Obama the terrorist.....


Active Member
So if I am hearing all the Right Wing Wacko propoganda correctly, Obama is a terrorist and he does not like guns? Wait a minute isn't that a "Paradox". Do you see the irony in that?

Oh wait.... He is a terrorist who want's to take the guns away from all Americans so he can Anihilate us and we will not even be able to fight back. Wow.. He is a bad guy!
...and if I'm hearing you correctly I am to believe that Obama is just misunderstood? Perhaps his votes have been interpreted incorrectly as he must be the most pro gun politician of modern age. I think his record speaks for itself as it relates to the gun issue. If you or anyone else think Obama will not negatively effect your rights as a gun owner, well,...I've got a bridge you may be interested in purchasing. I think the paradox you are making, that if he is not a terrorist he is not anti gun, is equally as moronic as any right wing wacko propaganda. For ease of identification lets break you post into two parts. Is he a terrorist? Probably not. Is he anti-gun? Yes.

P.S. The founding fathers really weren't interested in protecting sportmen's hunting/target shooting interests when Second Ammendment was placed into text.

P.S.S. Contrary to your subtone, terrorists are by definition of action, cowards who prefer unarmed victims. I'm quite certain when they highjacked planes on 9-11, they did not pass out AK-47's to the passengers just to make it fair. I can't be sure but I don't even think they armed the passengers with paper clips. In short, your paradox of terrorists and weapons is also a house of cards.

Go sell your nonsense elsewhere.
Good post 1911.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
For the record I do not think he is a terrorist and I do not believe he want's to take our (law abiding citizens) guns ( I think his goal is to Try to keep certain firearms out of the wrong hands.. ie, gangs, drug dealers, etc.... or at least try to make it more difficult for thugs etc. to purchase certain firearms).

Mr. Clinton was supposed to take our guns away as well. An acquaintance of mine (who owns a gun shop) says his sales were through the roof in the early years of Clinton being in office and he loved it as people bought into the propoganda and flocked to his store to purchase firearms.

In my post of sarcasm I said "He is a terrorist who want's to take the guns away from all Americans so he can Anihilate us and we will not even be able to fight back". Isn't that by definition the act of a coward (as you mention). Yes it is..

You may not be getting my sarcasm here.... My original post was showing how the propoganda machine can work wonders (for each party). In this case I believe that Rush/Hannity have done a great job of it. On the other side of the coin I think the Liberal propoganda machine has made McCain into some crazed war hungry maniac (which I do not believe for one second).

Realize politics is a big game of deception.
Addict - 1911 just handed you your azz and poked holes in your warped ideology. Your intention wasn't sarcasm but it sounded so far out there that you have now tried to present it as such. Get a grip and post about something you know something about. Hopefully it will make more sense than your two posts on this thread.

If you are foolish enought to belive that Obama does not want to disarm honest law abiding citizens, you are a complete dupe and have your head in the sand and your buttocks exposed for the big stick.
Why don't you research his voting record on gun control and you will see for yourself that it effected more honest law abiding citizens then it ever did criminals.
Obama, and a few other left wing dems are for total banning of firearms and disarming all American citizens. Search it yourself and quit B.S ing us and yourself.

Oh! For crying outloud RELH. I did some research and here is the scariest thing I could come up with ......

Jeezus, hope you guys have the bunker stocked.

Q: When you were in the state senate, you talked about licensing and registering gun owners. Would you do that as president?

A: I don't think that we can get that done. But what we can do is to provide just some common-sense enforcement. The efforts by law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers. As president, I intend to make it happen. We essentially have two realities, when it comes to guns, in this country. You've got the tradition of lawful gun ownership. It is very important for many Americans to be able to hunt, fish, take their kids out, teach them how to shoot. Then you've got the reality of 34 Chicago public school students who get shot down on the streets of Chicago. We can reconcile those two realities by making sure the Second Amendment is respected and that people are able to lawfully own guns, but that we also start cracking down on the kinds of abuses of firearms that we see on the streets.
Good post Rus. That should shut up all the hard core rightwingers here........but it won't. Obama could say anything and these NRA luvin maniacs will discount it with saying that the dems will take our guns away blahblahblah. We were given the second amendment to overthrow the king or something like that. Do we have any kings around anymore??? There are extremists on both sides of every issue but to vote primarily on the gun issue (which is really a nonissue) is insane when this country is in the shape it's in. If you are a pro-war trillionaire white male psychotic christian extremist that wants to see the fall of America financially then you should absolutely vote McCain. Obama is once again, NOT the answer but he isn't w. McCain is. Obama the terrorist is just another show of desperation by the republicans. Sad really.
Right zigga, RUS is dead on because that is the latest spin from Obama, after all their "just words" right? Why did RUS not refer to Obamas VOTING record? Could that be because Obama voted against gun rights EVERY time? Talk about being a smuck!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-08 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]A question for you neocons, if the majority of Americans want tighter control on some types of guns and to make it tougher for people who shouldn't have guns just how does all your whining stop them? I'm not saying 99% of their ideas are correct or have a snowball's chance of making anyone safer but this stupid notion that you can make the most poular politian in a race lose everytime is insane. today it's Obama, tomarrow it will be somebody else, in a democracy majority rules so you're screwed any wany you slice it.

