No Respect...



Once again, us hound guys can't get a freakin' break. Can't get an ounce of respect....

So I guess Kevin really did sign me up for the SFW since I just got some publication from them in the mail the other day.

Of course it was sent to Rick... and I don't know who the hell Rick is, but it damn sure isn't me. But they got the last name right and the address, so I just figured that was par for the course. ;-)

Did anyone else get this magazine? What was up with the attempt at a eulogy for Val Robb? I didn't understand it at all. It was titled something like "New hunter ethics"...

Did anyone read this segment? I was in disbelief when I read it. In a nutshell it said, "Val fought a courageous battle with cancer but lost. He was a poachin' sucker for much of his life, but the last 5 years he and his sons have been doing things by the book."

That's a eulogy? I just thought that Utah's most famous hound guy would deserve a little better than that. Forget the attempt at tap dancing and all that BS and just say "He fought a courageous battle with cancer and lost. He was a great hunter and will be missed."

OK, for those who didn't read it, I guess I'll post it. I still can't figure this, but apparently it was their eulogy for Val. It's right next to the photo titled In Memory of Val Robb.

"New Hunter Ethics - A lot of high profile sportsmen violated game laws in the good old days. SFW has started a new ethic establishing very tough poaching laws. The past is the past, but we call upon our members to live the letter of the law.
Val and his boys are great hunters, are doing things by the book, and have been avid supporters of SFW for the past 5 years. When hard work makes you really good at something, it is easy for others to call foul. Val fought a courageous battle with cancer but unfortunately passed away early this fall."

So went the eulogy for Utah's most famous houndsman. I guess they didn't have anymore room with the two page spread on hunting pigs at a private ranch in California.

Pretty disappointing, but another reminder that hound guys are always at the bottom of the food chain. Oh well, I don't mind. The more I see of them, the more I'm glad to be down here slummin' with you guys.

They can go shoot pigs off the feed manger at the Tejon, I'll go hang out with Ed and the boys in bear camp, where we can give Mr. Robb a real eulogy.

As for the call for members to go by the letter of the law. Sorry boys, you can have my dues but I'm a "spirit of the law" guy and nothing is gonna change that. And if the Robb caravan ever tires of living the letter of the law, they are welcome to chain their dogs up in our camp, cuz we don't care much about laws and care even less about letters!!! ;-)

Rest in Peace Mr. Robb.
I know what you mean Dawg, I was left going "huh????" after that one too. I don't know what they were trying to say.

Did you catch their warning?? Apparently there's a subtle attempt by other sportsmen to undermine the credibility and take potshots at the boys know anything about that?? And when they listed their goals for the different species did anybody else notice that lions were absent from the list??? The same with bears!! Are these not also game animals worthy of our best efforts???

I dunno, I think I'll head back to the fridge and crack open another eulogy to Val Robb.
Couldn't agree with you boys more. It was one of those things that after you got fininshed reading it you just went, Huh???

Oh well, Hats off for Mr. Robb!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-03 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]Val and Don where very good friends. It botherd Don alot that people trash talked Val all the time and he was just tryin to say somthin nice about him after he passed.
By the way I'll expect all of you sfw fans at our banquet on march 8th here in utah county. We have alot of tags and it should be a fun time. I got some lion and bear tags to sell. There will be women sellin tickets. I know you boys will all be there with bells on. Call me for tickets. John Bair 361-6824
statewide bear
statewide lion
wasatch and manti bear
wasatch and nebo lion
There will be women sellin tickets, call me for tickets what does that say John? lol
I sell the banquet tickets. The women sell the raffle tickets at the banquet.Then sometimes I sell the women sellin the raffle tickets at the banquet that I sold the tickets to. So it all works out. Theres lots of sellin,women and tickets involved.
Uh, I don't know....well OK, sign me up for one of them SFW fans. I prefer the Chineese silk ones for the wife at church. Her color favors a light shade of pink.

Speaking of church and all, I read the other day in the Lilly bible about some form of hypocrite. Made me think of an orgainization that would have the balls to sell bear and lion tags for profit while attempting the exterminate those same species. I'll pass on the gathering and the tags but put me down for a fan. Send it to Rick McGhie, Route 666 #69 street, Gallup, NM.

And I'm going to the fridge to pay my respects to Val and then to the pisser to pay my respects to Don.

Can I still have a fan even though I don't care for the other? The misses doesn't even mind if the SFW logo is on it.

I wasn't accusing Don of anything. I have no idea who even wrote that little blurb on Val. And I'm certain that they had the best of intentions.

And yes, Val did take a lot of heat for certain things over the years and from certain people. Hell, even I'll admit I had a bit of trouble when I read on the internet his hunting priviledges had been revoked, and then 3 weeks later I see him running around all over the Lasals bear hunting. But the more I think about it now, when they finally catch up with me and revoke my priviledges, that's where you'll find me too. Out on the mountain hunting.

But my point is, who cares what he did or what people said about him? The guy died of cancer, so screw what all his naysayers said about him. Don't give them the satisfaction. Eulogies aren't about that.

