Obama camp disgraces fallen officer memorial

Where's the names of the people who told the toilet comany to put them there? when I get them brought in for field crews half the time they're in the wrong field. this is the best you can do?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-08 AT 09:35AM (MST)[p]
Read the article. The obama staffers admit they had the toilets placed there on purpose for "safety reasons" and to accomodate those with wheel chairs.

"Despite a large amount of open areas in the vicinity, the campaign staffers claimed the toilets were placed on the memorial for safety reasons to accommodate wheelchair access."

There, I will make it easy for you.
I think people are more concerned with the high price of fuel...not where the ladies room is.
So sombody said some guy who might have been with Obama admitted they didn't want wheelchair people to take a dive. I got that, take it up with " somebody " and get your appology. do you really thing Omama called the locals and said " put some crappers over the memorial for fallen cops, that would be a riot " get real, if every candidate had to make phone calls appologizing for everything some low level local volunteer did that's all they'd do.

Again is this best you can do?
I am not looking for an apology. I also don't think this is the biggest issue during this election campaign. I don't even think obama was responsible (directly) for this happening. I do however see this as an example of the elitist types that are part of his campaign. Pretty ballsy to place port a potties on top of a memorial for fallen officers.

This thread is yet another example of why no one around here takes you seriously dude. No matter what the issue is or how evident it is that your position is wrong you refuse to admit it, you would rather change the facts and down play it.

It is what it is, a stupid mistake.
Boy! that last sentence was a accurate description of dude and his lefty friends.

My position is Obama and his top brass had nothing to do with it, this is 100% political and nothing else. it was a stupid mistake and who ever is responsible for putting them there needs slapped, end of story.

For what it's worth an appology was made by Obama's organization , and it satisfied the police chief so this one is about worn out.
Actually it was on the Portland news, I'm sure at their web site they'd have something, it's KATU.com

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