. Think for
>yourself, not just what some
>politician who doesn't even know
>you exist tells you to
>Also, the sheriff's are not legally
>obligated to enforce federal law
>(such as immigration laws) they
>are however bound to enforce
>state laws.
>Unless, of course... their word,
>oath, duty, honor, Constitution, and
>the respect for The Rule
>of Law don't apply unless
>it's enacted by your own
>If you don't like the law,
>change it. But grow up
>and do your job with

If you think the Dems don't want your guns......well, your living on a different planet.

>"This is a classic case of
>a handful of greedy fly
>fishermen getting too greedy."
>Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>told to KUTV
>"It's time to revisit the widely
>accepted principle in the United
>States and Canada that game
>is a public resource."

>-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as
>quoted in Anchorage Daily News
That's just like a liberal to say no gun laws have been changed.... when we're talking gun laws we're talking GUN LAWS any gun law state or federal. AOC or Kory Booker has you all Phuket up.

You got that right NMPaul I can remember when California was probably the best place in the USA. I wouldn't live there now for free and a weekly salary !!!! Stupid liberals.
>If you think the Dems don't
>want your guns......well, your living
>on a different planet.

I never said anything to the contrary. However, the fact about Republicans enacting the only federal gun legislation in the last 20 years is accurate.

Start looking at your rights through a clear window instead of one painted red by corporate power brokers and you'll cease to be a sheep suckling on the teat of a political party that sees you as nothing but one of Lenin's "useful idiots."

True freedom also means freedom to think for yourself and not sit with your tongue hanging out waiting for Rush or Hannity to tell you your opinion.

You'll quickly see your freedoms are self-fulfilling and not granted by a politician from either party.

Vote the people. Not the party.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Your caveat of "20 years" is the only thing making your statement true. Go back a bit farther and it is far from the truth. Clinton's Brady Bill put a 10 year hiatus on "assault guns" and magazines over 10 rounds. Libtards suck.
>Your caveat of "20 years" is
>the only thing making your
>statement true. Go back
>a bit farther and it
>is far from the truth.
> Clinton's Brady Bill put
>a 10 year hiatus on
>"assault guns" and magazines over
>10 rounds. Libtards suck.

And even then, 26 YEARS AGO the guns weren't confiscated and the ban was temporary and allowed to expire. I'm astonished that nobody can even swallow their pride to call out their vaunted Trump when he's the one taking guns today. This went into effect only 2 weeks ago and people are trying to drum up Clinton stuff from nearly 30 years ago.

Where's the intellectual honesty in that. At least treat both parties equally and vote your conscience and not what Ann Coulter tells you to do.



"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>>If you think the Dems don't
>>want your guns......well, your living
>>on a different planet.
>I never said anything to the
>contrary. However, the fact about
>Republicans enacting the only federal
>gun legislation in the last
>20 years is accurate.
>Start looking at your rights through
>a clear window instead of
>one painted red by corporate
>power brokers and you'll cease
>to be a sheep suckling
>on the teat of a
>political party that sees you
>as nothing but one of
>Lenin's "useful idiots."
>True freedom also means freedom to
>think for yourself and not
>sit with your tongue hanging
>out waiting for Rush or
>Hannity to tell you your
>You'll quickly see your freedoms are
>self-fulfilling and not granted by
>a politician from either party.
>Vote the people. Not the party.
What a bunch of misdirection. Name me one Democrat congress member that does not vote lockstep behind Nancy Pelosi. One Democrat Senator that does not vote lockstep behind Schumer.
Talk about Lenin's useful idiot. All of the anti gun rhetoric is coming from the left and the few Rhino republicans that are establishment. Looks like someone has been raised on CNN BS.
Look at the Democrat losers in NM. looking right into the camera and saying there is no crisis at the border. Yea, there is your Communists telling their Soros elected politicians what they can and cant say.
We finally get a president that is not part of the establishment and the sheep are told to hate him. We have a horribly corrupt political establishment and the losers defend them.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-19 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]>Name me one Democrat congress
>member that does not vote
>lockstep behind Nancy Pelosi.
>One Democrat Senator that does
>not vote lockstep behind Schumer.

I'll give you two of each, just for effect.

Ben McAdams and Conor Lamb

Jon Tester and Mark Warner

Hint: Never ask a question if you don't want to know the answer.

