NY Times Pro Hunting Article


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-09 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]Check out this article in today's electronic version of the New York Times that one of my non-hunting buddies pointed out to me this morning titled "The Urban Deerslayer."


Nice to see a pro hunting bit and to see that people who may have been non-hunters are learning (albeit in a different manner than most of us) the virtues of hunting and harvesting wild game. I see this potential urban phenomenon as something that will ultimately benefit the sport of hunting as traditionally non-hunters learn to appreciate and support that which is a passion to many hunters. Furthermore, as the number of hunters and support for hunting has declined in the past 50 years, I see it as important to garner appreciation and support for hunting amongst those (who left uneducated as to the virtues of hunting and eating wild game) would otherwise be indifferent to or support anti-hunting sentiment. The down-side of course is increased pressure in the field and that dreaded day when you find some yahoo sitting in your favorite spot. But again, a little of education for non-hunters can go a long ways in terms of benefitting our passion for hunting.

I must say that a couple of my greatest hunting "accomplishments" have been turning a couple of anti-hunting buddies into avid hunters. Better yet is that one of their wives who was formerly a vegetarian has developed a taste for venison and actually encourages her husband to hunt as much as possible...Anyway, check out the article.

Oh yeah, here's a picture of a former "vegan" aka my fiancee, with her first bull elk taken this past October. This former anti hunter has now harvested an oryx and an elk and is planning her hunts for next year.

Congrats on a great catch. It's really nice to have a Wife who not only supports your passion but also hunts.

Thanksgiving in Steamboat this year,


No doubt I have spent to much time out in the hills.New York Times ,I damn near fell off my chair.
Excellent article. I certainly could have used something like this a few years back (class or club). Reminds me of myself. Grew up in a city and didn't start hunting until about 19 when I moved out west, and had to teach myself everything. I actually gutted my first animal while reading a "how to gut deer" guide that I printed out from online. When I first opened him up I scratched my head a little bit because it certainly didn't look like the picture (ha, turned out I didn't go quite deep enough). I love it though and makes it even more of a challenge figuring it all out on your own.
I agree, well written article and interesting "new" but positive perspective on hunting. The NY Times is the last place I'd expect to see a pro hunting article and like you Cowboy, I pretty much fell out of my seat when my buddy pointed it out to me. Outdoorsman, I think you hit it right on, it is a good thing for those who may not have grown up in the environment, nor with the experience that many of us who grew up rurally did. It's a foreign concept for me (despite the fact that I was born and raised on a ranch and am now an "urbanite"), but one that I appreciate and think only benefits future of hunting. I don't think we can have too many people interested in and supporting our hunting privileges...

Here's a picture of one of my sources of "organic meat" from this season...just wish I could spend every day in the outdoors...

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