non resident question


Very Active Member
what is the arizona strip tag unit number. If I have never put in for this tag, do I have a chance. I am to lazy to look up the regulation. Also I have never put in for Arizona so what does it cost to apply as a non. res..

Any of the late hunts on unit 12A/B or 13A/B hunts will require max points to draw. If you are not in the max pts, which is near 15 pts this year you will have no chance at any of those tags. There's plenty of units in the southern part of Arizona you may have a chance at drawing, or some of the units just south of the ditch. Good luck!
You are funny cant kill. I have 10 points and gave up on a strip deer tag. You start now, you could draw one if you lived to be 132, or if you moved to AZ and lived to 92. Good luck. Let us know how things work out for ya.
I was just wondering if anyone had a chance at the tags or if they were only for max points, atleast in utah even if you didn't have max deer points you would still have a lucky chance for a henries deer tag.
You do have a chance, but its mighty slim. 20% of the tags are reserved for applicants with the most points and only 10% of the tags can go to non-residents. If there are 50 tags then the five non-resident tags could possibly be drawn in the bonus point pass. If not all five are drawn in the bonus point pass, then you would have a chance to draw in the second pass. You get one random number generated for each bonus point to try and get a low number. Going into the draw with zero points, you have one chance at a low random number for however many tags are available in the second pass. Last year there were 60 and 65 tags available in the two Strip units 13A and 13B. There are many non-residents in the max point pool, so you would be trying for a tag in the second pass for decades. Like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but here is how it is right now as far as deer draws north of the ditch are concerned.

Unless you have max bonus points, you as a NR ARE NOT going to draw a Unit 13B general rifle tag.

Here is why. The 10% "quota" for NR which really isn't a quota, but a statement that says, "up to 10% of the tags CAN go to NR's.." is always filled under the 20% pass rule for those premium hunts.

Yes, there are several hundred NR who have MAX deer bonus points and who apply only for units 13A and 13B. And so the 10% "quota" is filled during that draw. No way it is ever going to go to the second draw for a premium north of the ditch draw.

What you need to think off is applying for the late Kaibab hunts which at times HAVE NOT required max points (but close to it) to get a tag. But bottom line is with no to few points, look for hunts in the desert areas where you can draw.

Now if you are an Arizona resident with less than max bonus points, then that all changes. While 20% of the tags will go to those in the top bonus point pool, the rest of the tags (80%)can and often are drawn by those residents with less than max points. That is just one benefit of being a resident int he Grand Canyon state!

Sorry but that is how it goes right now in the AZ deer draw for premium hunts north of the Grand Canyon.

Don Martin
Arizona Wildlife Outfitters

Oh yes, I have 13 points as a resident and I'm still waiting!!!!
I don't agree about non residents not having a chance to draw hard to draw tags without close to max points. In 2007 my dad drew a 18b rifle antelope tag with 17 points. The very next year he drew the same tag again with 2 points as a nonres.
I am almost 75% positive that an 18b rifle Antelope tag is not the same thing as Deer north of the ditch. The more I think about it, I might bump that to 80% positive.

I stand corrected. If you are starting out trying to draw a 13 rifle tag as a non res you won't ever draw under the current system. Residents could get lucky and draw one of the 80% random tags.

18b antelope tags must have some random tags available. 13 deer tags don't have any tags available for non res after the first draw. It meets the 20% tags allocated to those with the most bonus points.

My boy lucked out and drew a unit 7 lope tag a few years ago. There were over 3,000 non res applied for 3 or 4 random tags and he lucked out. Not the possibility with 13 rifle deer.

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