It probably wasn't intended but I thought it came across as half excusing away his hunting methods, and then half saying we'll miss him. So how will Ryan Hatch's eulogy read?

Next time, give me a holler and I'll write the eulogy. Mine will say something like this, "After a valiant battle with cancer Val Robb passed away. He will be missed by his friends, his family, his boys, and a bunch of hound guys. His boys will carry on the hunting tradition. And for those of you out there that took pot shots at him, disliked him, or had a problem with his hunting methods, you are welcome to kiss his boys collective asses and mine too." ;-)

Now THAT's a eulogy buddy!! I think you can kiss the Statewide bear and lion tags goodbye. My buddy has his eye on both of them, and no hound guy is gonna compete with his kind of money.

A banquet huh? Are you servin' meat or bird? And if you are invitin' hound guys to a banquet there damn sure better be beer there or it ain't really a banquet, it's just a bunch of inbreds sitting around looking at each other. ;-)

If had to write it mine would be just like what you have there. I didn't know Val very well but I think your version of the eulogy was great.
I don't know what will be on the menu just yet. And as for the beer, well, last time I had beer at the banquet we had a bunch of angry wives, batterd waitresses and a few to many up-chuckin for distance contests,(of witch fishon is the two time defending champ). The school won't let beer into the building, and its the only building big enough.
Besides it will be funny to see how ugly all those inbreds are without the BUD-FACTOR makin them look better than they really are.
I know a couple of guys that are hell bent on the state wide tags to, so they should go pretty good. I know the auctioneer, he can handle it.
Last year I think we had chicken and pork. Steak is to damn expensive. Besides,when all these utah county black-n-tanners are done tendureizen them cows there ain't much flavor left.
Well, I may not know squat about lions, bears or hounds but banquets are one thing I do know something about. Is the purpose of this thing just to have a nice social evening where you bring the wives and kids and preacher? Or is it to raise money. Cuz if it's the latter you ain't gonna raise much money without booze. The amount of money generated at a banquet will be directly proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed prior to the fund raising event. I have been very much involved with two organizations that hold annual banquets to raise funding. One is a bunch of farmer types that bring their families and some of them even are preachers. They raise 3 or 4 thousand bucks a year, probably about 15 to 20 dollars net per person present. On the other hand the wildlife organization I am involved with has raised nearly $40,000 in one night EXCLUDING any special tag auctions. That was more like 150 dollars per person present. NET!

My point - get some booze man. Have the thing outside if you can't have booze in the school. I might even come if you have booze and I don't even know what it's for! :)
Two things that seem to get people to part with their money and both are outlined here. It's about women and booze. Later, when the marks are gone and bail paid we'll have to endure the same spouting crap that makes my stomach turn, "The guys who buy these tags are the TRUE SPORTSMEN, just think what all that money is going to do for us, we've got to have this money for the game, come on fishon a little to the left...OK, scratch the last one but all the others stand.

Since this is an opinion board I'm giving mine, go raise the money but save the BS for the elk and deer forums. Those guys swallow it but most hounders won't. The party is designed to be a huge drunk with beautiful babes selling tickes to well past the limit dorks. They have deep pockets and small brains. So I've had my say but remember this, selling these tags to the highest bidder is like having a daughter work for a call service in Vegas. You can call it anything you like but it's still just a whore selling what rich boys want for big bucks.

Kind of gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling all over. :)

I don't see the difference in auctioning off tags or making money guiding hunts, selling videos, guilding fishing trips or any of the other ways folks make money off of wildlife. As long it is legal then I don't have a problem with any of it.
Just my opinion.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone auctioning off or selling tags. I would actually consider buying one myself assuming it was cheaper than bail money. That's the bottom line for me. Which is cheapest, bail money or the tag?

If a guy is buying the tag just to hunt, ha that's a laugh. I got my license to hunt the day I was born. I'm a Bible thumper and the good book says "God gave man dominion over the beasts of the earth and the foul of the air."

HoundDawg's translation: Whenever I get the urge to go hunt a beast or a fowl, it's my god given right and I don't need any slip of paper from the state telling me the same thing the good book tells me. If they have the right to manage the wildlife and profit from it, I have just as much right to hunt them and use them as I see fit.

I may drop in on that banquet and grab a bite to eat, but don't come waiving tags in my face, unless it's a deal to avoid bail money. Cuz I already got my tag, and you might call my tag "the Lifetime Governors Tag for any and all species."

Your tags come from "the man" (Don)... But my tag comes from THE BIG MAN and his good book!! :) I guess I'm alot like my grandpappy, I sure as hell ain't gonna pay someone to hunt a deer or elk they don't own.

But I will make you a deal. Next sheep I run across this spring up on Timp on my weekly horseback rides... if it has a sign on it saying, "Property of the SFW and Utah DWR" I won't shoot it.

Happy hunting boys and go easy at the auction. Bail money is still the cheapest route to go when you crunch the numbers.


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