SO, this brings us back to the equalizer, the constitution and the 2nd amendment. Obama isn't going to find a way around it, if he does then it was going to happen anyway. I feel pretty sure that just like when Clinton left office I'll be saying what was all the fuss about.

If I'm wrong you can remind me, until then cowboy up and stop your whining before you're hurt.
Have you EVER read the Constitution dude? You talk out both sides at the same time better than Obama himself.You say majority wins, yet youo support gay marriage even though it has been voted against over and over by the MAJORITY in multiple/most states. You only support the Majority wins concept when you precieve you are in the majority. I don't give a rip if the majority wants to take away my guns, it would still be unconstitutional, and not just because of the 2nd Amendment, but because it's right in the Consitution under "unalienable rights bestowed upon us by our CREATOR"! The ability to protect oneself is a GOD given right, as is the RIGHT to remain free, which is impossible w/o the ability to protect ourselves and our families.

Voting is more than just whining dude. You stay apathetic and arrogant while watching illegals put money in your self righteous pocket. I will stand up for my freedoms rather than cow tow to an empty suit who has nothing but contempt for the Constitution and the people bravely fighting to uphold it!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Hmmm! I think you answered my question about how you doing? PRO ... we all get to vote. Thank goodness! It's about all we got left.

Take care!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-08 AT 01:23AM (MST)[p]Rus;
Your research is very lacking. You may be foolish enough to believe what Obama may say while running for office and speaking half truths and out right lies. His voting record is very anti gun that has effected everyone of us that owns guns.
anyone that votes for Obama is voting their firearm rights away. You may be foolish enought to not believe this, but then again I have not seen you show any good common sense so I can expect it of you to be a dupe.
Do not come back and give me the B.S. about the supreme court will protect our firearm rights like Hdude does. All Obama has to do is replace one conservative judge with one liberal one and we will have a majority on that bench that does not believe that the 2nd. amendment applies to civilians and will make new law on firearm ownership.
Then again if you are one of those closet anti gun liberals. just ignore this and carry on and vote for your hero, you just may deserve him!
Rus, you better re-read what you posted Obama said and disect it a little further. Chicago has some of the most strick guns laws along with N.Y. and Washington D.C and it has not curb violent crime. Might make you wonder what new laws Obama feels it will take to protect those school children he talked about.
As for me, I have a very good idea that his new laws will effect the honest law abiding gun owner based on his prior voting record on gun control issues.

Aren't there gun laws in place right now? What is wrong with not allowing a convicted felon to own a weapon? Does a convicted felon have the right to own a gun? What exactly do you rightys think we should do about inner city gun violence? I am confused at what you guys really want. I have a feeling your answers will all be hysteria driven. Huh chicken littles?
ziggy, yes there are gun laws in place now, but many or dumb or useless. Convicted felons shouldn't be allowed to have guns, and either should criminals that have yet to be caught, but that has NOTHING to do with making it harder for a law abiding citizen from having ANY gun he/she wants. As for the inner cities, Washington DC has had the strictest gun laws in the nation for the last 20 years. They also have among the highest crime rates in the nation. Gun laws don't affect the criminals, they just punish honest citizens. When will you liberal feel good so lets act pin heads get it?

To rid you of confusion, yeah right your a liberal, what I 'want' in regards to gun rights is to follow the CONSTITUTION! Get it now?