If the Republicans were the Party they were supposed to be, the Dems wouldn't be winning. They've won/are winning Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and will win Arizona and Texas soon. The Repubs have no future if they don't improve who they've become. Those that commit to a losing platform are sealing their fate. To save the Repubs, you must demand they become the Party they once were and not vote them into defeat. By supporting idiotic and corrupt Republicans, you're handing the future to the Dems.

PS. It's not "Rhino republicans" it's "RINO" and stands for "Republican In Name Only"

It's like having a conversation with a parrot who's just regurgitating Fox News but not digging into the deeper truths. It's that attitude that gave NM to the Dems. If you want to save the Repubs, start demanding more of them instead of voting them into nonexistence.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>AT 08:49?PM (MST)

>>Name me one Democrat congress
>>member that does not vote
>>lockstep behind Nancy Pelosi.
>>One Democrat Senator that does
>>not vote lockstep behind Schumer.
>I'll give you two of each,
>just for effect.
>Ben McAdams and Conor Lamb
>Jon Tester and Mark Warner
>Hint: Never ask a question if
>you don't want to know
>the answer.
>If the Republicans were the Party
>they were supposed to be,
>the Dems wouldn't be winning.
>They've won/are winning Colorado, New
>Mexico, Nevada, and will win
>Arizona and Texas soon. The
>Repubs have no future if
>they don't improve who they've
>become. Those that commit to
>a losing platform are sealing
>their fate. To save the
>Repubs, you must demand they
>become the Party they once
>were and not vote them
>into defeat. By supporting idiotic
>and corrupt Republicans, you're handing
>the future to the Dems.
>PS. It's not "Rhino republicans" it's
>"RINO" and stands for "Republican
>In Name Only"
>It's like having a conversation with
>a parrot who's just regurgitating
>Fox News but not digging
>into the deeper truths. It's
>that attitude that gave NM
>to the Dems. If you
>want to save the Repubs,
>start demanding more of them
>instead of voting them into
I am sure you are a blast to be around. Correcting my spelling of Rhino? Please.
Major, and close legislation the Democrats are in lock step. I do agree with you about the Republicans, most of them are establishment politicians that will sell out conservatives when push comes to shove.
Your method of saying that I am a Republican because I completely oppose the Communist Democrat party does not fly. You cant put words in my mouth and then argue a position that I dont even hold. You are either confused or intellectually dishonest.
I will stick with my original post. The left are doing everything they can to get power back, even if it means destroying this country.
Establishment corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle are just as bad as the left.
Here is a great example of corrupt politicians. This is just getting reported today. Chinese Telecom Giant Huawei hires former Obama Cyber Security Official as a lobbyist. Just another corrupt politician sell out.
We probably agree on most things, dont decide what I believe or dont believe.
Go read all my posts, I never once said I supported the Dems. In actuality, I oppose the Republicans because I'm a conservative and the Republicans aren't. I'll hold either party accountable, otherwise I'm just their b!tch waiting to be told what to think. You're putting words in my mouth without understanding what I'm saying.

Also, knowing the difference in Rhinoceros Republicans and RINO Republicans is crucial to the conversion if you're going to make the accusation. It's not a spelling issue at all, it's literally the crux of the conversation.


"This is a classic case of a handful of greedy fly fishermen getting too greedy." -Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as told to KUTV

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
>BluffGruff....You may not believe they are
>trying confiscate all guns because
>they don't say that... BUT
>behind closed doors that is
>their ultimate goal. A little
>cut here and one there
>turns into a thousand cuts
>and you bleed to death.
>Don't be complacent because the
>ultimate goal is for them/government/politicians
>to be be the only
>ones with guns. Has happened
>over and over in history.
>The US is the only
>place left that has a
>2nd amendment right to bare
>arms. When its gone so
>is the free world.

I wasn't talking to you, Cosmic, I was responding to the original post. Think before you act, read before you speak, and maybe we'd all be in a better situation.

