Obamas fleeing Chicago.


Long Time Member
Well it looks like the black American community organizer is fleeing his fellow black Americans. He is not going to return to Chicago to help his black community, instead he is buying a 15 million dollar mansion at Martha's Vineyard so he can rub shoulders with the rich white elite.
That man was a con job from the get go and will always be. FTW is too damn dumb to see it as he voted for him twice and still loves him.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-19 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]Comey and McCabe will be doing his yard.....Peter Strock his butler and Lisa Paige the maid.......

I do not think that Obama would want sleepy Joe as his chauffeur as he knows more then anybody else that sleepy Joe is a an accident waiting to happen.

Eel, I have a funny feeling that a lot of black Americans feel the same way you do about Obama. Maxine waters and Al Sharpton are two more that have screwed over their people.

I wonder if his husband Michelle, is proud to be American now.
He's worth $40 million, mostly from "book sales", that nobody read. The American dream is alive and well.


Yeah and I'm sure Mitch didn't get his $25m in the last couple years by inventing aluminum for his KY plant. Oh wait, that's the Russian's who footed the $200M for this state. I forgot. Sorry.
$20'000'000 isn't nearly enough to own and maintain a $14,500,000 house......property taxes are at least $500,000 a year...maintanance more....

>$20'000'000 isn't nearly enough to own
>and maintain a $14,500,000 house......property
>taxes are at least $500,000
>a year...maintanance more....

+1...?.That's on top of a home in Rancho Mirage, Hawaii, & Washington D.C.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-19 AT 11:46PM (MST)[p]Obama used the backs of his people in Chicago to gain the Senate seat. Then conned his way into the white house and became a multi-millionaire and pissed on the very people that put him on the path he took.
Idiots like cheesedick praise him and bend over to kiss his butt and do not figure out how they were conned. Idiots of the highest order and too stupid to know the difference.


Obama was living in a trailer too?

I'm glad he's spending your campaign donations the right way.


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