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Addict,Ziggy,Russy and Dude you don't have a clue. I'm tired of talking to the wall. I was raised a Democrat, both my parents were Democrats. When I started to vote I voted Democratic almost everytime. Then I started looking at the platforms for both parties. The Dems are for more and bigger government, more federal programs more welfare programs more handouts, pro abortion and pro gun control and higher taxes to pay for all this. I want less government, less handouts, no government sponsored murder of babies and for sure no gun control. Vote em in boys but don't come whining to me after you pay higher taxes and lose your guns, you did it not me.
Pro you're not able to retain information long enough to remember what I said. I said I hire Mexicans and I do it 100% by the law, a few months later the SS dept sends me a notice that they're illegal. at that time they're long gone and if they weren't I'd have to fire them, not turn them in no that would require somebody to do something I'm just supposed to deny them work so they move on or steal for a living. some of them are legal and some aren't, they all have cards, if I said no you don't get a job cause you look like a Mexican and a wet back at that where would I be? in big trouble with the labor dept., you're to dense to see how this whole fiasco works but like the government you want me to fix it.

This won't be a problem if McSame and Palin get in, McSame wants to put them at the front of the line to become citezens. sweet, then they can vote and get on welfare. man you and your boy got this one figured out just great. now we'll see if you and your kids will do the work they did, my guess is NO.
Pretty pompous aren't you? I have put in my share of hours on the farm for little/no pay from my parents. I'll put up my work load growing up against yours ANY DAY ANY TIME! My kids as well. We ran 1000 acres w/o ANY illegals EVER being employed. You can make all the LAME excuses you want, but you KNOW when you hire illegals 99% of the time. Typical liberal shuck the blame mantra.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.

I will try to answer your questions in a manner that even you may be able to comprehend.
None of us have champion the idea of "ex-felons" being able to possess firearms. In fact it is just the reverse. we feel that being convicted of a felony means that felons should lose certain rights for life. One of them is owning or having possesion of any firearm. Even the NRA has pushed and advocated this belief.

The majority of recent gun laws have penalized the honest citizen and not the criminal, but it's author, your local politician, can claim he is all for curbing violent crime when he knows his bill is usless in reducing crime.

Believe it or not, most states have more then enought gun laws on the books that would curb violent crime if the law was used the way it was intended too. A very good example is the law referred to as "use a gun, go to prison" that about every state has in it's penal code.

This law was intended for harsh punishment of any ex-felon that uses a firearm in any crime or even gets caught with a gun in his possesion. This law, in most states, demands that the ex-felon is given an additional 5 years of prison time over the time he gets for the crime he was convicted of when he used the gun. Most states say that this added sentence must be served for the intire sentence, no parole or probation to be granted.

Guess What??? This law is rarely used. It is severe enought that most felons will agree to a plea bargain and plead guilty to the robbery or rape if the local politician, your local District Attorney, will drop the "use of a firearm" charge and they save money-time by not having to go to a jury trial. If you do not believe this, take the time to go down to your local court house and check the records for felons arrested for a crime with a firearm use charge, then check to see what their final conviction was in court. It just may piss you off to relize how many violent felons are returned to the streets in a very short time due to this plea bargain. You may also be surprised that the NRA has promoted this law in many states. But after passage it has been gutted by our politicians in office.

Now what has this "use a gun, go to prison" law have to do with violent gangs that are committing most of our homicides in major cities and even rural areas, including drive by shootings.

It is a known fact among law enforcement that most gang members caught with a gun have already been convicted of a felony. Just catching that felon with a gun in a traffic stop means he should go to prison for at lease 5 years for the simple fact he had a gun with him. As for the gangbanger who is not a felon, but commits a shooting in a driveby, he also comes under this law for using a gun in a commission of another crime, such as ADW or attempted homicde or firing into a inhabited building. This means he gets sentenced for 5 years plus the time for the original crime. If he is a teenager, he would be sent to a juvenile facility until he is 21 years old. Guess what, it almost never happens due to a liberal soft on crime D.A. and court system that drops the gun clause law to avoid that so called expensive jury trial.

Now if you still do not believe this, I want you research "project exile" that was used in Richmond, Va. which is a suburb of Washington D.C.

They had some of the most restrictive guns laws on the books that even prevented most citizens from having a handgun in the home or any firearm in a place of business. Guess what??? They were also known as the "Murder capital" of the world by the FBI stats on homicide and violent crimes.
After all these useless new gun laws, that penalized the citizens, the criminals ignored the gun laws, they finally got their collectived moron heads together and figured out for themselfs that new guns laws, even confiscation of all firearms would not work. Remember that criminals will not turn in their guns, only law abiding citizens. They decided they had to seek a new route, they remember that law on the books that was favored by the NRA and decided to try it. They got the law enforcement agencies, the District Attorney office, and the judges together and came up with "Project Exile".
What they did was to use the law as it was intended to be used and advocated by the NRA as a law to punish the criminal and not the honest citizen. They charged all criminals, if it applied, with the "use a gun, go to prison" law and stopped it being plea bargain off and sent the criminals to the max time in prison. Most were gangbangers that were dope peddlers and doing most of the violent crime in that area. They also took some heat from the liberals for "racial profiling" because most of those gangbangers were Afro-American. The word got out on the streets to the criminals to not get caught in Richmond with a gun or you are history and it worked!