That said, I think you are wrong anyway. Not every angry armchair patriot needs or deserves a gun, and certainly not his angry white nationalist kids. Lives saved trump any rhetoric you can spit out about slippery slope, collusion to confiscate YOUR guns, or inconvenience. Wake up and educate yourself instead of lockstepping with the hard "R" party.
>Go read all my posts, I
>never once said I supported
>the Dems. In actuality, I
>oppose the Republicans because I'm
>a conservative and the Republicans
>aren't. I'll hold either party
>accountable, otherwise I'm just their
>b!tch waiting to be told
>what to think. You're putting
>words in my mouth without
>understanding what I'm saying.
>Also, knowing the difference in Rhinoceros
>Republicans and RINO Republicans is
>crucial to the conversion if
>you're going to make the
>accusation. It's not a spelling
>issue at all, it's literally
>the crux of the conversation.
Like I said, we probably agree on most things. You are being silly about the Rhino reference. I know exactly what it means, and you knew exactly what I meant when I spelled it like the animal. Acronyms are always bastardized in order to be associated with a object. In this case a Rhino. For chrissakes, why am I explaining this.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-19 AT 05:31AM (MST)[p]>>BluffGruff....You may not believe they are
>>trying confiscate all guns because
>>they don't say that... BUT
>>behind closed doors that is
>>their ultimate goal. A little
>>cut here and one there
>>turns into a thousand cuts
>>and you bleed to death.
>>Don't be complacent because the
>>ultimate goal is for them/government/politicians
>>to be be the only
>>ones with guns. Has happened
>>over and over in history.
>>The US is the only
>>place left that has a
>>2nd amendment right to bare
>>arms. When its gone so
>>is the free world.
>I wasn't talking to you, Cosmic,
>I was responding to the
>original post. Think before you
>act, read before you speak,
>and maybe we'd all be
>in a better situation.
>That said, I think you are
>wrong anyway. Not every angry
>armchair patriot needs or deserves
>a gun, and certainly not
>his angry white nationalist kids.
>Lives saved trump any rhetoric
>you can spit out about
>slippery slope, collusion to confiscate
>YOUR guns, or inconvenience. Wake
>up and educate yourself instead
>of lockstepping with the hard
>"R" party.

I am only going to say this for now. I think I have met one person in my life that would qualify as a white nationalist. Of course I have met people with varying degrees of racism (of all colors).
I think I have been around. I have hired thousands of people over the years from laborers up to middle management, and have worked in 4 distinct different businesses.

I have also worked in inner cities for decades as well as extreme rural areas. I think I have seen about as much real America as anyone.
Just the fact that you use White Nationalist in an argument tells me that you consume fake news to an extreme.
They are a boogeyman for the weak minded. Grow up a little. Experience life and you will find that these things you were told to believe do not exist, and that they were only used to influence you. Start to question everything you are told and start to compare it to ONLY your real life experiences.
>AT 05:31?AM (MST)

>>>BluffGruff....You may not believe they are
>>>trying confiscate all guns because
>>>they don't say that... BUT
>>>behind closed doors that is
>>>their ultimate goal. A little
>>>cut here and one there
>>>turns into a thousand cuts
>>>and you bleed to death.
>>>Don't be complacent because the
>>>ultimate goal is for them/government/politicians
>>>to be be the only
>>>ones with guns. Has happened
>>>over and over in history.
>>>The US is the only
>>>place left that has a
>>>2nd amendment right to bare
>>>arms. When its gone so
>>>is the free world.
>>I wasn't talking to you, Cosmic,
>>I was responding to the
>>original post. Think before you
>>act, read before you speak,
>>and maybe we'd all be
>>in a better situation.
>>That said, I think you are
>>wrong anyway. Not every angry
>>armchair patriot needs or deserves
>>a gun, and certainly not
>>his angry white nationalist kids.
>>Lives saved trump any rhetoric
>>you can spit out about
>>slippery slope, collusion to confiscate
>>YOUR guns, or inconvenience. Wake
>>up and educate yourself instead
>>of lockstepping with the hard
>>"R" party.
>I am only going to say
>this for now. I
>think I have met one
>person in my life that
>would qualify as a white
>nationalist. Of course I
>have met people with varying
>degrees of racism (of all
>I think I have been around.
> I have hired thousands
>of people over the years
>from laborers up to middle
>management, and have worked in
>4 distinct different businesses.
>I have also worked in inner
>cities for decades as well
>as extreme rural areas.
>I think I have seen
>about as much real America
>as anyone.
> Just the fact that you
>use White Nationalist in an
>argument tells me that you
>consume fake news to an
>They are a boogeyman for the
>weak minded. Grow up
>a little. Experience
>life and you will find
>that these things you were
>told to believe do not
>exist, and that they were
>only used to influence you.
> Start to question everything
>you are told and start
>to compare it to ONLY
>your real life experiences.

