Very Active Member
I have Brian's permission to post this:)

This auction hunt is for the benefit of the NM Council of Guides and Outfitters and was donated by Tom Klumker of San Francisco River Outfitters. This hunt is scheduled for Dec.27-31 in the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson, AZ in unit 33. This is the top rated Coues deer unit in AZ. Hunting will be done with pop-up blinds on rub & scrape lines and spot and stalk. The auction winner will go in 7 miles by horseback and pack mule to a set up camp. You will hunt on foot right out of camp. The winning hunter/huntress needs only his or her bow, arrows, sleeping bag and hunting license (non resident $160 plus a deer non-permit tag for $300. SFRO provides a soft type scabbard for transport of the bow into camp and extra arrows in a tube or arrow case. Personal gear is to be brought in small soft type travel bags no longer than 30" for ease of packing on our mules. The regular price for this fully outfitted hunt is $4500. Additional hunters can come at full price and non-hunters at $250 per day. We will meet at the trailhead south of Oracle, AZ on the morning of the 27th. Motels are available at Oracle and or you can camp at trailhead the night before with us. This is a 2x1 guided hunt with another winning hunter from a donated hunt sold at the recent Silver City, NM RMEF. We can provide references upon request. Tom is a well-known outfitter and serves on the Board of Directors for the NMCOG.

The details of bidding will be posted on the Classified Ad's page under the same soon as Brian Moderates it:)

Thanks and good luck to the bidders.
I will start the bidding at $1!

"NM GUIDES AND OUTFITTERS" What a joke. You guys are worse then the mafia in NYC!
Thanks for getting it started Marc. Looks like the bid amount is now is $500. The person bidding has pledged the hunt to a Wounded Warrior/Veteran from NM if he wins it. How bout you go $600 and pledge the same?
I take that back I will be hunting elk in Utah on those dates! Plus I will be hunting in 36c for deer in January with the same OTC tag! Sorry
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-14 AT 07:14PM (MST)[p]Jimbo put me in for $850.Also a Vet or Wounded warrior donation.
Also sent Kerrie an E-mail.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

H & A Outfitters

Private and public land hunts since 1992 for elk, mule deer, sheep, pronghorn, black Bear & lion hunts.

505 Outfitters

Public and private land big game hunts. Rifle, muzzleloader and archery hunts available. Free Draw Application Service!

Sierra Blanca Outfitters

Offering a wide array of hunt opportunities and putting clients in prime position to bag a trophy.

Urge 2 Hunt

Hunts in New Mexico on private ranches and remote public land in the top units. Elk vouchers available.

Mangas Outfitters

Landowner tags available! Hunt big bulls and bucks. Any season and multiple hunt units to choose from.

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