If I remember right, their crime stats took a sharp dive and homicides went down by 65-70% in the first year or two. Do the research yourself, I would not want you to feel that this conservative minded guy was snowballing you with right wing B.S.
It has been over 6-7 years since I researched this project and I do not know if Richmond is still applying it or if they have gone back to the old ways due to constraints.

Now you will say, if it is that easy, why don't most other areas do the same and we can watch the violent crime rate plunge into the basement. I will tell you why, "MONEY, AND LOTS OF IT TO BUILD MORE PRISONS TO LOCK UP THOSE VERY VIOLENT CRIMINALS".
Our politicians prefer to use our money for other projects, instead of our safety which takes a backseat unless we yell enough and threaten to vote the bums out if they do not do something as the citizens in Richmond, VA. did after seeing usless gun law after more usless gun laws fail.
I brought this very same project to the attention of our local politicians, while I was a detective Sgt. and it fell on deaf ears except for one local county supervisor. It seems there is a under lying push to keep this under the table by our politicians from the county level to the state level and Federal gov. due to the cost and other factors that are not dear to most liberals and also the GOP has to shoulder some blame for not pushing it at the Federal level.

Now if you do not mind, I am tired of typing and it is up to you to do the research and try to make some adjustments in your thinking about positive Vs. negative gun laws that our politicians try to cram down our throats under the diguise of curbing violent crime in our country.

RELH, thats a little too much for Ziggy to comprehend. Use small words and don't type so fast then maybe he can keep up. The NRA is the biggest proponent ( thats someone that is for something for you Ziggy) of higher penalties for firearm related crime. They push for higher manditory jail time for gun related crimes. They don't fight to protect the right of criminals to own guns on the contrary they want to put them away longer. The NRA is an organization determined to fight for the right of ordinary citizens to own firearms, and if you don't get that then your dumber than you type. I'll type this real slow so you can keep up- THE NRA IS WATCHING OUT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO OWN GUNS AND BE ABLE TO USE THEM. What about that don't you understand? Name any other organization that is doing that for you, come on name at least one. Dude say's its the Supreme Court, or the second ammendment. If the Supreme Court rules that the second amendment only guarantees the right of a state to form militias and it is not an individual right your screwed. And they can go back and change a ruling don't kid yourself. Go back and read it again real slow Ziggy before you respond cause I want you to get the real message in there. The NRA is good for law abiding citizens that own firearms and bad for crimials that commit crimes with a firearm. RELH, PRO, 1911 and mortgageman nice to here from someone with a little common sense.
I'll ask again rather than whining at me for following the law why don't you get a system in place where I can call them in and get them picked up once the SS dept contacts me? even if I were a detective and busted them the next ranch down the road is going to hire them anyway because it's legal you pin head. there's not a damn thing I can do when I know for a fact I'm looking at an illegal, in fact there's a trailer park in town full of them and nobody gives a crap. maybe if I don't hire anyone who might be a rapist or a car thief I can cure those crimes as well? see if I knew that about them I could get them busted, get it? nobody gives a crap but you want me to fix it.

By the way if you had a clue what you were talking about you'd know you can't tell by looking or talking to them who's a wetback, I've had numbers come back fake on guys I'd have bet $100 were born in the US and ones I would have bet were illegal pass. when you come pick garlic next summer I'll put you in charge of the who's a wet back game and you can figure it out, but any racial discrimination suits are on you.

By the way you didn't say if you liked your boy's amnesty plan or not? lets make them all legal then they can sponsor their 45 kids and 56 brothers and sisters to come up then they can all get on welfare and vote. what a plan.
Yikes! I head out scouting for the weekend and all heck breaks loose on the forum. Sarcasm sure goes a long way in getting the "Righties" all riled up. Things are getting tense as election time draws near I guess... 9 days left ladies and gents...

Many questions will soon be answered: 1. will the first (1/2)Black man/"Terrrist" be elected Pres? 2. Will the Maverick be elected and give the Righties the "Mojo" for 4-8 More years.

Hold onto your seats. This is going to be an exciting finish!

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