You are blind if you think Charlottesville, Charleston, Vegas and Christchurch are fake news "boogeymen." I read news from dozens of sources daily, US and international. Ignoring them is like the Germans leading up to and during WW2 "not knowing" about the holocaust, because people are certainly getting killed right in front of your eyes.
>>LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-19
>>AT 05:31?AM (MST)

>>>>BluffGruff....You may not believe they are
>>>>trying confiscate all guns because
>>>>they don't say that... BUT
>>>>behind closed doors that is
>>>>their ultimate goal. A little
>>>>cut here and one there
>>>>turns into a thousand cuts
>>>>and you bleed to death.
>>>>Don't be complacent because the
>>>>ultimate goal is for them/government/politicians
>>>>to be be the only
>>>>ones with guns. Has happened
>>>>over and over in history.
>>>>The US is the only
>>>>place left that has a
>>>>2nd amendment right to bare
>>>>arms. When its gone so
>>>>is the free world.
>>>I wasn't talking to you, Cosmic,
>>>I was responding to the
>>>original post. Think before you
>>>act, read before you speak,
>>>and maybe we'd all be
>>>in a better situation.
>>>That said, I think you are
>>>wrong anyway. Not every angry
>>>armchair patriot needs or deserves
>>>a gun, and certainly not
>>>his angry white nationalist kids.
>>>Lives saved trump any rhetoric
>>>you can spit out about
>>>slippery slope, collusion to confiscate
>>>YOUR guns, or inconvenience. Wake
>>>up and educate yourself instead
>>>of lockstepping with the hard
>>>"R" party.
>>I am only going to say
>>this for now. I
>>think I have met one
>>person in my life that
>>would qualify as a white
>>nationalist. Of course I
>>have met people with varying
>>degrees of racism (of all
>>I think I have been around.
>> I have hired thousands
>>of people over the years
>>from laborers up to middle
>>management, and have worked in
>>4 distinct different businesses.
>>I have also worked in inner
>>cities for decades as well
>>as extreme rural areas.
>>I think I have seen
>>about as much real America
>>as anyone.
>> Just the fact that you
>>use White Nationalist in an
>>argument tells me that you
>>consume fake news to an
>>They are a boogeyman for the
>>weak minded. Grow up
>>a little. Experience
>>life and you will find
>>that these things you were
>>told to believe do not
>>exist, and that they were
>>only used to influence you.
>> Start to question everything
>>you are told and start
>>to compare it to ONLY
>>your real life experiences.
>You are blind if you think
>Charlottesville, Charleston, Vegas and Christchurch
>are fake news "boogeymen." I
>read news from dozens of
>sources daily, US and international.
>Ignoring them is like the
>Germans leading up to and
>during WW2 "not knowing" about
>the holocaust, because people are
>certainly getting killed right in
>front of your eyes.

Stick with real life and what you see. Less than .0001% of the population. I would be much more worried about the fringe left. If you want to bite your pillow and weep over something that you are being fed by fake news enjoy. We find that almost all of these hate crimes are hoaxes for the useful idiots to wring their hands over.
Some people are just going to be told what to think because they have limited life experiences. Get out and see the country. You won't find what you are being told to believe by the fake news.
Right now you are insisting on not thinking for yourself. I would love to hear about all the "white nationalists" you have met.
"Also, the sheriff's are not legally obligated to enforce federal law (such as immigration laws) they are however bound to enforce state laws." ~ grizzly

State law cannot supercede federal law. By making private citizens conduct background checks, it is taking the ATF out of the picture to regulate firearm transactions.

By seizing firearms based on a tattle-tail neighbor, the state is taking away your federal level right of due process.

Anyone thinks a Sherriff is required to enforce state law when in conflict with federal law lives a sheltered life.
Bluff-Gruff! To clear the air, the NZ citizen who still lives there and is an avid gun collector, was the source that provided the information on the original post.
Obviously the legislation will take time to put in place and enforce.

Since you seem to know more than anyone, ?Enlighten? the rest of us!!
>To the original point, there is
>no all gun grab in
>NZ. My buddies there still
>have theirs last I checked.

If you recall, I was pretty much only responding to your White Nationalist comment.

That being said, if your friends are correct, this is a perfect example of not believing MSM (fake news). The right is reporting it as an outrage and the left is reporting it as something to brag about. They are actually reporting the same thing.
Even though I dont know you at all, I would tend to believe you and your friends first hand knowledge. Never believe the MSM. They have narratives they push.

Anyhow, I am curious about what happens in NZ for obvious reasons and keep us updated as to what you hear. I doubt they have anything legislatively as strong as our 2nd amendment, but, with leftists, even that is something to worry about if supreme court shifts to the left.

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